English 336/Dr. A. Smith
Paper #2--Comparison/Contrast
Due Date for Revision/Editing Workshop
(bring original and two copies): Thursday, January 4, 2001
Due Date for Final Draft/Essay Packet: Tuesday, January 9, 2001
Write an out-of-class comparison/contrast essay on one of the topics from class, narrowing one of the following general topics we discussed in class down to a focused specific topic and workable thesis:
Topic #1: compare/contrast Uncle Charlie and his niece Charlie
Topic #2: compare/contrast the internal conflicts Uncle Charlie or his niece have
(i.e., Uncle Charlie the charmer vs. Uncle Charlie the killer)
Topic #3: compare/contrast yourself with one or more characters in “Shadow of a
This assignment, an out-of-class paper, will be evaluated on how effective your introduction is, how original and interesting your focus is, how well you organize the entire essay and individual internal paragraphs, how effectively you describe your topic through primary and secondary support (details), and how well the overall paper is edited for grammar, mechanics, and spelling. Since this is a comparison/contrast paper assignment, be sure that you understand your method of organization and stick to it throughout the paper.
You will be given class time for a revision/editing workshop; you need to make sure that you take this workshop quite seriously before turning in your paper for grading. Bring the original and two copies of the best draft you can to the workshop on Thursday, January 4th.
When you turn in your final draft, you also need to turn in all the drafts and supporting materials: Journal #3, the copies of the draft that were revised/edited in class on January 4th, the comment sheets from the revision/editing workshop, and your essay cover sheet (given to you on January 4th). Not turning in each of these materials is a 5% penalty on the total grade, so be careful about putting together your essay packet.
Make sure your paper is double-spaced, has one-inch margins, is in a dark 10 or 12-point print, and has the following title block at the top of the right side of the paper:
Your Name
English 336/Dr. Smith
Paper #2
Not following any of the presentation guidelines for turning in this paper will drop your total essay grade by 5%, so be careful with presenting your file to me for grading.
☺Make a serious effort to provide the best paper you can for the revision/editing workshop.