Meeting Summary 4th October 2007
This has been prepared for regions, counties, clubs and individuals to summarise briefly the main work of the Committee. The full minutes can be made available on request to Anne Baker. Please feel free to circulate this widely.
Present Tony Eaude (Chair), Anne Baker (NDM), Jane Powell (Performance Coaching Manager), Barbara Reynolds, Caroline Luck, Steve Hardy, Phill Yetzes, Lucille Cowburn, Keith Taylor.
Committee Membership Phill Yetzes, Lucille Cowburnand Keith Taylor had been appointed to the committee for the first time and Caroline Luck re-appointed. All were welcomed. Seamus O’Connell whose term of office has finished was thanked for his contribution.
Coach LicensingThere was disappointment that Sports coach UK have not progressed this significantly since the previous meeting but it was agreed that EH should wait to see what emerges as hockey is keen to implement a pilot as soon as possible. It was agreed to recommend that in 2008 the Board should consider progressing this if there was not enough progress from ScUK. The process of mapping the old on to the new awards has been started and will be progressed.
Performance Unit Further discussions with Regions on the best use of Centrally Contracted Coaches, especially in supporting coaches to enhance performance in the regions, are currently taking place. Discussions on the Level 4 Award are progressing well and a few candidates should be able to start in early 2008. Four National Performance Centres have been selected.
National Coaching ConferencesThese had been held linked to the European Cup in August 2007 in Manchester. Both had been successful, with high quality input but recruitment for the general one had been slightly disappointing.
Coach EducatorsRecruitment of tutors, assessors and Internal and External Verifiers has continued to go well, but regional variation is to be looked at to identify areas where further recruitment is required. While keen for hockey to be Trail Blazer sport for Coach Education, it was strongly thought that additional staffing would be required.
Player Syllabus and Guidance The Committee highlighted the importance of this being further developed and disseminated as soon as possible.
Code of EthicsA draft Code was discussed, based on a generic code, with separate sections for specific groups. Detailed discussion took place especially on the coaches’ element, with the view that this could help to influence a culture of fairness. Members agreed to feedback shortly before the Code is finalised and issued.
Membership Scheme A paper on a Membership scheme (separate from affiliation) at three different levels including a category with benefits for coaches was discussed. Some of the detail of possible benefits, recruitment and timescale for implementation were discussed. It was thought that it is important to offer incentives to recruit as many as possible members early on. The timescale for introduction in 2008 and when was considered.
Next meeting January14th 2008