University of Saskatchewan
College of Engineering
57 Campus Drive,
Saskatoon, SaskatchewanS7N 5A9
Internship education is a learning process that integrates academic study with related work experience. An important advantage of this process is the personal and professional development of the student. In this light, an employer's evaluation of the whole workterm placement is more than a performance assessment this review can aid the student in becoming more aware of his/her strengths and weaknesses.
It is important that this final evaluation be completed by the student's immediate supervisor, or whoever can best evaluate the student's performance. Discussion by that person with the student to elaborate on the evaluation is encouraged. Provision is made at the end of the form for the student to comment on the outcome of the discussion. In the circles provided, please mark the best indicator of the student's performance. Please make comments as you feel necessary.
Please retain one (1) copy of this final evaluation for your files and return the signed copy to College of Engineering at . Should you have any further questions, please call (306) 966-5256.
Student's Name:
Work Term:
Responsibilities: (or attach job description)
INTEREST IN WORKHigh interest in job. Very enthusiastic. / More than average amount of interest and enthusiasm for the job. / Average/satisfactory amount of interest & enthusiasm for the job. / Interest spasmodic. Occasionally enthusiastic. / Little interest or enthusiasm for the job.
INITIATIVESelf-starter. Asks for new jobs. Looks for work to do. / Acts voluntarily in most matters. / Acts voluntarily in routine matters. / Relies on others. Must be told what to do frequently. / Always waits to be told what to do next.
ORGANIZATION & PLANNINGDoes an outstanding job of planning and organizing work. / Usually organizes work very well. / Does normal amount of planning and organizing. / More often than not fails to organize and plan work effectively. / Consistently fails to organize and plan work effectively.
ABILITY TO LEARNBrilliant, imaginative. / Quick to learn. / Average. / Rather slow to learn. / Very slow to learn.
QUALITY OF WORKVery thorough in performing work. Errors very few if any. / Usually thorough. Good work. Few errors. / Work usually passes review. Has normal amount of errors. / More than average amount of errors. / Work usually done in careless manner with many errors.
QUANTITY OF WORKHighly productive. Exceeds all expectations. / Produces more than expected. / Expected amount of productivity. / Less than expected. / Very low.
JUDGEMENTExceptionally good. Decisions based on thorough analysis of problem. / Uses good common sense. Usually makes good decisions. / Judgment usually good in routine situations. / Judgment often undependable. / Poor judgment. Jumps to conclusions without sufficient knowledge.
DEPENDABILITYCan always be depended upon in any situation. / Can usually be depended upon in most situations. / Can be depended upon in routine situations. / Somewhat unreliable. Needs above average checking. / Unreliable.
HOW WELL DOES THE STUDENT GET ALONG WITH OTHERS?Always works in harmony with others. An excellent team worker. / Congenial and helpful. Works well with others. / Most relations with others are harmonious under normal circumstances. / Difficult to work with at times. Sometimes antagonizes others. / Frequently quarrelsome and causes friction.
ACCEPTANCE OF SUGGESTIONS AND CRITICISMExpresses appreciation and takes prompt action on suggestions and criticism by supervisor. / Willingly accepts suggestions and criticism by supervisor. / Accepts suggestions and criticism by supervisor in satisfactory manner. / Reluctantly accepts suggestions and criticism by supervisor. / Resents suggestions and criticism by supervisor.
Oral Expression: / Excellent.
Excellent. / Good.
Good. / Satisfactory.
Satisfactory. / Needs Improvement.
PROBLEM SOLVINGConsistently develops appropriate solutions to problems. / Generally develops appropriate solutions to problems. / Often develops appropriate solutions to problems. / Sometimes develops appropriate solutions to problems. / Rarely develops appropriate solutions to problems.
ANALYTICAL ABILITYAlways understands and uses decision making processes well. Carefully evaluates and selects among alternatives. / Sometimes understands and uses decision making processes well. Adequately evaluates and selects among alternatives. / Poor understanding of decision making processes. Experiences difficulty in evaluating and selecting among alternatives.
WORK MANAGEMENT SKILLSManages own work well and integrates work effectively with that of co-workers. / Requires supervision to ensure that work is managed well, but does integrate work well with that of co-workers. / Does not manage own work well and fails to integrate work effectively with that of co-workers.
ATTENDANCE / GROOMINGRegular. / Irregular. / Appropriate. / Inappropriate.
Based on the proceeding factors, how would you rate this employee?
Outstanding / Very Good / Average / Marginal / Unsatisfactory- / A / + / - / B / + / - / C / + / - / D / -
This evaluation has been discussed with the student. / Yes
Student's SignatureDate
Would you expect to have a position available for this student once they graduate?Yes No
If yes, have you extended an offer of employment to the student?Yes No
Has the student accepted the offer?Yes No
Would you like to participate in the Professional Internship Program again?Yes No
Evaluated By (Please Print)Title/DepartmentDateSignature
Endorsed by (Please Print)Title/DepartmentDateSignature
Comments on Overall Performance (if more space required, please use the back of this page):
*There is room on the back for student's comments.
**If you wish to comment on the program in general, or on the preparation of the student in particular, please feel free to use the back of this page. Your observations are welcome.