Communications System Integration and Modeling Committee (CSIM)
Minutes of the meeting at ICC '97
Montreal, June 8-12 1997
Guy Omidyar, Chairman of the IEEE CSIM committee, opened the meeting on Tuesday June 10, 1997, at 12 noon.
Present were Sastri Kota, Raouf Boutaba, George Parowski, Michael Medley, Victor Frost, Ioannis Lambadaris, Carrie Devieux, K. M. S. Murthy, Matthias Falkner, Keith Townsend, Mohammad Ilyas, Guy Omidyar, and Michael Devetsikiotis.
After the introductions, the minutes of the CSIM committee meeting at Globecom '96 were approved.
ICC 97: TPC representative Ioannis Lambadaris reported that six sessions were sponsored or co-sponsored by the CSIM committee.
Milcom 97: Guy remarked that traditionally our committee has had a heavy represantation in Milcom, and that the workshop from the previous year had been very well attended. Sastri Kota is the tutorial organizer and needs volunteers to help with the tutorials. Milcom and our workshop will be held in Monterey, California; a room is required for 50 to 60 people.
Infocom 97: Guy Omidyar is our TPC representative to Infocom 97 in Kobe, Japan.
Globecom 97: Nelson Fonseca reported that good progress was being made towards organizing Globecom 97.
ICC 98: A. Mishra is the committee's representative and was at that program committee's meeting during the CSIM meeting. His report reminded everyone that the deadline for submissions to ICC 98 was August 15, and there was still time for people to suggest topics for sessions.
Milcom 98: Guy posed the question whether our committee should sponsor a one day workshop during Milcom 98.
Infocom 98: Guy Omidyar is the General Vice-Chair for Infocom 98 in San Fransisco, California. Guy requested people to contact him if they wanted to be involved in the conference.
Globecom 98: Sam Shanmugan was originally the committee's representative but has not been able to participate. Mike Devetsikiotis offered to try to find a replacement.
ICC 99: Marie-Jose Montpetit is our representative to ICC 99 in Vancouver, Canada.
Globecom 99 will be in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Nelson offered to be TPC representative.
Workshops: Nelson Fonseca reported that the CSIM CAMAD workshop is to be held in Brazil in August 1998, in conjunction with ITS 98. Copies of the call for papers were left with Mike Devetsikiotis.
Membership development: Ioannis Lambadaris and Nelson Fonseca reported that they were continuing to work on developing our membership and were trying to set up our permanent e-mail list through the IEEE. Mohammad Ilyas reported that we did not have the e-mail addresses of all the members. Victor suggested we enter the list of attendees from our last workshop into our e-mail list. Guy reminded us that Nelson had already set up an IEEE ComSoc e-mail alias but the names needed to be entered.
JSAC Special issue: Keith Townsend reported that the special issue on computer-aided design and simulation of communication links (of which his was the editor) was published in May 1997. On the topic of a future special issue on computer networks, Keith reminded the committee of the requirements for the list of editors to be international, including at least one from each of Europe and the Pacific Rim. Mike Devetsikiotis offered to co-ordinate the effort to put together a proposal, obtain a copy of previous proposals from Keith and keep Mohammad and Victor informed.
CSIM committee re-certification: Guy noted that it was still early, but soon the campaign for re-certification should commence. Material used for the previous re-certification would be useful. The advice and input of Bill Tranter would also be valuable.
Comm Magazine: Victor reported a special issue he edited on experiments in ATM and WAN performance issues.
Other business: Mohammad raised the issue of the time for CSIM committee meetings. Mike expressed the opinion that any time has advantages and disadvantages. Victor suggested that at least we could avoid in the future overlaps with popular events such as the Publications Luncheon.
The meeting was adjourned at 1:30pm.
Submitted by Mike Devetsikiotis, Secretary, IEEE CSIM Committee