English 12Roy C. Ketcham High School
Ms. Sutton 2016-2017
Office Phone: (845) 298-5100 x 31158
Dear Students and Parents:
It is with great pleasure that I welcome you to your final year of English and your final year of high school! I am thrilled to be working with all of you and eagerly look forward to an intellectually stimulating year! Over the course of the year, we will use our time to prepare for college- and career-level writing. We will focus on critical thinking challenging ourselves to always strive to reach the next level.
Participation is crucial to the success of our class. For me, it is the most important part of what you do in the classroom setting. Without the full participation of each and every member of the class, we cannot have discussions at the level necessary for a successful year.
Communication is also of the utmost importance. To aid in communication, I maintain a website that has the class calendar, homework assignments, and other information that might be helpful. Please check the web site frequently for updates. If you are having difficulty with any part of the class or if you just need some clarification or moral support, please come and talk to me. When I’m not teaching, I can usually be found in the English Office. I stay after nearly every day (check first to make sure). I am also available by email.
Again, I’m really looking forward to working with you!
Ms. Sutton
Syllabus 2016-2017
English 12
Code: E670 Full Year (12) (1 credit) (rank weight 1.0)
Prerequisite: passed English 11
This course will explore the American experience to create an understanding of how major cultural events/movements of the last century have produced modern American culture. While the emphasis will be on literature and writing, the curriculum also addresses art, film, social movements and the historical context that shape them.
Course Concept: Definition and development of self
Essential Question:
How does art, literature, media and music influence the 20th Century American experience?
Areas of Study Include:
• A college/personal essay
• Research project
• Plagiarism avoidance
• Career exploration
• Public speaking
• Critical thinking, reading, and writing
• Listening activities and exercises
• Oral presentations
• Literary terms and devices
• Vocabulary from literature
• Grammar
• Literature and art of major periods and cultural movements of 20th century
• Presentation of various projects
Core Literature:
• Hamlet
• Death of a Salesman
• I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings (selections)
• The Things They Carried (selections)
• A Room of One’s Own
• Various poetry, short stories and essays
Common Core Units of Study: Utopia/Dystopia, Career Unit
Brave New World
Fahrenheit 451
Short Stories
Poems, Lyrics, Art Work, Research Project
News articles, Essays, Non-fiction pieces
Assessment: final exam will be determined by the research project.
For info on the NYS English Language Arts Standards & Core Curriculum see
5 Simple Guidelines for a Successful Year
1. General Classroom Procedure:
Be in your seat and ready to begin class before the late bell rings.
Anyone who arrives late please walk into class quietly and sign the clipboard. Three signatures equals one detention. Failure to sign the clipboard will result in immediate detention.
You will see the assignment for the day on the board. Please take out the appropriate books, papers, etc. and begin the assignment.
Please maintain attention during lessons, announcements, and presentations by classmates.
All essays and research projects will be submitted to
A word about attendance: “The secret to most of life is just showing up.” Be Here and Be On Time. Absenteeism is the #1 cause of failure; therefore you need to be here as often as humanly possible.
Daily materials you will need:
1-inch 3-ring binder with loose-leaf for class notes
Blue or Black ink pens
all relevant handouts organized in the 3-ring binder (occasional surprise quiz grades for showing these items)
our current text
Beginning of the year contributions for extra credit. Please bring in no more than one of each of the following to make our class run smoothly for the rest of the year:
1 box of tissues
1 pack of pens
1 pack of loose leaf paper to share with the class
2. “Time waits for no man.” Understand That This Class Moves Forward Whether You Are Present or Not. When you are absent, you are responsible to find out what you missed and to make up that work in a timely fashion. Check the class notebook to find out what lessons/quizzes/tests/homework assignments you missed and to pick up any missed handouts. Homework is due on the day of your return with the exception of extenuating circumstances (discussed with me). Quizzes and tests must be made up within one week.
Homework Policy: I do not accept late homework.
Major Assignment Late Work Policy: Our class will follow the English Department’s Late Work Policy. Final essays and major assignments will be penalized 10 points per day.
3. Be Responsible. You are responsible for managing your progress and grades. Always be aware of your assignments, due dates, and work owed. Each quarter your grade will be weighted as follows:
10%Class Participation
The final course grade consists of your average of the four quarters plus the final exam grade (50% senior thesis project and 50% portfolio).
4. Communicate. If you are having trouble with ANYTHING, please see me or e-mail me. If you need extra help, I am available after school by appointment. I stay after nearly every day. If you are having a bad day, please come and talk to me. I can usually be found in the English office.
5. Behaviors to Avoid.
Disrespect. No one ever gets anywhere with a bad attitude.
Sleeping in class: No explanation necessary. It will result in a ZERO participation grade. If you are ill or if you had a rough night, please go to see the nurse or speak with me if you feel comfortable.
Inappropriate conversations: Some topics are not appropriate for our classroom.
The Cell Phone or other devices: Learn discretionKeep it hidden and turned off.
Being a Blob: This class will only be as fun and interesting as the people in this room.
Participate enthusiastically!! It’s going to be a fabulous year for all of us!!
Do you love to write? Do you love to create art?
Consider joining (or contributing to) the school’s award-winning literary magazine! We meet on Thursdays after school until 3:30 pm when the late bus leaves.
Listen for themes! Officer positions available!
Odyssey Literary Magazine
Please detach and return by Monday, Sept. 12, 2016 (On time or early = First Homework Credit!):
I/We have read this handout and will encourage (our/my child) (my student) (myself) to do (his/her) (my) best in class:
(Student - PRINT NAME NEATLY)(Parent/Guardian Signature)
(Student - SIGNATURE)(Teacher)