English 203 American Literature
Syllabus Fall 1 2016
Ms. Christy Jickling Office Hours: M-F: 2:15-3:00
Room: 433 (or by appointment)
Phone: 573-1201 x1433 e-mail:
Course Assignments:
Summer Reading 5%
Daily Grade/Discussions 20%
Papers (2) 40%
Mid-Term Exam 15%
Presentation (Final Exam) 20%
Trident Technical College Information:
You should be registered with TTC and completed the prerequisite course English 101/102. The TTC withdrawal dates for the fall semester are the 3rd day of class for compressed 9-week classes. The Dual Credit liaison is ; any questions that I cannot answer about the Dual Credit system and TTC may be directed to Tanisha Hook.
Summer Reading: The Canterbury Tales (Geoffrey Chaucer) - will be used again in English 205
Course Description: This course is a survey in American Literature, with emphasis on major writers, works, and periods in history.
Required Textbooks and Supplies: The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter 8th Edition, Vol 1 & 2
The textbooks are available at the TTC bookstore. TTC requires each student to have the most up to date edition of the textbook. Also, each of you will need access to a computer, a good dictionary, a notebook for taking notes in class, and 2-3 pocket folders for handing in your assignments. More than anything else, you must have a desire to improve your critical thinking and written communication skills.
*Students with Free or Reduced Lunch status qualify for a textbook loan and receive books in class.
Final Presentation:
· The final presentation will require you to conduct thorough research on a classic American novel of your choice that is not included in the course and that you have not read before.
· You will write a paper, prepare a 7-10 minute presentation (Prezi/Powerpoint), and a handout for the class.
· Part of this assignment will be a library orientation that you must complete and a library-research exercise (annotated bibliography) that you must complete. This assignment will not only teach you how to do library research, but also how to properly document that research in your essay.
· A major requirement for the assignment is to follow all of the MLA documentation requirements including a perfect Works Cited page.
One of the best ways to overcome or understand problems you may be having with your writing or the course is to discuss them with me. Please talk with me before or after class, or you can also contact me by phone or e-mail.
Daily Grade:
· One of the requirements of the daily grade is participation in class discussions and group work. Each of you has ideas and opinions that can enrich the discussions of reading assignments and other topics, so please share them with the rest of us. We will also have formal Harkness discussions that are graded.
· There will also be other assignments, including reading quizzes, editing exercises, brief writing assignments and email posts.
Exam: There will be a mid-term exam given during the semester. The questions will be based on the reading material and class discussions/lectures. We will review prior to the exam, but take good notes and stay on top of your reading!
· Rough Drafts:On the date designated on the syllabus, you mustbring a completed rough draft to class for peer review with other students in the class. Having your rough draft completed on time is part of your paper grade, and should be respected as good academic preparation and an easy way to boost your grade.
· These essays must be typed, double spaced, with 1” margins all around, and follow the MLA rules of formatting.
· All requirements for the assignment must be met.
· FOLDERS:Each final draft must be submitted in a pocket folder. The folder should also contain all rough drafts, peer editors’ comments, and prewriting exercises. If these are not turned in, the grade of the essay will be lowered for failure to follow the directions.
· The essays are due by 2:45 (in hard copy in a folder) on the date designated on the syllabus. Late essays will only be accepted if you have contacted me 24 hours beforehand with legitimate circumstances.
· Essays must also be emailed to by 2:45 on the day they are due. Electronic copies of essays are kept to deter plagiarism. Any papers suspected of plagiarism will be submitted to www.turnitin.com. Plagiarized papers will receive a grade of zero and reported to TTC who may choose to deny the offending student credit for the course.
· Please familiarize yourself with the definition of plagiarism and make sure your work is all your own. Plagiarism includes other students’ work as well as published work or work posted on the internet. No secondary sources should be consulted unless they are allowable in the assignment directions.
I expect students to be in class, on time, and prepared for class. The expectations for deadlines will be as they are in college - firm. It is up to you to manage your syllabus and time and be prepared. Remember 20% of your grade is a Daily Grade / Discussion Grade which will be compromised with poor attendance. Also, the CCSD attendance policy will be enforced and you may not have more than 5 unexcused absences for English 203. If you are absent, you must communicate with me by email before/during that class period with any assignments attached and a plan to make up missed quizzes/presentations.
Final Comments:
· This syllabus may be changed because of unforeseen circumstances.
· Absences: If you are absent, it is expected that you email all assignments on their due date. Missed reading quizzes will be assigned a zero without an excused absence. It is your responsibility to come ASAP to make up the missed quiz.
· Plagiarism: Anyone who is caught plagiarizing will receive a zero for the assignment and possibly a failing grade for the class.
· Resources for students: The Writing Center: http://www.tridenttech.edu/664 1399.htm; Personal issues: http://www.tridenttech.edu/541.htm; Other stuff: http://www.tridenttech.edu/664 2970.htm; Writing Reference: www.PerdueOwl.com
· Due Dates: Stay organized and practice good time management. If you are prepared and respect deadlines your grade will reflect that diligence. Due Dates are real!
English 203 Course Syllabus:
The following readings are from The Norton Anthology of American Literature, Shorter 8th Edition, Vol 1 & 2
unless otherwise indicated.
8/15 / Introduction to the Course and Syllabus – Confirm registration with TTC8/16 / The Canterbury Tales – introduction and podcasts
8/17 / The General Prologue – questions; Kate Chopin “Desiree’s Baby” (irony)
8/18 / The General Prologue continued
8/19 / Independent Read books chosen
8/22 / Introduction to Hemingway The Old Man and the Sea
Volume 1 / Period Introduction: Beginnings to 1700, Vol. 1 p3-19
“The Iroquois Creation Story” 20
Cotton Mather, from “The Wonders of the Invisible World” 149-155
8/24 / Period Introduction: 1700-1820, Vol. 1 p157-169
Wheatly “On being brought from Africa to America” 401-403
Quiz on “General Prologue”
8/25 / Hawthorne, “Young Goodman Brown” 619-628
8/26 / Hawthorne, “Minister’s Black Veil” 636-645; “The Birth-Mark” 645-656
Quiz on The Old Man and the Sea
8/29 / Poe, 683-687, “The Raven”688-691; “The Philosophy of Composition” 737-745
8/30 / Poe, “Fall of the House of Usher” 702-714; “Annabel Lee” 691-692
Intro to the Slave Narrative; Harriet Jacobs, Incidents in the Life of a Slave Girl 818-839
Volume 2 / Period Intro: 1865-1914, Vol 2:3-19; Chopin, “At the ‘Cadian Ball” 427-433; “The Storm” 434-437
9/1 / Wharton, “The Other Two” 499-512
9/2 / Chestnut, “The Goophered Grapevine” 457-465; “The Wife of His Youth” 465-473
Quiz on The Old Man and the Sea
9/5 / Labor Day – No School
9/6 / Senior Meeting - Open Day
9/7 / Paper #1 Due for Peer Editing
9/8 / Period Intro: 1914-45, p653-672; Robinson, “Richard Cory” 674; Hughes, “Mother to Son” 1039; Hurston, “The Gilded Six-Bits” 943-951
9/9 / Final Drafts Paper #1 due in folder 2:45 (e-copy 4:00)
9/12 / Period Intro: 1945-present; Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire 1113-1117
9/13 / Streetcar cont.
9/14 / Streetcar Film
9/15 / Streetcar Film
9/16 / Mid-Term Exam
9/19 / Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman
9/20 / Reader Response - Death of a Salesman
9/21 / Death of a Salesman, film
9/22 / Death of a Salesman, film cont.
9/23 / Paper #2 Peer Editing
10/3 / Final Drafts Paper #2 due in folder 2:45 (e-copy 4:00)
10/4 / Saul Bellow, The Adventures of Augie March (Chapter 1), 1223
10/5 / Ralph Ellison, Invisible Man (Chapter 1, “Battle Royale”), 1209
10/6 / Research Day – Independent Read Project
10/7 / Research Day – Independent Read Project
10/10 / Lab Day – Independent Read Project
10/11 / Lab Day – Independent Read Project
10/12 / John Steinbeck – The Pearl
10/13 / John Steinbeck – The Pearl
10/14 / Harkness Discussion
Washington Irving, “Rip Van Winkle” 470
10/17 / Presentations of Independent Read Project
Papers due in folder 2:45 (e-copy 4:00)
End of the First Quarter- Last Day of English 203
10/18 / English 205 Syllabus presented
10/19 / English 205 –British Literature Part 1
10/20 / Beowulf cont
10/21 / English 203 Grades sent to TTC