(A Haryana State Undertaking)
CIN No. U5129HR1967SGC041080Registered Office:
EPABX Nos. 0172-2561317, 2560920Bays No. 15-20,
Fax No. 0172-2561310, 2561313Sector -4, Panchkula
Engagement of Law Officer on part time Contractual Basis
Applications are invited for the engagement of a Law Officer purely on a part time contractual basis, for a period of one year and further extendable as per requirement. The Candidate should be a qualified Law Graduate from a recognized University having age less than 35 years. Selected candidate will be paid a consolidated salary of Rs. 25,000/- per month. The Law officer shall be doing the following works which shall include, but not limited to the following:-
- Obtaining the material/record from Head office and field offices required for drafting of petition/reply/rejoinder/affidavit/miscellaneous applications to be filed in various courts,in co-ordination with DGM/ Secretary of the Corporation.
- Drafting of any petition/reply/rejoinder/affidavit/miscellaneous applications to be filed in various courts from time to time.
- To ensure timely engagement of Advocate from the Govt. panel for various Court Cases.
- Coordinating the filing of petition/reply/rejoinder/affidavit/miscellaneous applications in various courtswith the Govt. Counsel.
- Follow up action of each Court Case.
- Monitoring of all court cases
- Updating/briefing the organization with regard to the progress of the cases.
- Providing legal advice in various cases from time to time.
The interested persons having the above qualification may submit their application in the enclosed format along with attested copies of certificates to Managing Director, HAIC, Bays No.15-20, Sector-4, Panchkula latest by 25.04.2018. Eligible persons shall be called for interview after scrutiny of the applications. No TA/DA shall be paid for the interview.
Managing Director
Application format for the post of Law Officer
Haryana Agro Industries Corporation Limited,
Bays No. 15-20, Sector-4, Panchkula, Haryana.
Advt. No ………………………………………….
SignaturePost applied for:- Law Officer
1. Name in full (In Block Letters) Dr./Mr./Mrs/Ms………………………………………
2.Date of Birth ……..…DD …………MM …………… YY
3.Father’s/Spouse Name…………………………………………………………………………
3(A) Mother’s Name……………………………………………………………………………..…
4. Mailing Address…………………………………………………………………………
Pin Code
Tel. No (with STD code)…..…………………Mobile……………………
E-mail ID…………………………
5. Permanent Address ………………………………….……………………………
Pin Code
6. Gender ……….
7.Enrolment No……………. (enclosed attested copy)
8. Nationality……………………………………………………
Sr. No. / Examination/Degree / Name of Board/ College/University / Year of Passing/ award / Subjects / Marks Obtained / Total Marks / % of Marks10. Experience Details:
I hereby declare that the information given by me in the Application is true, complete and correct to the best of my knowledge and belief and that nothing has been concealed or distorted. If at any time, I am found to have concealed/distorted any information or given any false statement, my application/appointment shall liable to be summarily rejected/terminated without notice or compensation. I will submit all the original and photocopies of documents related to educational qualification, category and experience, at the time of the interview.
Place: / Date: / Signature of the Candidate:1