English 200: Literature of the Harlem Renaissance

Peer Critique Sheet for Web Project Draft


Your Name:

Web Page URL:


Your Name:

Comments on Content

  1. Does the critical analysis section of the Web site include an argument about how a selected theme or motif functions in one chapter of Their Eyes Were Watching God? State the writer’s thesis in your own words below and comment on whether the argument is clear and defendable.
  2. Overall, does the critical analysis provide a well-supported argument regarding how the theme functions? Where does the writer support his or her argument well and where could he/she do so more effectively? If the writer cites text, has he or she connected that text to a specific argument?
  3. Does each paragraph of the critical analysis have a clear connection to the thesis and to the preceding and following paragraphs? Why or why not?
  4. Can you identify the topic of each paragraph in the critical analysis? Why or why not?
  5. If the writer has completed an annotated passage, does his or her commentary provide insight into the passage? Do the annotations support or expand upon the ideas explored in the critical analysis?
  6. Does the writer use links and images effectively? Do you know what information you will get from each link?
  7. Does the “about this site” section clearly introduce the purpose of the site?
  8. Overall, what are the main strengths and weaknesses of the author’s site?

Comments on Design

  1. Does the site have a coherent design (consistent navigation and color scheme throughout, placement of text and images similar throughout the site, consistent font throughout the site)? Why or why not?
  2. Is the design pleasing overall? Why or why not?
  3. Is it easy to get around the site? Do all of the navigational elements work? If not, indicate which ones don’t work.
  4. Do all of the links function? If not, indicate which ones don’t work.
  5. Does the author provide viewers with a way to contact him or her about the site?
  6. Does the author credit the sources of his or her images or of any text taken from other sites?

Overall Comment

What should the writer focus on as he or she revises the site?