Assignment 1: Solar Powered Irrigation Systems

Assignment Overview

You will calculate the size of a photovoltaic (PV) panelfor a solar powered irrigation system (SPIS) in this assignment. The main goal is to estimate the size (capacity) of a SPIS located in close proximity to a site that is significant to you personally or professionally. Make sure to choose parameters suitable for the specific local requirements.

You will carry outthis assignment in teamsof about ten people.Upon completion your team admin will submit your group’sreport (online upload). In case you have difficulties to find a team, please ask us the Online-Tutors for support. You can reach the Tutors by directing a post to @poweringag or by sending a private message to PoweringAg.The Tutors are happy toassist you byfinding a team. First, your peers (fellow MOOC-Participants from the other teams) will review your report upon submission. Second, the course instructor will review your report as well. The course instructor will evaluate your team’s submission regarding it’seligibility for obtaining the Assignment One Badge.The instructor will also upload a summarized common feedback for Assignment One. The Instructor’s Feedback will address all the relevant issues observed in the individual reports.

In order to simplify the review process of your report, pleasefollow the structure outlined below (chapter 1 to chapter 5). Providingyour team’s draft withinthe marked fields below is the easiest way to use this template.

Please note that the deadline for uploading this assignment is the 21stof February. Please note that the last day to complete the peer review isthe 28th of February.

Group’s name / LutenganoMwinuka

Chapter 1:Case study location

The proposed solar powered irrigation system will be located in the following area:

Continent / Africa
Country / United Republic of Tanzania (URT)
Region / Semi-arid areas of Dodoma Region, Chamwino District
Coordinates / Chamwino district has a total area of 9,203.64 km2 with latitude of 6015’ (6.250) South and longitude of 35042’ (35.70) East and its average elevation is 1,226 metres (4.022 feet).
Short description about the socio economy of the region (max. 500 words) / The district areas are sensitive to food insecurity. The district has flat plains and small hills, deep attachment to livestock, semi-arid (350 to 500 mm), weak and good market access, has low to medium crop productivity with medium to high land pressure. There is no any irrigation setting in the area.
Optional / n/a

Chapter2:Farming system and water requirement

Farming system (maximum 200 words) / Main crops in Chamwino district are pearl millet, groundnuts and sunflower. However, farmers are also growing grapevines, sesame, vegetables, sorghum and others. These crops depend on rain fed farming system. The area receives inadequate amount of rainfall hence is a semi-arid dry land. Most of crops grown do not need much water; however, the establishment of irrigation systems will increase productivity of some crops such as grapevines and vegetables significantly.
Water requirement (maximum 1000 words) / On average the area can receive rainfall of 30-36 mm per month. Water table is very close hence can supply additional water required for use at the household and farm level. The usefulness of the suggested solar powered irrigation system (SPIS) will be determined by its design hence address multiple challenges of the semi-arid rural areas setting.
The assumption of water requirement is that, only two potential crops for irrigation will be used such as grapes and vegetables. Other potential water requirement is for household level use. Thus, grapes can utilize more than 55 mm per month, however, soaker hoses or drip irrigation systems will offer more advantages compared to other means such as sprinklers. In this case, soaker hoses will be chosen for more effective water usage, conserving soil moisture and reducing the risk of fungal diseases. Whereby, vegetables can use up to 152 mm of water per month.

Based on water available, the vegetables and grapevine crops can be supplemented by 119 and 22 mm per month through SPIS respectively. Hence the total crops water requirement is 4.7 m3 per day.

Chapter3:Pumping head (height) calculation

Pumping head (maximum 500 words) / As the drip/trickle irrigation system will be used to implement SPIS, the position of the water tank from the land to be irrigated is 1.8m, and the well is approximately to be of the 24m long. Thus, the total height difference between the water level in the well and the water storage tank is about 24.8m.

Chapter4:Sizingofthe SPIS

PV panel size (capacity) (maximum 500 words) / Given daily crop water requirement (m3/day) = 4.7; total pumping head (m) = 24.8 and mean daily global solar radiation (kWh/m2day) = 5.37. PV panel sizecapacity needed to supply your water demand will be 173.6464 Wp


PV panel size (capacity) (maximum 300 words) / The size of a photovoltaic (PV) panel for establishing a solar powered irrigation system (SPIS) was computed in this exercise. The assumption was that, this SPIS would be based in Africa, Chamwino district in Dodoma region, Tanzania. This semi-arid location was chosen due to its food insecurity sensitivity. However, grapevine and vegetables cropping systems would rescue the situation if crops would be irrigated. Based on the crops water requirements and other key parameters PV panel size was calculated for solar powering irrigation hence pump water to the storage tank for managing drip irrigation.