Energy Future Survey

This survey is a joint project of the Montpelier Energy Team and the Montpelier High School statistics class.

Because the survey is read by a computer program, please mark with a pencil only one response per question. Fill in each circle completely. The squares on each corner of the page represent a code for the data to be read by the computer so please take special care not to mark the squares in any way.

  1. Please estimate the number of kWh of electricity you use in a month or the amount of your average electric bill.

______kWh or ______$

  1. Do you use electricity to heat your house or hot water?

Response definition 1=yes 2=no

  1. In the next eight years how likely are you to:

Response definition: 1=not likely 2=somewhat likely 3=very likely 4=definitely 5=already made this change

  • Replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs?
  • Buy an energy efficient refrigerator?
  • Install motion sensors or other devices to switch off unused lighting and equipment?
  • Make a major purchase that could increase the amount of electricity that you consume (for example: a home addition, a hot tub, or air conditioning)?
  1. Given what you know about efficiency options, by what percentage do you think Montpelier electricity use will change in the next eight years.

Decrease of ____% or Increase of ____%

  1. Please estimate how many gallons of heating oil and/or propane your household uses per year.


  1. In the next eight years how likely are you to:

Response definition: 1=not likely 2=somewhat likely 3=very likely 4=definitely 5=already made this change

  • Replace your oil furnace with a non-fossil fuel-burning furnace?
  • Upgrade the efficiency of your furnace?
  • Retrofit your home to reduce energy use by about 20%?
  • Replace your oil-fired hot water heater with a non-fossil fuel hot water heater?
  1. Given what you know about population growth, efficiency and retrofit options, by what percent do you think Montpelier heating oil use will change in the next eight years?

Decrease of ____% or Increase of ____%

  1. Please estimate the number of miles you drive your car(s) in a year?


  1. In the next eight years how likely are you to:

Response definition: 1=not likely 2=somewhat likely 3=very likely 4=definitely 5=already made this change

  • Replace your car with a vehicle that improves miles per gallon 10% or more?
  • Replace your car with a different vehicle that improves miles per gallon 50% or more (for example: a hybrid).
  • Reduce the number of miles that you drive your self to work?
  • Reduce the number of miles that you drive kids to school?
  • Reduce the number of miles that you drive yourself to for shopping or chores?
  • Increase the number of miles that you drive?
  1. Given what you know about efficiency and transportation options, by what percentage do you think Montpelier gasoline and diesel fuel use will change in the next eight years?

Decrease of ____% or Increase of ____%