CV Exercise: Problem #2

II. For the answers to each of the above give the artery/vein that leads into it. (The next larger artery/vein to which it is connected)

For example: If one of the answers above was left subclavian artery and left subclavian vein then the artery that leads into the left subclavian artery would be the aortic arch and the vein that the left subclavian vein drains blood into would be the left brachiocephalic vein.

1. R. Subclavian a. into R. axillary a./ R. axillary v. into R. subclavian v.

R cephalic v into the R. axillary v.

2. Abdominal aorta into Sup Mes a./ Sup Mes v. into hepatic portal v.

3. External iliac a. into Femoral a.

Femoral v. into the External iliac v. and

Great Saphenous into femoral v.

4. aorta into R. ovarian artery, R. ovarian v. into the inferior vena cava

5. aorta into celiac trunk and hepatic portal v. into the liver to the hepatic v.

6. L. brachial a. flows into the L. radial a.

L.radial v. flows into the L. brachial v.

L.cephalic v. flows into the L. axillary v.

7. abdominal aorta into R. suprarenal a./ R. suprarenal v. into inferior vena cava

8. internal carotid arteries and vertebral arteries flows into the Circle of Willis

Internal jugular veins flows into the brachiocephalic veins

9. thoracic aorta flows into the L. 5th intercostal a.

L. 5th intercostal v. flows into the azygos v.

10. popliteal arteries flow into the peroneal arteries

peroneal veins flow into the popliteal veins

small saphenous veins flow into the popliteal veins

11. Common iliac a. flows into the internal iliac a.

internal iliac v. flows into the common iliac v.

12. abdominal aorta flows into both the superior and inferior mesenteric a.

inferior mesenteric flows into the splenic and superior mesenteric veins flow into the hepatic portal v.

13. popliteal a. flows into posterior tibial a.

posterior tibial v. and small saphenous v. flow into the popliteal v.

great saphenous v. flows into the femoral v.

14. common carotid arteries flow into the external carotid arteries

Internal jugular veins flows into the brachiocephalic veins

15. left coronary a. into circumflex and anterior interventricular a.

right coronary a. into posterior interventricular a.

Coronary sinus into the right atrium.