English 100ChambersI-Search
The I-Search Paper will allow you to take an active role in researching (searching?) a topic that interests you. You will build on your understanding of the basic process of researching a topic, use MLA, and interview at least one primary source who would be considered an authority on your topic. To enjoy your experience, I highly recommend choosing a topic in which you are genuinely interested and/or are personally connected. It is a lot easier to research a topic you like than to research a topic you don’t care about!
1. The Prospectus: Select and Narrow Your Topic. Write a half page paragraph proposal outlining your topic. Your prospectus should include what you want to research, ideas for your interview, and preliminary research ideas.
Your topic choices are nearly limitless. Again, you should be sincerely interested in it. Some general subjects include careers, hobbies, interests, social issues, or technology. You may need to do a little preliminary research to narrow your topic and seek out possible interviewees. For more ideas, check out the link of research paper topics on my home page.
2. The Paper. While the paper as a whole will be relatively long, it should be organized into several shorter sections that will be due at different times. You should treat each section as an essay in itself, so remember to organize each—intro, body, conclusion; transitions; chronological order.
Part I. The Rationale: What is my topic and why did I pick it? What I presently know (do not know?) and what Iwant to know. How will this search make a difference in my life? (1-2 pages)
Part II. The Search. This is the actual chronological story of your search. It should be narrative, written as a personal experience You should tell about your interview and present an overview of your other sources (a paragraph about each source, similar to an annotated bibliography). I will give you a more detailed handout about this section of your paper. (2-4 pages) Parts I and II should be written in first person.
Part III. What I learned. Use your newly-found information to write this section of the paper, complete with parenthetical citationsfor both direct quotes and paraphrased/summarized material. Include a Works Cited page (MLA). (3-5 pages) Part III should be written in 3rd person. It is written as a traditional research paper.
Part IV. The Reflection. This section is your own reflection on the process of writing your paper. What challenges (1/2 page-1 page)
3. Documentation. In addition to a Works Cited page, you will need to keep a journal with the following elements:
a)An entry for each day of work on the project, including every internet search, phone call, every success and failure in you project.
b)Phone log: time and person to whom you spoke. Information exchanged.
c)Copy of every correspondence (letter or e-mail, etc.) sent or received.
d)Transcripts and notes from the interview(s).
e)All notes, drafts, research printouts, information about sources (MLA citations, page numbers, all the details you need for your Works Cited page.
f)Reflection: reactions to information, successes, failures, or additional questions you have as you do research.
Format. All parts of the paper should be typed, double spaced, size 12 Times New Roman (or equivalent), and in MLA format. You must use at least four sources: One must be an interview (preferred), letter, e-mail; one must be a book; and one must be an internet source (“.edu” or “.org” preferred). In some cases this may be modified—let me know early in your process if this is the case. Don’t forget to use Questia!
Due Dates:
Must have topic (half page
prospectus on your topic,
possible interviews,
preliminary research ideas): ______
First draft of Part I: ______
Journal, Source check: ______
First draft of Part II with
journal check: ______
First draft of Part III with
journal check: ______
Final Paper with all sections
and complete journal: ______
- We will have peer evaluations and mini writing workshops/conferences
- There may be additional due dates announced as we continue to work on the paper.
- In class we will work on MLA, interview tips/techniques, and research techniques.