Study Guide

English 12Literature Test 8A Tale of Two Cities

  1. What message did Jarvis Lorry give to Jerry Cruncher on the Dover Road?
  1. In Chapter One, Dickens writes, “It was clear to the lords of the state preserves of loaves and fishes that things in general were settled forever.” What does this mean?
  1. What does the spilled wine symbolize?
  1. What did Mr. Lorry dream about in the chapter entitled “The Night Shadows”?
  1. Describe the atmosphere inside of the stage coach on the Dover Road.
  1. What symbol or image is associated with Lucie Manette?
  1. How would you describe Tellson’s bank?
  1. How do Lucie’s feelings change during her first meeting with her father?
  1. Why is Dr. Manette locked in a secluded room in the wine shop?
  1. Who are the spectators at the trial?
  1. Describe Sydney Carton’s interaction with Mr. Lorry in the Bailey Courtroom?
  1. What metaphor does Dickens use to describe the crowd at the Old Bailey during the trial?
  1. What animal does Charles Dickens compare Sydney Carton to in the novel?

Page Two

English 12Literature Test 8A Tale of Two Cities

  1. What was the single most important factor in the verdict of Darnay’s trial for treason?
  1. What fact(s) are revealed about John Barsad in the trial at the Old Bailey?
  1. In the chapter entitled “Monsiegneurin Town,” What image does the author try to create in describing the people who attend the reception (party)?
  1. What comment does Defarge make to Gaspard after Gaspard’s son is killed?
  1. The echoes of the footsteps heard by Lucie at the Manette home are supposed to represent what?
  1. In the chapter entitled, “The Jackal,” Charles Dickens gives plenty of detail about Carton and Stryver as they are working on cases in Stryver’s chambers. What feelings about the two characters does this detail create for the average reader?
  1. Who talks Stryver into waiting to propose to Lucie?
  1. Who informs the Marquis that someone is hanging on and riding under his carriage?
  1. When Stryver informs Carton that he intends to marry Lucie, how does Carton react?
  1. What does Darnay tell his uncle at their meeting?
  1. What does Sydney Carton say to Lucie?
  1. Carton’s comments to Lucie are representative of what theme of the novel?

Page Three

English 12Literature Test 8A Tale of Two Cities

  1. What is the promise made in the chapter entitled “Two Promises”?
  1. How does Lucie feel about Caron?
  1. How does Dr. Manette react when Charles first comes to tell him about his love for Lucie?
  1. Briefly describe Jerry Cruncher’s fishing activities.
  1. What happens to Dr. Manette shortly after Lucie and Charles are married?
  1. Where does Jerry Cruncher attempt to find Roger Cly?
  1. What news did Barsad bring to the Defarges in his visit to the wine shop?
  1. How does Mr. Lorry help Dr. Manette after Lucie’s marriage?
  1. How does Madame Defarge let her husband and the wine shop patrons know that there is a spy in the room?
  1. What do the Defarges do as the revolution begins?
  1. What is Lucie’s reaction to Charles’ disparagement of Carton?
  1. Where do the members of the wealthy class send their money when conditions in France deteriorate?
  1. What happens to Gaspard?

Page Four

English 12Literature Test 8A Tale of Two Cities

  1. What does Carton’s interaction with the seamstress reveal?
  1. Name a symbol of the revolution.
  1. For what reason does Charles decide to return to Paris?
  1. Charles has a reason for returning to Paris, a second time. What does his return say about his character and values?
  1. What do the mender of roads and the shaggy haired stranger who walked into town do in the village on the night of the stranger’s arrival?
  1. Describe the conflict that Mr. Lorry faces when Lucie and the others arrive in Paris.
  1. What noise disturbs Mr. Lorry as he works in the Paris branch of Tellson’s?
  1. What is Darnay Thinking as he travels the road to Paris?
  1. Why is Lucie facing danger when waiting on the corner for Charles to see her from prison?
  1. When Charles is in LaForce the first time, how does Dr. Manette Act?
  1. How does Carton secure the aid of John Barsad?
  1. What convinced the tribunal to set Charles free?

Page Five

English 12Literature Test 8A Tale of Two Cities

  1. How does Mr. Lorry react to Jerry Cruncher’s revelation about his other job?
  1. What does the old piece of writing from Dr. Manette, that Defarge found in 105 North tower, reveal?

Character Name/ TermDefinitions

Mr. Stryver

Jerry Cruncher

“Newly born, sharp female”

The Vengeance


St. Antoine

“The Captain”

Monsieur Gabelle

The Jacquerie

Old Foulon


Jerry Cruncher