EPIP Term:
EPIP 401 / EPIP 403EPIP 402 / EPIP 404
Ag/Bio / Engineering PhysicsCivil / Environmental
Chemical / Geological
Computer / Mechanical
The EPIP Report For each 4 month work term that you complete (EPIP 401 through 404), you will be required to complete and submit an EPIP Report. Reports are due on the 15th of the month following the completion of your term (ie, January 15, May 15 or September 15). If the 15th of the month falls on a weekend, your report will be due on the Monday following the weekend. Reports are to be submitted via e-mail to the Engineering Student Centre at . The reports will then be passed along to your Faculty Supervisor for his/her review, who will assess your report on a Pass or Fail basis.
Upon completion of your degree, you are eligible to apply to APEGS to receive up to 12 months of your work experience toward the experience component of your EIT requirements. Because each of your 4 month work term reports will provide the foundation of your submission to APEGS, the Engineering Professional Internship Program Report On Experience form closely models the APEGS Report On Experience form. Please note, however, that the reports are similar, but not identical. You will not submit your report to APEGS until after you have finished your degree and you are registered as an Engineer-in-Training. To summarize, you will submit this report to the program for each of your EPIP terms; you will submit the APEGS EIT Report on Experience Form (which can be found at to APEGS once you have finished your degree and have registered as an EIT. Because there is a substantial amount of time (>1 year) that will elapse between the time when you complete your final EPIP term and when you apply to APEGS, it is strongly recommended that you complete your APEGS form (and obtain the appropriate signatures from supervisor(s)) before you leave your work placement. Please be advised that a passing grade from your Faculty Supervisor does not guarantee EIT credit for experience from APEGS. This decision will be made independently by APEGS.
While it is important to provide a brief description of the project(s) that you have been working on, the main purpose of the EPIP report is to document what you have done during your work term, and the experience that you have gained. You should also conform to the general format that you will need to use when submitting your EPIP experience to your professional association after graduation.
The Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE, now known as “Engineers Canada”) has set five main categories that the provincial professional associations (e.g., APEGS) use to assess engineering experience towards the requirements for the P.Eng.:
- application of theory,
- practical experience,
- management of engineering,
- social implications of engineering, and
- communication skills.
In each of these categories, there are several criteria that are used to determine whether a student or EIT’s engineering experience is acceptable towards the four years of engineering experience required to become a P.Eng. The applicant is expected to demonstrate how they have met these criteria. More information on the CCPE criteria can be found on APEGS’ website ( under Registration/Member-in-Training.
Profs. David Torvi & David Sumner from the University of Saskatchewan Department of Mechanical Engineering have been instrumental in the development of this template. This template is a modified version of the Mechanical Engineering “Guidelines for EPIP Reports”document that the aforementioned faculty members co-created.
Name: Click on shaded areas to complete each form field
Telephone Number:
NSID E-mail:
Student Number:
Phone Number:
Hiring Manager:
Job Title:
Length of Internship:
B. INTRODUCTION (one paragraph):
Provide a brief introduction to your report, including the purpose of this document, and what information is included in the report.
C. COMPANY BACKGROUND (maximum ½ page):
Provide a brief description of the company. This should include information such as the following:
- Is the company privately or publicly owned? Is the company owned in Canada?
- When did the company start? Do the founders still work for the company?
- How many employees work for the company?
- How many locations/countries does the company operate in?
- What company operations are located at the site that you are working at?
- How would you describe the company’s corporate culture?
Make sure to use an appropriate format to cite references where you obtained your information (e.g., company websites, annual reports, etc.) and include a reference section at the end of your report.
D. DUTIES & RESPONSIBILITIES (maximum one page):
Provide a short description of your duties in general and the projects that you have worked on over the past four months. You should indicate if you have changed jobs and/or location since your last EPIP report.
E. WORK EXPERIENCE (maximum 5 pages):
- Provide specific details about the experience that you have obtained in each of the five areas listed in the Canadian Council of Professional Engineers (CCPE) guidelines for acceptable engineering experience, using the following forms. Each of the five areas should be on a separate page. Information on each of the five CCPE areas, as well as sample reports can be found on the APEGS website.
- For each of the five areas, indicate which of the subcategories you have gained experience in over the past four months. For example, under Application of Theory, you should be gaining experience in analysis, design, testing and implementation. This will help you to demonstrate clearly how your work experience meets the criteria in each of these categories, and assist you when you complete the self-assessment section later in the report.
- Provide examples of your experience in each of the subcategories. In your descriptions, you need to indicate the role that you have played in projects and teams, and to provide specific detail on the work that you have done. Please note that you do not have to go into a great amount of detail when describing your work experience in order to meet the CCPE guidelines. In fact, APEGS stresses that descriptions should be concise.
- If this is your EPIP 402, EPIP 403, or EPIP 404 report, you should choose examples that show how you are progressing during your work experience.
- Realize that the professionals that will eventually evaluate your work experience may be from outside of your area. Therefore, make sure that you describe your experience in such a way that these engineers can understand and appreciate what you have done. You may also wish to use the general duties and responsibilities section to describe this.
- Try to provide an indication as to the techniques you used in your analysis, along with the level of sophistication. For example, an engineering analysis could involve anything from a “back of the envelope calculation” to a sophisticated computer analysis using commercial software.
- While you can use point form to provide examples, please ensure that your grammar and spelling are correct.
- Please also note that you can repeat information in multiple categories. For example, you could describe the calculations you performed under analysis and the report you wrote under communication. You may also need to use regular email reports as part of project management – these reports could go under communication, while the project management process would be described under management of engineering.
- There will also likely be some categories in which you can provide more examples than in other subcategories. Please also note that there may be subcategories in which you have not gained experience, especially early in your internship. If this is the case, please leave these subcategories blank.
E-1 –Application of Theory
I have gained experience in the following areas of application of theory in this reporting period (type an “X” in the box to the right of all those that apply). These areas are described in detail in Experience Guideline 2.
Analysis / Design and synthesis / Testing methods / Implementation methods(For more information on each category, please see Experience Guideline 2and examples on the APEGS website)
Work experience examples for Application of Theory in this reporting period:
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
Design and Synthesis
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
Testing methods
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
Implementation methods
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
E-2 –Practical Experience
I have gained experience in the following areas of practical experience in this reporting period (type an “X” in the box to the right of all those that apply). These areas are described in detail in Experience Guideline 2.
Studying or being exposed to existing engineering works / Limitations of practical engineeringApplication of equipment in larger systems / Significance of time
(For more information on each category, please see Experience Guideline 2 and examples on the APEGS website)
Work experience examples for Practical Experience in this reporting period:
Studying or being exposed to existing engineering works
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
Application of equipment in larger systems
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
Limitations of practical engineering
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
Significance of time
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
E-3 –Management of Engineering
I have gained experience in the following areas of management of engineering in this reporting period (type an “X” in the box to the right of all those that apply). These areas are described in detail in Experience Guideline 2.
Planning / Budgeting / Project controlScheduling / Supervision / Risk assessment
Other (specify)
(For more information on each category, please see Experience Guideline 2examples on the APEGS website)
Work experience examples for Management of Engineering in this reporting period:
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
Project Control
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
Risk Assessment
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
E-4 –Social Implications of Engineering
During this reporting period, my awareness of the social implications of engineering has been heightened in the following areas (type an “X” in the box to the right of all those that apply). These areas are described in detail in Experience Guideline 2.
The value or benefits of engineering works to the public
Safeguards to protect employees and the public and mitigating adverse impacts
Engineering activity and the public at large (e.g. educational programs)
Interest and involvement in the broader social implications of engineering
Significance of regulatory agencies on the practice of engineering(For more information on each category, please see Experience Guideline 2 examples on the APEGS website)
Work experience examples for Social Implications in this reporting period:
The value or benefits of engineering works to the public
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
Engineering activity and the public at large
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
Interest and involvement in the broader social implications of engineering
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
Significance of regulatory agencies
- Insert experience examples here, or delete this category if there are none.
E-5 – Communication & Working Skills
During the past four months, I have gained experience in the following areas:
Written Communication / Oral PresentationsPublic Presentations
(For more information on each category, please see Experience Guideline 2 and examples on the APEGS website)
Specific Examples of Work Experience in Each Subcategory:
Written Communication
- Example 1
- Example 2, etc.
Oral Presentations
- Example 1
- Example 2, etc.
Public Presentations
- Example 1
- Example 2, etc.
Provide a self-assessment of your experience over the past four months, and in your internship to date.
This may address the following issues.
a)What are the main things you have learned over the past four months?
b)Have you gained experience in all of the areas listed in the CCPE guidelines and subcategories? If not, how do you plan to do this before the end of your internship?
c)In what areas do you wish to gain further experience during the next four months?
d)Has your internship experience made you more or less likely to seek permanent work in this industry?
e)How has your internship helped you in your engineering education? How do you think that your internship experience will help you when you move back into classes at the end of your EPIP program?
Provide a properly formatted list of references that you have used in your report.