Engagement, Inclusion, and Diversity (EID) Survey

February 5,–March 5, 2018

Please use this information to respond to questions from employees about the VCFA EID survey. If you become aware of other common questions that are not included here, or if you need assistance responding to a question, please get in touch with your EID survey contact.

What kinds of questions are included in the survey?

The survey includes questions about your work environment, relationships with coworkers, work tools and opportunities, relationship with your supervisor, job satisfaction, and well-being. Studies indicate that these topics have a significant influence on employee engagement in the workplace.

How long will the survey take to complete?

We estimate that the survey will take about 15 minutes to complete.

Must the entire survey be completed in one session?

No. You can start the survey and come back to it another time. However, once you submit your responses, you will not be able to re-open the survey or change your responses. Please be sure you’re satisfied with your responses before you submit your completed survey. If you need to have the survey re-opened for you for any reason, you must contact Nathan Jones at the UW Survey Center (; 608-890-4724).

Are my responses confidential?

Yes. Your individual responses will not be connected to your name. Survey results will only be tallied at the level of the work unit, not at the level of the individual. If you are in a work unit of less than five people, your responses will be rolled up to the next level (for example, a department or division) in order to further protect your confidentiality. The survey is being administered by the UW–Madison Survey Center. The Survey Center is the only entity that will have access to the survey responses, now and in the future. You can be completely candid in sharing your perspectives.

What is the purpose of the unique tracking number assigned to me for this survey?

Each person is assigned a unique tracking number that protects your identity. The tracking number can only be accessed by the employee to complete the survey and by the UW–Madison Survey Center. The Survey Center will use this information to determine whether you have responded and to match your responses with demographic information on file. Your survey responses will not be connected to your name.

I recently completed the survey online, but I still received a paper survey and a request to respond. Why did I get a paper survey?

The paper surveys were generated for those employees who had not responded as of a certain date. Most likely, the UW Survey Center did not have a record of your online responses when they prepared the paper surveys for distribution. If you received a confirmation message when you submitted your responses online, you can assume that your responses have been recorded and you can disregard the paper survey. If you still have concerns, please contact Nathan Jones at the UW Survey Center (; 608-890-4724).

Is participation in the survey voluntary?

Yes, participation is voluntary. You are not required to complete the survey. However, we hope that you will! We greatly value your insights, and this survey is a great opportunity to share your candid perspectives. We need to have your feedback in order to make good decisions about improvements in our workplace environment.

What is the purpose of the EID survey?

The survey results will help guide our decisions so that we can make improvements that will enhance your day-to-day experience at work. Research has shown that higher levels of employee engagement, inclusion, diversity, and well-being result in better individual and organizational performance.

Is this a new initiative or part of an ongoing effort?

The last EID survey was conducted in 2016, and we anticipate continuing to use this survey to “take the pulse” of employee engagement, diversity, inclusion, and well-being in our work environment. By repeating this survey periodically, we can compare results over time and determine whether the changes we’ve made in response to feedback are making a difference. Workplaces are ever-changing, so it’s important that you share your feedback every time an EID survey is conducted

Will the results of the survey be shared with employees?

Yes. Survey results will be shared with all employees. Your manager or supervisor will also be available to review the results with your work unit and engage you in a discussion of any improvements that might be considered. Remember, results will only be tallied at the level of the work unit, not at the level of the individual. If you are in a work unit of less than five people, your responses will be rolled up to the next level (for example, a department or division) in order to preserve your confidentiality.

When will survey results be available for sharing?

We do not have an exact date at this time, but we expect to be ready to report results in the spring. Discussions about next steps, such as improvements we might make in our work environment, will be scheduled as appropriate for each unit, department, or division.

What are the benefits to me as an individual of participating in the survey?

The survey results will help us all create a more engaging work environment. Employees who are engaged in their work enjoy the following benefits:

  • Greater personal meaning in work
  • Higher job satisfaction
  • Improved individual performance
  • Heightened feelings of connection to work, mission, and co-workers

What are the benefits to the organization of higher levels of employee engagement, inclusion, diversity, and well-being?

Organizations see results like these when they make improvements in response to employee feedback:

  • Higher employee retention
  • Better organizational outcomes
  • Increased involvement and collaboration in decision-making resulting in better organizational performance
  • More informed decision-making to ensure resources are effectively used
  • Stronger partnerships across campus

Can you point to any organizational improvements in our division that were made in response to previous survey results?

Check out the Union’s E.I.D. website you will find the Council’s annual report and accomplishments to date.

Our division will soon to be moved under a new Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs, but current EID survey is sponsored by the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration. Given these upcoming changes, will my response still matter?

As Chancellor Blank announced in December, our division will soon be reporting to a new Vice Chancellor for Student Affairs. Although we will no longer be part of the Office of the Vice Chancellor for Finance and Administration (VCFA)—current sponsor of the EID survey—your participation in this survey remains as important as ever. The survey will provide feedback that you and your unit managers can use to build a better work environment. We all want to enjoy a high level of engagement in the work we do. Using the survey results from you and your co-workers, together we’ll be able to make improvements that will benefit everyone in the Wisconsin Union for years to come.

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