Read To The Top:
In general, our student recruitment priorities for Read to the Top!! have been to target high challenge school communities across the DC metro area (DC, MD, VA close-in districts) that support camps, summer school programming and school-based academic remediation and enrichment programs aimed at alleviating the slide in academic skills that occurs if students aren’t engaged in reading and learning during the summer break. To that end, we have hosted students “enrolled” in public, private and charter schools and preschools spanning DC, Arlington County (VA), Fairfax County (VA), Montgomery County (MD) and PG County (MD). Please note that while there are schools listed next to each date, in some cases, they may serve as countywide sites for summer programs hosted at the school and the students may or may not actually be enrolled there. Its due to the fact that the vast majority of schools across the region are not in regular session during the RTTT!! season of programming.
Here is the list in chronological order:
June 24, 2009 – Children of ED employees which spanned public, private and charter schools across the DC metro region.
June 30, 2009 – St. Patrick’s Episcopal Day School Summer Camp; Horizon’s Summer Program at the MaretSchool; and, the PotomacLighthouseCharterSchool summer program. All are located in DC.
July 7, 2009 – Students were from Sargent Shriver Elementary School in Silver Spring, Md., who participate in Montgomery County’s SAIL program (Summer Adventures in Learning), a free summer program available in 30 Montgomery County Title I elementary schools. The program features a four-hour instructional day of reading, language arts, and mathematics to entering kindergarten, first-, second-, third-, fourth-, and fifth-grade students in an attempt to prevent the summer slide of academic skills.
July 17, 2009 - students from Campbell Elementary Summer School in Arlington, Va., and preschoolers who attend the Georgetown Hill Health and Human Services/Department of Education children’s center.
July 22, 2009 – SAIL students from Gaithersburg and Washington Grove Elementary Schools in Montgomery County Public Schools; Potomac Lighthouse Charter School summer program (DC); grandparents who work at the Department of Education and their grandchildren; members of GrandFamilies of America, a group that supports grandparents raising foster children; and members of the United Planning Organization (UPO) Foster Grandparent Program, a DC-based service agency of senior citizens who volunteer in places such as schools, childcare centers and hospitals.
July 27, 2009 - more than 100 children in grades pre-K through 4 from Bolling Air Force Base, the Fort Myer Youth Services program, and the Anacostia children’s development center.
August 7, 2009 - pre-K through grade-6 students from various schools and summer programs across Prince Georges County, Md., and more than 70 K–5 students from Hoffman-Boston Elementary and Carlin Springs Elementary summer school programs: Arlington Public Schools, Va.
August 10, 2009 - Students from Raymond and C.W.HarrisElementary schools in the District, SmithsonianEarlyEnrichmentCenter and Georgetown Hill HHS/ED Children’s Center were in attendance.