English 11 Compare andContrast/Literary AnalysisRough Draft-Unit2,Lesson6Portfolio

Step1: Preparation:

Read Pages268 through 271 in WritingWith Power. Takeconstructivenotes.

Read Pages248 through 255 in American Short Stories- Ernest Hemingwayand In Another Country

Read 270 through 293-F. Scott Fitzgerald and Babylon Revisited

  • In your essay, you must demonstrateA)your knowledge of literary analysis, and B) your knowledge of compare and contrast writing.
  • Do not skip the preface pages orthe followup pages tothese works.They give youuseful informationand insights foryouroutline and essay.
  • You will fill outa form and submit it forthis portion of the assignment. The form is on page 3of this document.


Starting Point of yourcompare and contrast analysisis“Showdon’t Tell”: Youhaveoften heard me instruct, “Show,don’t

Tell!”Example: (Scenario: Sally has alousy morning, gets to school late and issuffering results of hermishaps.) See how this scenario is handled literarily, below.

•Tell(DON’T):Sallywalked into the classroom. She wasreally crabby,and she waslate. She hadn’t even combedher hair that morning. Ifthat wasn’t bad enough, shehad hurried outthe doorand steppedin apuddle thismorning,and nowher shoesandsockswere wet.Itwasa lousystart tothe day.

•Show(DO):Scowllinesetched creasesinto Sally’s young brow, as she dropped herbackpackheavilyon the floor and dropped herself intothe deskseat. Looking down with wildlystragglyhair halfcoveringherface, Sallykicked her wayward backpackunder the deskin front of her,aswaterdripped onthe floorfromher puddle soaked shoes.“Can thisdayget any worse,” Sallythought?

YourWorking Premisewill support, and then becomeyourthesisfor yourEssay. Itis: Hemingwayand Fitzgeraldare masters of “show, don’t tell.” Theydo thisthrough description, figurative language,characterization(direct and indirect), conflict (internaland external), irony, allusion, pacing, interaction betweencharacters, humor, satire….(thelist can go on - see section message board). Also, see Unit 1 overview – the SAS exercise tutorial.

Step3:Writing YourOutline and Preparing foryourEssay

Objective:Compare andcontrasttheways inwhichHemingway andFitzgerald“Show,vs.Tell,”

in the twoworks you readabove.

1.You mustbe specific.If you claimboth authorsdo “xyz,”youmust identifyit (label it) asa particular literarydevice and then support your claimwithan examplefromthe text, in “quotationmarks,” withthe pagenumber (291) properlyincluded.

2.Thismeansfor manyofyou, that you willneed togo to the section message board (or SAS) in lessonand bring up the

list ofliterary terms,andlookthemupso you are accurateinyour analysis(todemonstrate that you know whatyou are

talking about).

3.Your outline andeventual essaywillincludeno fewer than 3constructive, meaningful, well supported comparisons,and

3 constructive,meaningful,well supportedcontrasts (notjust opposites– thiswillnot be viewed favorably).

Continue on Page 2 please.

4.Your comparisonsandcontrastsmust demonstrateat leastfive(5)separate literary devices(seeabove), andyou will underline these terms in both youroutline, andin youressay. Again, your support, willbe voicedin both yourwords,and followedup bya documentedexample fromthe text (see above).Theremust be adirect correlation(relationship) between your:(Claimw/literary device)> (Your“voice”/ analysis)> (Example from the text.)[ = Synthesis]

5.Your outline willbe an MLAoutline.(See section messageboard.)

6.You willhave an introductionand conclusion.

7.You willemployallMLAstandards of writing,including flawlessspelling,capitalization,punctuation,proper grammar, correct font, and documentation. Again,your outline willbe an MLAoutline. (See section message board.)

8.WARNING WARNING! YOUWILL NOTWRITE: I amgoingto tell/showyou. I amgoing tocompare andcontrast.

And DONOT write,“There are many differences and similarities between…oranything like that. Anyone whodoes thiswillautomatically lose10% from theirgrade.

SubmissionDraft- Unit2Lesson6 (Thisiswhatyouwillsubmitandhowyouwillsubmit it.)


Copy and paste the formtoaWorddocument(.doc or .docx), anddowhat the form says.

 Saveyour completed form,Name it: 11 Compare Contrast Blueprint, and submititthrough

thedrop box as your firstsubmissionfor this assignment.



Page 3


Your Name:

Your Section:

Assignment Title:11BCompare-Contrast Blue-print

Underline the OrganizationalPattern you willuse: AABB orABAB(See Writing withPower, pages are listed above.)

Thesis - in yourwords: (Seeworking premise/thesisabove, but include yourspecificclaims – i.e. what literary devices are you using comparing and contrasting?) You can’tknowthis untilyou have read the assigned reading.

Text Box:

Important MLA Note:

•When you include the titles,you use italics (no parenthesis orunderline).

•When you referto theauthors afterthe first time,you use theirLAST names – nevertheirfirst name alone.



Text Box:


Text Box:(Below, is instruction in outline format. These are not prompts for you to answer, but rather reminders of what you need to include, arranged to demonstrate MLA formatting. Do not send myinstruction back to me. Delete it when you fill in your own material.)

I.Thisis the MLAformat. Youmayerase mynumerals and lettersand startfrom scratch, butyour outlinemust followthisformat.

A. Don’t forgetto lookatthe criteria abovein theinstructionsand useasachecklistsuch as:

1. What you need to include specifically.

2. The quantityof whatyou need to include.

a. Howmanycomparisonsand contrasts?

b. Howmanyliterarydevices?And howare theymarked? (Carry formatting forward to finish your outline.)


Text Box:

When you have finished thisfirst portion ofyour assignment,submit it through the drop box. AFTERyou have shown these instructions and yoursubmissionto your learningcoach, and AFTERyouhavechecked everythingagainst theinstructionsasachecklist.

For yournextandFinalSubmission (U2-L10):For thefinalsubmission, youwillwrite the essay in

MLA style.The essaywillnot exceed3 pages,and willnotbelessthan2.

11 Compare-Contrast Literary Analysis Blueprint Rubric

Unit 2 Lesson 6 (Feb. 2014)

Mrs. Flaeschel-Koch

This rubric correlates exactly with the detailed steps presented in the instructions I gave you. As you read this check-list style rubric, please refer also to those instructions.

Task / Yes / No / Somewhat
Student listed the organizational pattern he/she will use.
Student demonstrates knowledge of purpose/correct thesis. Student demonstrates knowledge of the curriculum, in that s/he has produced an outline that supports an effective literary analysis, done in an effective compare and contrast format.
Demonstrated a thorough knowledge of the two short stories - In Another Country and Babylon Revisited, and the preface piece about the authors and times.
The body of the student’s Outline isMLA Formatted
Student employs all correct writing mechanics, spelling and grammar.
Student wrote out introduction and conclusion.
Student demonstrates that his/her support includes the following features, as described in the instructions:
Outline includes no fewer than 3 constructive, meaningful, well supported comparisons, and 3 constructive, meaningful, well supported contrasts (not just opposites).
Comparisons and contrasts demonstrate at least five (5) separate literary devices and student underline these terms in his/her outline.
Student demonstrates that his/her support will be voiced in both his/her words (voice), and followed up by a documented example from the text. It is evident there will be a direct correlation (relationship) between student’s: (Claim w/literary device) > (Student’s “voice”/ analysis) > (Example from the text.)