English 12 Merit – Studies in Composition

> Contact Information

Kelly H. HeadleyPam Bator

E-mail: -mail:

Phone: 240.236.7501Phone: 240.236.7430

> Introduction

  1. Welcome to English 12 Merit, Studies in Composition. This course will place anemphasis is on the refinement of writing skills and techniques. Literary works and excerpts are used as models and sources for writing based on student needs and backgrounds. Students learn how to develop ideas thoroughly, to organize complex concepts at the essay, paragraph, and sentence levels, to make effective tone and other stylistic choices, and to use language fluently. Students will produce a variety of expository, persuasive, and narrative compositions while demonstrating an awareness of audience, purpose, and form using the stages of the writing process: pre-writing, drafting, revising, editing, and publishing. Students will also identify and apply the skills of cover letter/resume/college application writing. Students will also identify and apply the primary skills of literary analysis while composing independent compositions and reading widely from selected works of both fiction and nonfiction World Literature.

Course Objectives

  • Produce expository, persuasive, and narrative writing while applying the various elements of the writing process.
  • Write independently for an extended period of time to produce at least five final products in different writing contexts.
  • Analyze and evaluate how the various literary elements are used for specific rhetorical and aesthetic purposes in both nonfiction and fiction.
  • Develop key ideas in support of a thesis while utilizing clear research questions and coherent research methodology.
  • Self-edit and revise writing using knowledge of Standard English conventions of language.

Grading Policy

All class assignments—essays, journal entries, timed writings, tests, quizzes, classroom work, homework, major compositions, etc.—are assigned a specific point value. Grades are determined by dividing the total points possible into the actual points earned. The resulting percentage is then placed on the Frederick County Grading Scale.

Note: The CRES Grade for English 12: Studies in Composition is based on your Final Showcase Portfolio, which consists of the following:

  1. 5 final, revised essays representing a variety of writing forms to include primarily persuasive and expository writing
  2. Timed Writings
  3. Research Paper and Drug Unit
  4. No new pieces of writing may be introduced in your Showcase Portfolio. Essays not completed in class will become a 0 and averaged into your final CRES grade.

TAC Grade Grades: Regularly monitor your progress online via our grading website. (

Make-up Work: It is the student’s responsibility to obtain and/or make up any and all class assignments. All make-up assignments are due on the date indicated on the make-up contract. A contract must be submitted in order to determine a legal absence. Class assignments that are not made up will revert to a grade of “0”.

Late Work: A 10% per day reduction will be assessed for late work that is not homework. No late homework will be accepted.

Cell Phone Etiquette: Your cell phone should either be placed face down on your desk or be out of sight. Use of cell phones for any reason during as assessment of any sort will result in a 0 for the assignment/quiz/test.

Academic Dishonesty: Students may not give or receive unauthorized aid on any assignment. Students will be held to the expectations and actions included in the MHS Honor Code found in the Student Handbook.

> Tutoring

Extra help is available after school, Tuesday through Thursday, until 2:45. Students are encouraged to seek help at any time during the semester – before, during or after class. Do not hesitate to ask for help.

> Instructional Materials

o3 ring notebook and loose leaf paper and pencils and/or blue or black pens

oExpository Composition (textbook)

oThe Color Purple (novel)

oOthello (play)

oA Streetcar Named Desire (play)

oThe Catcher in the Rye

Note: Damaged or lost textbooks/school-owned materials become the obligation of the student/parent. A replacement fee will be charged.

> Classroom Procedures

  1. Tardiness: Detention will be issued after 3 tardies during the marking period, and for each tardy after the third. Please note that a tardy includes walking into the class as the bell rings. You should be seated and ready to learn at that point.
  2. Place your trash in a receptacle; converting trash into a projectile aimed at the receptacle is not appropriate.
  3. Be polite; paying attention to the teacher during instruction will increase your understanding of the material.
  4. Follow the teacher’s instructions.
  5. The only food or drink acceptable in class is water.
  6. Writing on or otherwise defacing the desks, books, or any other school property is prohibited.
  7. Use appropriate language.
  8. Remain seated until the bell rings.
  9. Cell phones: when cell phones are not being used for instructional purposes, they are to be on the desk of the student, face down. This will ensure that the device is readily available for appropriate use.
  10. All essays, unless otherwise specified, must be typed.

> Student Expectations


Focused and alert | Bring required materials | Assigned work completed | Be in your assigned seat when the bell rings


Observe classroom safety guidelines | Honor commonalities and celebrate differences | Support and encourage classmates | Use appropriate language at appropriate times


Complete all assignments on time and with integrity | Give your best effort | Be open to feedback and capitalize on opportunities to improve

> Discipline Procedure

oWarning/conference with student

oPhone call to parent/guardian

oTeacher detention

oOffice referral

Please sign the attached agreement form and keep this syllabus document for your record

> Syllabus Agreement

Please read the following statement and sign below. Return to [insert name] by [insert date].

I have read and fully understand the course syllabus, including my responsibilities in regards to grading policies, checking grades online, course requirements, materials and classroom expectations.



Print NameSignature



Print NameSignature

> Contact Information

Parent/Guardian 1



Home Phone: ______

Work Phone: ______

___ You are free to contact me at work and may leave a voicemail if I am unavailable.

___ Please try reaching me at home or through e-mail first; avoid calling me at work unless absolutely necessary.

___ I have signed up for class text messaging/e-mail notifications via Remind101.com.

___ I chose to opt out of class text messaging/e-mail notifications via Remind101.com.

Parent/Guardian 2

Name: ______


Home Phone: ______

Work Phone: ______

___ You are free to contact me at work and may leave a voicemail if I am unavailable.

___Please try reaching me at home or through e-mail first; avoid calling me at work unless absolutely necessary.

___ I have signed up for class text messaging/e-mail notifications via Remind101.com.

___ I chose to opt out of class text messaging/e-mail notifications via Remind101.com.