MAY 2007
General Drafting Policy
This drafting policy is based on graphic language that is used universally by design professionals to prepare detailed plans. The CADD operator must be fully capable of preparing the final drawings that convey the information about size and shape needed to develop SFWMD structures and facilities. This includes knowledge of Engineering and Survey drawings. The drawings the District receives from venders shall follow these CADD standards and they shall provide plans that are easy to read.
Plan Organization, Standards, and Reference Materials
Plans shall be carefully organized and laid out so that reviewers and contractors can follow designer’s intention. Generally the plans shall be organized and sequenced from an overall general layout to specific details. Drawings shall not be cluttered. Site plans, key maps, plan views, sections details, etc. shall follow in a logical sequence. Designers shall maximize use of key notes and show existing facilities dotted in and proposed work in bold. Text, dimension lines, leader lines, etc. shall be clearly placed and not in conflict with each other.
Plans should be organized as follows:
Project Drawings
- Cover Sheet
- Site plans, key maps etc.
- Plan sheets
- Drawing
- Drawing
- etc.
C1 Standard Drawing
S4 Standard Drawing
M5 Standard Drawing
I6 Standard Drawing
Reference Drawings
As built drawings
Soil borings
On larger projects, the designer may want to break the drawing set up into the major engineering disciplines (i.e. Civil, Structural, Mechanical, Electrical, etc.) as specified in the Folder and File Naming Convention section.
1. All cad files shallbe drawn toscale, in model space and be true to size.All drawingsshall be plotted in paper space. The only graphics in paper space shall be theDistrict border block and the text which goes with it.
2. All drawings shall be clearly presented with the use of halftone/grayscale for existing entities – Bold or dark lines for proposed entities. The full range of the SFWMD.ctb file shall be used for various line weights.
3. All graphics (with the exception of the title block which shall be inserted into paper space)shall pertain to the subject matter, be drawn in model space and be purged of extraneous layers and blocks.
4. No modifications to District Standards and Guideline drawings shall be made without prior approval. The consultant shall notify the District of any changes.
5. All paper space tab names shall reflect the corresponding drawing number.
6. All submittals shall be created with Autocad Version 2004 or higher.There shall be no use of any other CAD program and absolutely no creations of drawings from another CAD programs and converted to AutoCad format once the drawings are finished. This includes any other department you may use within your firm or sub consultants that may be working on the project. All survey drawings shall be created with Land Development Desktop/Land Desktop (both of which are AutoCad programs) and there shall be no conversions from another program to Land Development Desktop/Land Desktop.
7. All final deliverables shall includeas a minimum of one CD containing a copy of all of the drawings in PDF format and a copyof all the AutoCad drawings, plus two (2) full size and one (1) half size hard copies.
8. The layout view port will be created on its own layer. This layer will be set with the print toggle in the off setting.
9. All site, civil & surveyrelated drawings shall be drawn in decimal units. All drawings that pertain to coordinates shall maintain real world coordinates & be drawn inthe NAD83 coordinate base unless otherwise specified.
Drawing set ups
All drawings shall have a PSLTSCALE = 0. (PSLTSCALE is paper space line type scale). This means that all linetype dash lengths and spaces will be scaled to the paper space scale. For most plotting purposes, PSLTSCALE should be set to zero.
Folder and File Naming Convention
All projects shall have its’ own folder name. It will contain the Project ID No. and the title of the project, i.e.
CXXX – Project Name.
All files shall reside in the project folder. The naming of files shall follow a conventional filing system, the Project ID No. followed by a number, i.e.
CXXX-001 Cover Sheet.dwg, CXXX-002 Site Plan.dwg. This numbering system is for small projects. For larger projects which contain multiple disciplines, the following numbering system should be used, i.e.
CXXX-C001 Cover Sheet.dwg – Civil drawings
CXXX-E001 Schematic.dwg – Electrical drawings
CXXX-A001 Site Plan View.dwg – Architectural drawings
CXXX-P001.dwg – Permit drawings
CXXX-M001.dwg – Mechanical drawings
CXXX-L001.dwg – Landscaping drawings
CXXX-S001.dwg – Structural drawings
CXXX-I001.dwg – Irrigation drawings
Plotting (CTB file)
There are 2 different sets of CTB files that shall be used for plotting: The SFWMD.CTB for full size plottingon a 24” x 36” size sheet and SFWMD-HALF.CTB for half size plotting on an 11” x 18” size sheet. There will also be two other separate CTB files for plotting the SFWMD standards and are only to be used for plotting the standard design details and standard design guidelines:One CTB file for full size plotting on a 24” x 36” size sheet (SFWMDSTANDARDSFULL.CTB) and one for half size plotting on an 11” x 18” size sheet (SFWMDSTANDARDSHALF.CTB). All CTB fileswill be included as part of the District CAD standards. We know this can be confusing having so many CTB files but most of the design details & guidelines were created by another consulting firm which made use of their own CTB files before we created our own drawing standards. If there is any confusion please feel free to give us a call.
The basic plot configuration is color driven. The following is a list of the corresponding color numbers to plotted line thickness.
Color 1 Red has a pen weight of .0071” – Prints black
Color 2 Yellow has a pen weight of .0118” – Prints black
Color 3 Green has a pen weight of .016” – Prints black
Color 4 Cyan has a pen weight of .02” – Prints black
Color 5 Blue has a pen weight of .024” – Prints black
Color 6 magenta has a pen weight of .0276” – Prints black
Color 16 = has a pen weight of 0.0393” – Prints black
Color 7 white = Line weight set in layer manager – Prints black
Color 8Gray has a default pen weight – prints gray
Color 9 light Gray has a default pen weight – prints light gray
Colors 14 thru 250 are for printing in color & line weights are set in layer manager (with the exception of color 16 which prints black and has a bold line thickness). Color printing is only to be used in special situations where color drawings are needed and approved by the project manager.
Color 255 prints white and may be used as needed for example when you have line work & text over a very dark aerial.
Plot stamps are setup on our standard title blocks. They have data fields setup on the side of the border which takes care of the plot stamp issue. If you have a lesser version than AutoCad 2005 you will not be able to make use of data fields so therefore you will have to make use of the Plotstamp feature in older versions of AutoCad and place your plot stamp somewhere other than the lower right corner where ours is. The Plotstamp data fields required are as follows; Drawing name, Location, date and time.
Dimension style
The DIMSTYLE file will be given as part of the District CADD standards. The style name shall be SFWMD-Masterstyle. This style is attached as part of the District title blocks and cover sheet templates given to the consultant. Other dimension styles are acceptable as long as they are compatible with the District’s masterstyle. All dimensions shall be on layer DIM with a color of red and all leaders, dimension legs, etc shall be set to “ByLayer” under the Dimension Style Manager and the text shall be set to yellow under Dimension Style Manager.
The following are the primary settings for the Masterstyle:
Dimension lines
Color – red
Line weight - By default
Extend beyond ticks: 0.0
Base line spacing: 0.0
Extension lines
Color – red
Extend beyond dim lines: .1
Offset from origin: .1
1 – closed-filled arrowheads
2 – closed-filled arrowheads
Arrow size - .15
Text: Standard/simplex
Text color: yellow
Text Height: .1
Fraction height scale: .1
Text placement:
Vertical: above
Horizontal: centered
Offset from dim line: .05
Text alignment
Aligned with dimension lines
Primary Units: Shall conform to the discipline in which you’re working with. Example: civil/survey drawings shall be decimal units. Architectural drawings shall be fractional units, etc..
Fit options:
Both text and arrows
Text placement:
Over the dim line, with a leader
Scale for dim features
Scale dim to layout (paperspace)
When the scale has been established for a view port, the view port should be locked to maintain the scale integrity.
When dimensioning any object, the associative setting shall be “ON” and dimension shall be placed through paper space or a layout port with the model space open. This way the dimensioning style scale or dimscale shall match the layout scale factor. When plotting in paper space or layout space the different view ports of different scales shall reflect the same text height when plotted.
Standard text callouts shall be 1/10 of the scale of the drawing and you may use a width factor of one. You may also use a text width factor of 0.9. Which ever width factor you chose should be consistent throughout the entire set of drawings.
Layering convention
ConcreteContinuous1 OR 7
DimContinuous2-text –1 dim. lines
BridgeContinuous3 or 7
Proposed SlopesContinuous2
Existing SlopesHidden7 or 8
Proposed ElevationsContinuous2
Existing ElevationsHidden8
HatchContinuous1 or 8
Sheet pileContinuous1 or 8
Trash rackContinuous1
Right of wayPhantom1
Section LinesDashed X21
Electricalvaries1, 7 or 8
Existing Fence linefenceline7
Proposed Fence linefenceline2
Layers and line types may be added as needed, (When adding layers, they shall be conventional names that refer to the subject associated with the layer).
Draw existing background information,in a light color (7 or 8) using hidden line type and new or proposed work in a heavy line (2 or 3) using a continuous line type (unless it calls for a specific line type as noted previously in the layering convention).
Suggested Line types
Use only normal standard AutoCADline types as follows:
Hidden X2
Dashed X2
Do not use personalized line types.
All drawings shall have only (4) text heights. See chart. Units are set in architectural, engineering, decimal or survey respectively.With the exception of the title which can be a little larger than all other text so long as they are a consistent height on all sheets. You may use a bold font for sheet titles & special callouts. In the chart below: text (1) is 0.1 (1/10 the scale of the drawing). Text (1) shall be the one most widely used and shall be used for most callouts. Text (2) is .125 scale of the drawing. Text (3) is 0.15 scale of the drawing. Text (4) is 0.20 scale of the drawing.
Fractional units - Text Chart no. 1
SCALE / TEXT (1) / TEXT (2) / TEXT (3) / TEXT (4)1/32"=1'-0' / 38.400 / 48.000 / 57.600 / 76.800
1/16"=1'-0' / 19.200 / 24.000 / 28.800 / 38.400
3/32"=1'-0" / 12.800 / 16.000 / 19.200 / 25.600
1/8"=1'-0" / 9.600 / 12.000 / 14.400 / 19.200
3/16"=1'-0" / 6.400 / 8.000 / 9.600 / 12.800
1/4'=1'-0" / 4.800 / 6.000 / 7.200 / 9.600
3/8"=1'-0" / 3.200 / 4.000 / 4.800 / 6.400
1/2"=1'-0" / 2.400 / 3.000 / 3.600 / 4.800
3/4"=1'-0" / 1.600 / 2.000 / 2.400 / 3.200
1"=1'-0" / 1.200 / 1.500 / 1.800 / 2.400
1 1/2"=1'-0" / 0.800 / 1.000 / 1.200 / 1.600
2"=1'-0" / 0.600 / 0.750 / 0.900 / 1.200
3"=1'-0" / 0.400 / 0.500 / 0.600 / 0.800
4"=1'-0" / 0.300 / 0.375 / 0.450 / 0.600
1"=1" / 0.100 / 0.125 / 0.150 / 0.200
Decimal units - Text Chart no. 2
SCALE / TEXT (1) / TEXT (2) / TEXT (3) / TEXT (4)1"=10' / 1 / 1.25 / 1.50 / 2.0
1"=20' / 2 / 2.5 / 3.0 / 4.0
1"=30' / 3 / 3.75 / 4.5 / 6.0
1"=40' / 4 / 5.0 / 6.0 / 8.0
1"=50' / 5 / 6.25 / 7.5 / 10
1"=60' / 6 / 7.5 / 9.0 / 12
1"=100' / 10 / 12.5 / 15.0 / 20
1"=200' / 20 / 25 / 30 / 40
1"=300' / 30 / 37.5 / 45 / 60
1"=400' / 40 / 50 / 60 / 80
1"=500' / 50 / 62.5 / 75 / 100
1"=600' / 60 / 75 / 90 / 120
1"=1000' / 100 / 125 / 150 / 200
1"=2000' / 200 / 250 / 300 / 400
1"=3000' / 300 / 375 / 450 / 600
Standard Border
The standard border is provided. The file name is “SFWMD-STANDARD-tblk.dwg” which is a block that contains editable attributes.The title block shall not be exploded. If you do explode the title block(s) they will be sent back to be rectified. No exceptions. The placement of border will be in paper space. The title block shall be inserted true to its scale (no scaling down or up) and inserted at0, 0.
Standard Cover sheet
The standard cover sheetis provided. The file name is “NEW-ENGINEERING COVER.dwg”. It’s a block that contains editable attributes. The cover sheet is a little different. It may be exploded once because it has a template on the cover to be manipulated for the current project. The cover sheet is a block within another block so therefore if you only explode it once, it will not explode the cover title block. Make sure after you explode the cover sheet once that you haven’t accidentally exploded the border as well. The title block shall not be exploded. If you do explode the title block(s) they will be sent back to be rectified. No exceptions. The placement of the border will be in paper space. The title block shall be inserted true to its scale (no scaling down or up) and inserted at 0, 0.
Project sets
District Standards, when used in a project set, shall become a part of the project set. The project name and ID number shall be placed on the standard drawings as shown below:
Use American Standard Abbreviations. Any non standard abbreviations used shall be defined in a legend.
Any common details or symbols needed for the drawing (i.e. – section info, north arrow, bolts, proposed slope symbol, legend, canal flow arrow, drain flow arrow, etc.) are provided on the CD for your use. Other symbols shall conform to industry standards.