/ Continuing Professional Development Programme
Faculty of Engineering & the Built Environment

Energy Modelling and Analysis

Theory and Applications


The aim of the course is to acquaint participants with tools for solving problems in the world of energy planning and analysis. Students will be presented with the framework for energy modelling and analysis, including the various modelling approaches for assisting decision-makers and policy makers with energy planning. An understanding of the fundamentals of the modelling process allows students to develop skills for critically evaluating model output in view of model limitations and assumptions, and to develop proficiency in model design and application. Students will also be trained in methods for deriving the appropriate input drivers used in energy system modelling, and gain practical experience in the use of energy modelling software tools.

Course Content

  • Rationale for modelling energy systems and a history of energy modelling in South Africa
  • Background tools: Time value of money, net present values, variable and fixed costs, Useful and final energy and unit conversion
  • Introduction to modelling and decision analysis
  • Model design, data requirements, driver analysis and sectoral disaggregation
  • Energy Demand Analysis: Trend analysis, end-use method and econometric approach
  • Reference Energy System (RES)
  • Integrated Energy Planning
  • Electricity sector expansion planning, reliability and availability factors
  • Techniques for solving problems under uncertainties
  • Levelised costs and screening curves
  • Introduction to MCDA, application of MCDA in energy planning
  • Classification of energy models: top-down, bottom up and hybrid models
  • Translation of model output into policy
  • Case studies from industry

Course Lecturers

The core presenters for the course are all members of the Energy Systems Analysis and Planning (ESAP) group at the ERC with the addition of guest lecturers from other ERC groups and from other UCT departments (e.g. Statistical Sciences) as well as industry. The profiles of the ESAP group members are:

Alison Hughes is the group leader for the group and has been working in the area of energy systems analysis since joining the ERC in 2002, after first completing a Masters in Mechanical Engineering. Alison’s focus area is research in Integrated Energy Planning at local, regional and national levels.

Bruno Merven holds an MSc in Engineering and an MSc in Financial Mathematics and has been working with energy systems models for the past 4 years for ERC, and for IRG. Bruno’s particular expertise is in power sector (generation), and country-wide energy modelling. He has participated in the teaching of several energy modelling programs at ERC and for IAEA (International Atomic Energy Agency).

Ajay Trikam is an energy researcher who has been with the ERC since 1999 and has experience in LEAP energy modelling and associated climate change mitigation, industrial energy efficiency research and Measurement & Verification of DSM projects.

Adrian Stone has an MSc in Energy Studies, and has worked in consulting and R&D for the automotive, liquid fuels and financial services industries since 1998. Modelling specialities include emission inventories, vehicle parc models and stochastic investment models. He joined ERC’s ESAP group in December 2011.

Mamahloko Senatla completed her MSc (Sustainable Energy Engineering) in 2011. Mamahloko first joined ERC as a student in 2008 and she has been involved in energy internships in various ERC research projects since 2008. In 2011 she joined ERC as an energy research assistant in February 2011.

Brett Cohen holds a BSc and PhD in Chemical Engineering from UCT. Since graduating Brett has worked in the field of multi criteria decision analysis and agent based modeling of energy systems, as well as in the broad area of sustainability as it relates to industrial systems. Brett joined the ERC in 2009.

Course Information

Who should attend?

This course will be of benefit to all who have an interest in developing their analytical skills, particularly in the field of energy systems analysis. Applicants from a wide range of disciplines would be welcome.This is a masters level course and it is advisable that the participants have a tertiary qualification, and at least one year of university level mathematics.


The course consists of pre-reading and 2 sets of lectures, with 4 consecutive full days in each set. Included in these sessions are individual and group assignments and presentations. An exam will take place at the after the course (optional for CPD students).


The fee for the course will be R7400. This fee includes a comprehensive set of course notes. Discounts for staff and students of UCT, and students of other tertiary education institutes are available under certain circumstances. Payment details are on the application form

Certificates and CPD Points

A certificate of attendance will be awarded to CPD participants for each course. Participants need to attend 80% of the lectures to qualify for an attendance certificate.

Alternatively, a certificate of successful course completion will be issued to those who obtain a minimum of 50% in the final (optional) examination.

According to guidelines set out by the Engineering Council of South Africa, attendance of this course will earn participants 8 credits towards Category 1 (Developmental Activities).


ERC Seminar Room, 6th floor, Menzies Building (Upper Campus)

Date and Time

Daily lectures: 09:15 – 10:45; 12:00 – 13:00; 14:00 – 15:30

Monday 23 July – Thursday 26 July and Tuesday 31 July – Friday 3 August 2012 (Please note that this course is 8 days).

Exam (optional for CPD students) – Wednesday 8 August 2012

Applications and cancellations

In order to ensure a place on the course applicants a signed registration form to the course administrators: Heidi Tait or Sandra Jemaar

Confirmation will be sent on receipt of an application form

Applications close on 16 July 2012

Cancellations must be received one week before the start of the course, or the full fee will be charged.

For further enquiries, please contact:

Heidi Tait or Sandra Jemaar

CPD Programme

EBE Faculty

University of Cape Town

Phone: 021 650 5793
Fax: 021 650 2669


CPD Programme, Engineering Faculty, Menzies Building, Upper Campus, University of Cape Town

Private Bag X3, Rondebosch, 7701

Tel: ++27 (0)21 6505793; Fax: ++27 (0)21 6502669; email: ; web: