SITE NAME: Adelaide University
Library Workflow Questionnaire
· In order to help translate your library polices and procedures into VOYAGER, it‘s important to understand your libraries’ practices. Below is a list of questions that can give us a better perspective on your library. If you don’t know the answers to all or any of these, don’t worry; this will give us a better focus for your system orientation and functional training.
· The questions are grouped by system module/library practice. If you need more room please write on the back.
With how many vendors does the Library regularly place orders?
10 major vendors electronically, plus 10-20 additional print, per week. We have ~9000 vendors on file.
With what types of vendors do you place orders?
Library suppliers, subscription agents, bookshops, individuals, second hand dealers, …
What order types (approval plans, subscriptions, blanket orders) does the library use?
Firm, journal subscription, multi-invoice subscription, standing order, deposit, deposit journals, blanket order.
Briefly describe your library’s pre-order process:
Order requests are received from research librarians or academics, via paper or email. All requests are then checked by Acquisitions staff against the Library catalogue and Acq order files, and verified for Bib details against Kinetica, Books in Print, or vendors databases on the Web. Bibliographic records are downloaded from Kinetica and form the basis of the order record.
Describe your fund structure:
This is a complex hierarchy, with about 40 expenditure accounts operating in the University’s financial system. The Library subdivides its own hierarchy into major groups of books, journals, undergraduate, bequests, branches and special research. There are over 200 of these. The ones most used are the book funds (~80) and the journal funds (~80).
How many serial subscriptions do you have?
5,513 subscriptions. 4,546 gift/exchange journals.
Describe your check-in procedures:
Issues are received online.
Call number and collection are written manually on each item’s label.
Only items which allow borrowing (or reference) are given barcode labels, e.g. bound volumes.
Some issues are sent for analytic cataloguing.
Workslips are printed to accompany bound vols. further.
Processing notes on screen give special directions to staff.
What types of currencies do you use?
AUD, USD, GBP, DEM, FRF, EURO, NLG, and others are required.
Do you use a bibliographic utility for cataloging?
If yes, please list
What percentage of cataloging is original?
What percentage is on-the-fly or brief cataloging?
Brief cataloguing (i.e. with no subject headings , am5) approx. 7%
Does the library/current system use the USMARC Holdings format?
Do you practice authority control?
Do you have an authority update service?
What library unit is responsible for item creation/maintenance (e.g., barcoding, spine labels)?
Mostly BSL cataloguing. But can be done, and is done for some material
in the branches.
How many patrons do you have?
What patron types do you serve? (Examples:Faculty, Town resident, undergraduate)
University staff and students, institutional, community borrowers. Also have a reciprocal borrowing arrangement with the other two Universities (UniSA and Flinders).
Do you want to migrate your patron records?
Do you have patron groups that aren’t charged fees or fines?
None of our patrons are charged fines (we use demerit points). All may incur fees.
If so, which?
Do you have a patron record for each borrower?
If not, what is your record structure?
Do you send overdue/lost item notices?
Do you allow holds/recalls to be placed on materials?
How many branches do you have?
Five (maybe six if we include our Library Store)
Do you allow check-ins at other branches?
Do you have a reserve collection?
Do you use fixed or end-of-term due dates?
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