The Episcopal Academy
Student / Parent
Athletic Handbook
The purpose of this guide is to provide student-athletes and their parents/guardians with a resource regarding athletics at The Episcopal Academy. By no means is this a finite resource. Questions can be directed to the team’s head coach or the Athletic Directors.
Philosophy of Athletics at The Episcopal Academy
Episcopal's celebrated athletics program satisfies the need to play and to compete. We believe athletics contribute to the well-being of individuals and to our school community. On the field, court or in the pool, our students learn honor in victory and grace in defeat; and to accomplish a common goal by relying on others. Above all, they discover the clear thinking and vitality that regular exercise brings, making it a lifetime practice.
The Athletic Department Staff
Athletic Director Regina E. Buggy 484-424-1412
Associate Athletic DirectorJames E. Farrell 484-424-1413
Middle School Athletic DirectorKimberly J. Piersall 484-424-1512
Administrative AssistantMary R. Gallagher 484-424-1411
Athletic TrainerJohn S. Smith 484-424-1418
Assistant Athletic TrainerCatherine A. Holt 484-424-1417
Coordinator of Athletic OperationsMichael Herron 484-424-1416
Varsity Coaching Staff
Boys Cross Country - Jim Farrell
Girls Cross Country - Tim Gavin
Field Hockey - Gina Buggy
Football - Bill Gallagher
Girls Tennis - Whit Powell
Boys Soccer -Adrian Cox
Girls Soccer - Joe Coyle
Boys Water Polo - Brian Kline
Girls Water Polo-
Boys Basketball - Dan Dougherty
Girls Basketball - Chuck Simmonds
Ice Hockey - Marc Mandeville
Swimming and Diving - Brian Kline
Boys Indoor Track - Tom Greenwood
Girls Indoor Track - John Goens
Wrestling - Jamie Griffin
Boys Squash – Brian Callahan
Girls Squash - Dawn Gray
Baseball -John Stefanik
Boys Crew -Molly Konopka
Girls Crew - Molly Konopka
Boys Golf - Win Shafer
Girls GolfKim Farrell
Boys Lacrosse - Andy Hayes
Girls Lacrosse - Julie DiRemigio
Softball -
Boys Tennis - Tim Kent
Boys Track - Tom Greenwood
Girls Track - MattNewcomb
Middle School Coaching Staff
The Middle School Coaching staff directory can be accessed on the EA Website by going to , clicking on Athletics at the top of the page, click on Middle School Athletics on the left side of the page and then click on the sport you are looking for.
Upper and Middle School Athletics
UpperSchool Athletics at the Academy comprise a goal-oriented program, compulsory for all students, which is designed to develop physical fitness and athletic skills. We encourage experiencing a variety of athletic activities (e.g., individual and team sports; contact and lifetime sports; intramural and interscholastic competition). Additionally, the UpperSchool program is created to enhance characteristics of leadership and respect in an effort to develop young ladies and gentlemen of good sportsmanship. Through our 29 varsity sports, Episcopal not only fields viable, competitive teams, but also teams that demonstrate the benefits of cooperation and the enjoyment of participation. The following is the athletic requirement for students in the UpperSchool:
Freshmen– Freshmen have a three-season athletics requirement. All freshmen are required to participate in a minimum of two seasons of interscholastic sports. One additional season freshmen may play an interscholastic sport or take the fitness/after-school option.
Sophomores – Sophomores have a three-season athletics requirement. All sophomores are required to participate in a minimum of two seasons of interscholastic sports. One additional season sophomores may play an interscholastic sport or take the fitness/after-school option.
Juniors - Juniors have a three-season athletics requirement. All juniors are required to participate in a minimum of one season of interscholastic sports. Two additional seasons juniors may play an interscholastic sport or may choose to take a fitness/ after-school option.
Seniors – Seniors have a two-season athletics requirement. All seniors are required to participate in a minimum of one season of interscholastic sports. One additional season seniors may play an interscholastic sport or may choose to take a fitness/after-school option. Seniors may participate on an interscholastic team all three seasons. Seniors without a “U” in athletics may request one season off from sports.
Middle School
Students in the Middle School must participate in a sports at Episcopal during each of the 3 seasons.
A current physical and all medical forms must be on file in theNurse’s Office prior to the start of pre-season. There will be no exceptions. Coaches will not allow students to participate in either practices or games until the necessary paperwork has been filed.
Students must arrive at school by 9:00am in order to participate in practices or games that day.
All freshmen are eligible to try-out for Varsity teams and are encouraged to attend pre-season after the Outward Bound trip. Pre-season workouts are posted on the website for fall Varsity teams. All Varsity athletes are expected to participate in holiday (fall pre-season, Christmas break, spring break etc.) Regarding team trips – freshmen interested in participating in trips taken over spring break should contact the head coach of the particular team directly.
UpperSchool Fitness/After-school Option
Students may participate in the Fitness program and will be scheduled into classes by the fitness coordinator. Each session will consist of a fitness program designed to include both strength training and cardiovascular exercise. The emphasis of this class will be on the importance of exercise in order to have a healthy lifestyle. Students are also required to participate in the after-school community service program 2 afternoons per week.
Upper School Athletic Association
The Athletic Association consists of the captains of the varsity teams, the coaches of the varsity teams, the Head of School, the Head of the UpperSchool, the Director of Athletics, the Associate Director of Athletics and the Director of Physical Education. The Athletic Association determines policy and procedure of the Athletic Department and considers awards and athletic insignia.
Interscholastic Teams – UpperSchool
Fall: Boys: Cross Country, Football, Soccer,Water Polo
Girls: Cross Country, Field Hockey, Tennis, Soccer, Water Polo
Winter: Boys: Basketball, Dance, Ice Hockey, Squash,
Swimming, Indoor Track*, Wrestling, Ultimate Frisbee
Girls: Basketball, Dance, Squash, Swimming, Indoor Track*, Ultimate Frisbee
Spring:Boys: Crew*, Golf*, Lacrosse, Track, Baseball, Tennis
Girls: Crew*, Golf*, Lacrosse, Softball, Track
* US only
Sport Options by Season – Middle School
Fall:Boys: Cross Country, Football, Soccer, Water Polo
Girls: Cross Country, Field Hockey, Tennis, Soccer, Water Polo
Winter:Boys: Basketball, Dance, Ice Hockey, Squash, Wrestling Swimming/Diving, Winter Track/Fitness, Ultimate Frisbee
Girls: Basketball, Dance, Squash, Swimming/Diving, Winter Track/Fitness, Ultimate Frisbee, Ice Hockey
Spring:Boys: Lacrosse, Track and Field, Baseball, Tennis
Girls: Lacrosse, Softball, Track and Field
Team Managers: In the UpperSchool, students may volunteer to serve as team managers for Varsity and some Junior Varsity teams. Serving as a manager is not considered a way to avoid physical fitness. Managers are expected to workout a minimum of 3 days a week under the supervision of the Fitness Center Director or participate in conditioning portions of practices. Coaches will establish criteria for managers as they too are eligible for a varsity letter. Managers are expected to travel to all home and away contests with the team.
Selection of Teams
UpperSchool - Varsity, JV, 3rd Team
These teams are grouped by ability, not by grade level. As a result, Varsity teams compete at the highest level of interscholastic competition, followed by that of the Junior Varsity and 3rd Teams. The actual number of teams per sport varies each season depending on the number of students who wish to participate.
Middle School - A,B and C Team Selection
Our A,B and C Teams are grouped by ability, not by grade level. The actual number of teams per sport varies each season depending on the number of students who wish to participate. In Middle School, we value participation over winning, but we do want our athletic programs to be competitive. This is especially true with our A Teams. B and C Teams, though they have competitive element, are more focused on basic skill development and participation.
Change of Sport
Upper Students who desire to change sports during the season must inform theAdministrative Assistant to the Athletic Director. Both coaches and the Athletic Director must agree to the change.
In the Middle School, students can change sports during the first two weeks of the season. After that point changes may not be made. Careful consideration of the sport selected is important. If a student wishes to move to another sport during the introductory 2 week period, a form can be obtained from The Middle School office. The student should first obtain the coaches signature of the sport they wish to move in to. Then, the signature of their current coach should be acquired. Completed forms must be submitted to the Middle School Athletic Director.
Independent Sports Contract
The Episcopal Academy offers a large variety of sports and activities. However, there are students who have found athletic pursuits that lie outside our program or are at such a level of skill that playing in our program would be considered regressive. As a result, they can apply for an Independent Sports Contract. Students in good standing, under special circumstances, and with the approval of the Director of Athletics and the Head of the UpperSchool may elect an athletic contract for one sports season. This is limited to an activity not offered at school and whose time and effort requirements are at least equal to a school sponsored athletic activity.
Students who are considered elite in their sport and have the equivalent of a national ranking may also apply for a contract in that sport, whether the sport is offered at Episcopal or not. It is only after the Athletic Director consults with the family, the external trainer/coach, the student’s advisor and Unit Head, and possesses an approved and detailed syllabus of the external program that the ISC will be granted.
Participation in Middle School Sports takes place during the school day and therefore is a component of our Middle School curriculum. As we fully believe in the development of Mind, Body and Spirit, participation in our sports program at Episcopal is required. Encouraging a sense of camaraderie, teamwork and enjoyment of sport within the Episcopal community are elements that we believe are important to each young persons experience at Episcopal. In special cases, (i.e. for a sport Episcopal does not offer) a contract may be granted for one sports season for students in good academic and social standing, Inquiries may be made to the Director of Middle School Athletics, and must be approved by the Head of Middle School.
UpperSchool - Intramural Sports Options
Intramural Sports Options include:
Weight Training and Fitness – all 3 seasons
Paddle Tennis – Winter
Fencing – Winter
Swimming – Spring
Participation in Intramural Sports does not fulfill the Interscholastic Athletics requirement.
II Formers Competing in Varsity Athletics
It is the view of The Episcopal Academy as an institution that middle school students should compete within their age group. However, II Form students may participate on an UpperSchool team if they meet certain standards: Mature, Olympic caliber athletic ability, good grades and solid class standing. It is also important to confirm that the athlete is one who will make a significant contribution and impact on the varsity team. Furthermore, the transition to varsity can be made only by a mutual agreement of the Unit Head, Middle School Athletic Director, coach, and family. For more information, contact the Middle School Athletic Director.
Adding New Sports or Activities
Club: An activity supported by the school. It is financed by students or from the upper school activities budget. Clubs can be associated with the after-school fitness option.
Experimental Sport: A sport that is supported by the Athletic Department, but does not have varsity status.
Varsity Sport: A sport that is supported by the Athletic Department including the varsity letter awards.
Club to Experimental Sport: The following criteria must be considered in deciding to move from club to experimental sport:
- Sport must have potential to become a varsity sport
- Scheduled competition must be available in the area
- The number of participants must be sufficient enough to support a team and substitutes for more than one year
- Financial support from the athletic budget
- Appropriate field, courts, or facilities are available
- Student population to support the new team (the number of sports offered in a season may draw from other established programs)
Experimental to Varsity Sport: A sport will remain in the experimental phase until the following criteria have been met:
- A minimum of two years in the experimental phase to assess the progress and depth of the program-this period could be longer.
- Ability level is comparable to a varsity level as determined by appropriate competition.
- A sufficient schedule of games can be established at the varsity level.
Daily, clear and tangible expectations will be established for student athletes. This is the definitive time for athletes to sharpen their fundamental skills and work positively as a cohesive unit in all aspects. Practices will take place daily as the school schedule allows and only if the coaching staff is present. Students may not participate until they have submitted a completed medical form to the Nurse’s Office.Students must be at school by 9:00 am in order to participate in practices and games. This requirement may be waived by the Form Dean due to special circumstances, or if the Dean is informed in advance of the reasons. Finally, if an athlete arrives to school before 9:00am and then leaves school for the day, he or she will not be able to participate in a game or practice.
US Practice times: M-F 3:45-6pm, Saturday at the coaches discretion.
MS Practice times: Monday- Friday 2:50-3:50
Instruction by Private Coaches
Student-athletes are not permitted to have outside athletic instruction during the school day.
Proper Uniform
Most importantly, all athletes should have clothing that suits the weather conditions of the day. Jewelry and other accessories must not be worn during practice as they are not allowed during competition and can present dangerous consequences. Proper footwear must be worn at all times. Additionally, the uniform should reflect the school’s colors: Blue and White (grey accents are acceptable). As our athletes are representatives of the school, it is necessary to project a positive connection to it. For uniformity and consistency, it is imperative that students adhere to this policy.
In the Middle School, students who are not properly dressed out for practice will face disciplinary action. Practice uniforms can be purchased through the school store. Contact Genine Fedele, School Store Manager at 484-424-1473
Issued uniforms and equipment are expected to be returned after the final athletic contest of the season to Michael Herron Equipment Manager. Uniforms not returned by the indicated date will be charged to the student’s account.
Fundraising for athletic apparel is discouraged.
Those requiring financial assistance to purchase appropriate practice apparel should contact their Unit Head, Courtney Portlock, Director of Diversity and Community Life, Reverend Jim Squire or Gina Buggy, Director of Athletics.
Coaches will emphasize the importance of every athlete staying hydrated and having his/her own water bottle.Providing cups is not a good option because students continually share the cups.There is great concern about providing cups because of germ transmission specifically, mono.Water coolers will be supplied at each practice site and for each contest by the Athletic Trainer. Each student- athlete should bring their own water bottle to each practice.
Illness, Injury and Communication
During the school day, students who are ill or injured should see the School Nurse or Athletic Trainer. If the ailment is at the level where practice should not be attended, a note is necessary for clearance. In order to be excused from practice, students must possess a doctor’s note indicating not only their illness or injury, but also the length of time that they cannot practice. Furthermore, a doctor’s note is required in order to resume practice. Students that have minor ailments-lasting 1-2 days and do not require a doctor’s appointment-are expected to attend practice, but not participate.
In the UpperSchool, students who have medical waivers from athletics are still required to participate in the after-school activities/community service program two days a week.
Drs. Appointments
Students who have doctor’s appointments are excused from practice. We do encourage parents to schedule outside of the school day in an effort to not disrupt practice or games. Coaches will stress that students should notify them in advance when they have an appointment.
Game/Match Day
Student athletes and their parents/guardians can retrieve their team’s schedule by accessing the school’s website. Click ‘Athletics’, and then click the appropriate team. Cancellations are posted by 1:00pm on the ‘Athletics’ homepage and on the Athletics hotline – 484-424-1414.
The most current Athletic schedule can be found on each team’s page.
When games are played at alternative locations, the coach will notify the team as soon as possible.
Playing Time
The amount of time that an athlete plays in a contest is at the discretion of the coach. The amount of practice time prior to a game may affect a player’s participation. It is important to bear in mind that circumstances like attending detention or doctor’s appointments during practice can affect the amount of time an athlete may see in a game.