Lesson Title
/ Unit Preparation / Lesson Number / 1.4Unit Number
/ 3 / Unit Title / Mathematical RepresentationsCourse/Grade
/ 4th Grade Math / Time Frame / 1 daySTAGE 3 – Lesson Design
Enduring Understanding/s (Specific to Lesson)
· Mathematical information can be described in a picture.· There are a variety of ways to draw a mathematical picture.
· Change in one part of the mathematical picture can cause a change in another part. /
Essential Question/s (Specific to Lesson)
· Why is it necessary to describe things in mathematical pictures?· How can we use graphs and graphic organizers to draw mathematical pictures?
· How does different mathematical information influence my choices of how to draw the picture?
· How can changes in one part of the picture affect other parts of the picture?
Materials/Other Resources
· Lima beans· Transparent plastic cups or jars (1 per pair)
· Elastic bands (1 per pair)
· Labels or masking tape
· Changes Over Time p. 2-9
· Paper towels (2 per pair)
· Plastic wrap
· Marking pens
· Student Sheet 2
Lesson Activities (14, 34, 36, 38)
Daily Reinforcer
Every Day Counts (GLEs for January 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 22, 24, 27, 28, 34, 35, 37, 38, 42, 43)
· Update all.
· Graph - Each student will receive a copy of Inch Squared Paper. Three envelopes will be labeled hamburgers, pizza and chicken. (Other fast foods could be included, but limit to 3 choices.) Students will poll 10 people including themselves. For each person that is interviewed, the student will color 1 square for the choice of hamburgers, chicken and pizza. Let students decide a color to represent each food, e.g. chicken – yellow, pizza – red and hamburgers – brown. Give each student a date to have the results collected and returned to school.
· Calendar – Are we able to see the color and shape pattern on the calendar? If so, what is it? Continue to use the chart, Three-Dimensional Shapes in Our World and discuss the attributes of each shape. Students should discuss the number of faces, corners and edges. Will the shape roll?
La. LEAP Tutoring Guide Data Analysis Lesson 2 (pg. 165-170) http://www.doe.state.la.us/lde/uploads/2150.pdf
La. Daily GLE Practice and LEAP Test Prep Lesson 2-7 page 21
Pacing for Test Success Activity
Mathematical Emphasis: Not referenced in SF.
· Measuring to the nearest half centimeter
· Keeping track of daily measurements in a chart
Launch/Engaging Focus
Students will plant seeds in order for plants to grow. Students will have home guidelines for collecting data for a “home population graph.
Changes over Time p. 2-9
Preparation Session 1 Sprouting the Seeds
· Students will share what they think will change over time with the seeds that have been soaking. How much do they think the plants will grow each day? Will they grow the same or different? Will they grow faster after a couple of weeks?
· Getting the Seeds ready to sprout, directions on page Changes over Time p5.
After a few days when the roots have grown some proceed with Preparation Session 2
Preparation Session 2 Planting the Seeds p. 6-7
Sprouted seeds in cups / Plat pots (1 per student)Potting soil (5 pounds) / Labels or masking tape
Plant fertilizer (optional) / Student sheet 1 (1 per student)
Marking pens / Family letter
· Students working in pairs with partners and choose 2 healthy seeds that has roots. See full details for planting and preparation.
Preparation Session 3 Measuring the Plants page 8-10
Plants in pots / Centimeter rulers (1 per student)Student Sheet 2 (1 per student) / Sticks and string (optional)
See instruction on page 8-10 for full details.
This lesson continues throughout the unit.