English 2Killing Mr. Griffin Study Guide Winter 2012

English 2Killing Mr. Griffin Study Guide Winter 2012

Name______Block: ______Mann

English 2Killing Mr. Griffin Study Guide Winter 2012

Chapters 1-4

  1. Journal Entry #1: Explain what qualities make a good teacher and compare those to the qualities that make a bad teacher. Connect your thoughts to a real-life example of a good teacher (but change the names to protect the innocent!).


  1. Look closely at the opening three paragraphs. Identify2 examples ofimagery in these paragraphs. Analyze how your imagery examples add to a feeling of suspense


  1. Explain how Lois Duncan shows that Mr. Griffin is reliable, challenging, and serious teacher. Then explain how he is also shown as uncompromising, and stern. Include evidence from the text.


  1. Identify some basic plot points: Why did Mark and Lana break up? Why did Mark fail English the first time? (provide details with pg. numbers)


  1. Describe Jeff and Mark’s friendship: (provide details with pg. numbers).


  1. Describe Mark’s plan—List his thoughts (with page numbers):


  1. Analyze the reasoning for choosing Susan as a decoy: (You must first know what a decoy is!). Is this a good idea? Explain your thinking!


  1. The term sadistic means taking pleasure in another’s pain. To which character would the word apply? Draw your conclusion based on evidence from the text.


  1. Journal entry #2-Explain what you believe motivates people to murder.Critique the different reasons you believe exist for murder. (You may want to consider the following questions as you develop your thoughts: Are there some cases in which murder is ever justifiable? Why or why not and when? Are there times when killing another person is *not* murder? Why or why not?)______
  1. List each major character. Explain (with specific details) the role of each high school character’s role in the kidnapping plot. Identify each character’s reasons for going along with the plot. Predict the success or failure of each character in his/her role (and your reason for thinking this!).


13. Why is Susan so happy at the end of Chapter 4?


Chapters 5-8

  1. Journal entry #3 - People are often motivated to do things out of love for another person. Distinguish between a time when love can motivate someone to do something wrong or even evil and a time when love can motivesomeone to do something positive. You may choose discuss something you know from your life or you can use your imagination. ______
  1. Describe Mr. Griffin’s wife (give at least three different personality traits or pieces of information about her). What things surprise you about her and/or her relationship with Mr. Griffin?______
  1. Take what you know about Mr. Griffin and use it to predict what you think he did before he taught high school English? Why do you think he is such a strict teacher?______
  1. Identify Mrs. Irma Ruggles (Gram). Who is she? What does she do? Prove her importance to the story?______
  1. Describe the surprising thing David does for Gram.Analyze how this shows something is happening in David’s life that is influencing him to make the changes he is making.


  1. Identify who Betsy’s mother believes Betsy is with. List three (3) way Betsy arranges for her mother to think this.

Name: ______

  1. ______
  2. ______
  3. ______
  1. Name the source of David’s tranquillizers. Recall how they were to be used.


  1. Describe the “wrench” Susan puts into the plan. How does she react to the kidnapping?______
  1. IdentifyBetsy’s reasons forparticipating in the kidnapping plan? (It was more than her not liking Mr. Griffin)


  1. Describe what Betsy finds on the path and Jeff’s reaction to it.


  1. Retell what happens while the kids have Mr. Griffin tied up. Assess Betsy and Mark’s treatment of Mr. Griffin.


  1. Retell Susan’s conversation with David. What does Susan talk David into doing? Include at least three (3) other things they talked about. ______
  1. Identify who Mr. Griffin reminds David of. Summarize the ways they are similar (both what he says and what you might assume from his profession).


  1. Report Susan’s reaction when she sees Mr. Griffin. Tell what they discover when they find him.


  1. Journal entry #4 –Plans often don’t go quite as they are planned. Describe a time when something you planned didn’t come off quite as it was supposed to. Analyze what went wrong, how you could have planned differently or what you could have done (or did do) to keep damage to a minimum.

Chapters 9-12

  1. Identify the character the group believes has all the answers. Explain why they think this. Use specific examples to prove your thoughts.10. Identify who Mr. Griffin reminds David of. Summarize the ways they are similar.


  1. Explain why Sue wants to ask for help? Assessher choice for who will help them.Identify who Mr. Griffin reminds David of. Summarize the ways they are similar.


  1. Analyze Mark’s concern when he hears the news.Identify who Mr. Griffin reminds David of. Summarize the ways they are similar.


  1. Mark is an intelligent young man. What pieces of evidence can you use to prove this? He also makes mistakes. Construct an argument detailing the flaws in his planning. Be sure to talk about how their ages as a convincing factor has changed in his analysis.


  1. Relate how Mark rationalizes (explains away) Mr. Griffin’s death? Does Mark’s dad figure into this? Why or why not?


  1. Identify and explain the ironyabout David’s grandmother’s description of “going to sleep like Snow White?”______
  1. ExplainSusan’s motive for telling the police that Mr. Griffin seemed nervous during their meeting after school? Analyze how she feels about telling this lie. ______
  1. Explain why Jeff argues with Betsy while David digs the grave?Cite evidence for David’s reason for leaving his jacket in the grave. ______
  1. Analyze Mark’s behavior during the “funeral”. What conclusions can you draw about him? ______
  1. Explain why Mark wants Betsyto drive Mr. Griffin’s car to the airport? ______
  1. Identifythe final step in their alibi before they go home. Explain why one person has been excluded from this part of the plan. ______
  1. Predict how the police officer at the airport knewBetsy? What impact do you think this will have on the plot.______
  1. Journal Entry #5: Lies—cheating is this way of life for young adults? Create an argument for why you think American culture has become so used to lies and untruthful behaviors in everyone from celebrities and politicians to every day interactions with ordinary people.


Chapters 13-16

  1. Trace the changes in Susan, especially in how she sees her family. ______
  1. Explain who goes to visit Susan at her house. Why? Describe the lie that is revealed during this visit.


  1. Identify the lie Mark tells Mrs. Griffin. ______
  1. David is meeting with someone. Identify that person. List the evidence Grandma Ruggles has to prove David is changing or, at least, has been lying.______
  1. Lana turns in a piece of evidence to the police and provides another clue for them. Identify those two (2) things and explain how they are important.


  1. Identify the two (2) items that are missing when Mr. Griffin’s body is found.______
  1. Create an argument for the following: Should Susan go to the funeral? Why or why not?______
  1. Identify the lies Mark has told about his family. ______
  1. Make a list of the things Jeff’s mom dislikes about Mark. ______
  1. Identify the irony about the statement made by Mr. Garrett, “You can tell Mark’s got a crush on Betsy but what girl would like twice at him with Jeff around?______
  1. Journal Entry #6: Patterns—are they repeated? Are these characters trapped by their past? Are they all destined to repeat previous errors made by their parents? Or is there something else being suggested? Be specific and detailed as you analyze the patterns you identify in this story. Do you believe the author believes the pasts of the average American come back to “haunt” them or trap them into a way of life? Give examples from the story to support your arguments.


Chapters 17-18

  1. Explain why was Susan alone in the house?______
  1. Identify what Betsy wants Susan to dofor her?______
  1. Explain why Betsy and Jeff did not stop at David’s house?______
  1. Susan has to call David. Explain her reason for calling. Retell what she learns when she calls David’s house and her suspicions about who caused it to happen.______
  1. Analyze Jeff’s and Betsy’s reactions when Susan tells them of her suspicions.Why do you think they react that way?Explain how this is the climax of the novel.______

You may choose to answer Number 6 OR number 7. You do not have to choose both.

  1. Analyzehow and why Mark can be considered a psychopath or a sociopath. (Look up definitions if you need to). Retrace his actions in this light and present an argument for either side. You must use examples from the story and the definition(s) of either or both diagnoses. ______
  1. Analyze how Ophelia’s song sums up the story. What truths about life does it reveal? What truths about specific characters? Compare and Contrast the message (or theme) of both.


  1. Journal #7:Revenge, Peer pressure, responsibility and consequences are all major themes in the novel Killing Mr. Griffin. Choose one of these big ideas and explain what the novel has to teach readers about the idea. ______