1. applepie (n)
/ appeltaart / a sweet food made from fruit andpastry / My mothermakesdeliciousapple pies.
  1. toargue (v)
/ ruzie maken / Kids, willyouplease stop arguingwitheachother.
  1. audience (n)
/ publiek / Therewere a lot of children in theaudience.
  1. background (n)
/ achtergrond / When I enteredthe restaurant I heard background music.
  1. to bark (v)
/ blaffen / if a dog barks, itmakesloud, short sounds / The neighbour’s dog was barkingallnight.
  1. bridge (n)
/ brug / When I went tomyaunt I had to cross severalbridges.
  1. tocheer (v)
/ juichen / The crowdstood up andcheered at the end of the concert.
  1. considerate (adj)
/ welgemanierd; aandachtsvol / She has always been a politeandconsideratechild.
  1. crowd (n)
/ menigte / a large group of peoplewho are together in oneplace / A large crowd had gatheredtowaitfortheprincess.
  1. todamage (v)
/ beschadigen / Many buildings weredamaged in the storm.
  1. darkness (n)
/ duisternis, donker / He stumbledaround in thedarknesslookingforthe switch.
  1. to discover (v)
/ ontdekken / Theycameto California hopingto discover gold.
  1. toexplain (v)
/ uitleggen / to make somethingclear or easy tounderstandbygivingreasonsforit / Canyouexplainwhyyoudidthis ?
  1. faithful (adj)
/ trouw / He has alwaysprovedtobe a faithfulhusband.
  1. tofall out with (someone) (v)
/ ruzie hebben met iemand / I fell out withmy best friendwhenshetalkedabout me behindmy back.
  1. fast-flowing (adj)
/ snel stromend / The river is fast-flowinganddangerous.
  1. furiously (adv)
/ woedend / in a veryangry way / “Get out of here!” sheshoutedfuriously.
  1. gentleness (n)
/ zachtaardigheid / One of his most striking characteristics is his gentleness.
  1. to get on (well) with (someone) (v)
/ het (goed) kunnen vinden met (iemand) / I can get on very well withmyteachers.
  1. tohug (v)
/ omhelzen / Theyhuggedandkissedeachother.
  1. toinjure (v)
/ bezeren / tohurt a person, animal, or part of your body / Sheinjured her anklewhenshefell.
  1. to introduce (v)
/ introduceren; voorstellen / He took me roundthe room andintroduced me toeveryone.
  1. to let (someone) down (v)
/ (iemand) teleurstellen / Youshouldn’t let down peoplewhenyou’reableto help them.
  1. microphone (n)
/ microfoon / Please, speak in themicrophonewhenyouaddresstheaudience.
  1. mile (n)
/ mijl / a unit formeasuringdistance, equalto 1609 metres / The nearest station is twomilesfromhere.
  1. to pat (v)
/ aaien / Shestoppedabruptlyto pat the dog.
  1. topersuade (v)
/ overhalen / We managedtopersuadehimtocomewithus.
  1. programmer (n)
/ programmeur / Duringthe interview he said he was a programmer.
  1. topromise (v)
/ beloven / to say thatyouwillcertainly do something / Se promisedtowriteto me every week.
  1. to stand by (someone) (v)
/ (iemand) bijstaan / Shestoodbyhimthroughout his troubledcareer.
  1. to stick up for (someone) (v)
/ het opnemen voor (iemand) / I always stick up formylittle sister.
  1. suitcase (n)
/ koffer / He always takes a lot of time to pack his suitcase.
  1. supper (n)
/ avondeten / a mealthatyoueat in the evening / What are we havingforsuppertonight ?
  1. to surf the Internet (v)
/ op het internet surfen / I surf the Internet fortwohourseveryday.
  1. to take a deepbreath (v)
/ diep ademhalen / Whenyou want to relax take a deepbreath.
  1. totell on (someone) (v)
/ (iemand) verraden / I’mgoingtothe teacher totell on you !
  1. valley (n)
/ vallei / the area of low land betweenhills or mountains / I live in a valleybetweentwo big mountains.
  1. to wonder (v)
/ zich afvragen / I wonder what he is making fordinner.