Christians Instructed to Watch… Mk 13:33, Lk 21:36, Mt 24:42, etc.
Age of the Earth – 6 day creation (6,000 yrs), 7th day He rested (Millennial Kingdom)
Jubilee Years (120x50) – a 6,000 year timeline
Feasts of the Lord (Lev 23):
Passover: Jesus Crucified
Unleavened Bread: Jesus in the Tomb
First Fruits: Jesus Resurrected
Pentecost: Holy Spirit Given / Church is Born
Trumpets: Rapture of the Church?
Day of Atonement: Israel repents confesses Jesus as Messiah (Is 53)
Tabernacles: Start of Millennium – Israel enters its Kingdom / Bema Seat Judgement -
NT Saints works are judged – 1 Cor 3:11-15, 2 Cor 5:10, Rom 14:10-12
· This does not determin whether you are saved or lost – this is for the saved only. (Rom 14:10)
· Your works are judged (1 Cor 3:8-17) – works done for His glory bring you rewards, works done for yourself will suffer you loss.
· This determines the garments you will be wearing when you are married to Jesus Christ. / Crowns Awarded -
Righteousness –
2 Tim 4:8
Life –
Jms 1:12, Rev 2:10
Rejoicing –
1 Thes 2:19
Incorruptible –
1 Cor 9:24-25
Glory –
1 Pet 5:4
See Rev 3:11 / Marriage of the Lamb –
Eph 5:23-32, Rev 19:1-8
· With Jewish weddings, there are seven days of celebration. Daniel’s 70th week is seven years.
Is there time in heaven? Yes
See Rev 8:1, Rev 6:9-11
Heb 12:22-23 - The spirits of Old Testament saints still waiting their resurrection at the end of the tribulation. /
History Revealed (Prophecy)
The Dream of Daniel 2: Times of the Gentiles the Rise of Imperial Paganism
The Four Beasts/Kingdoms of Daniel 7
The Profile of the Antichrist - Daniel 8
Daniel’s 70 Weeks:
-The Scope – Dan 9:24
-The 69 Weeks – Dan 9:25
-The Interval – Dan 9:26
-The 70th Week – Dan 9:27
Gog/Magog the Kings of the North/South - Daniel 11
Rev 2 & 3 - The 7 Epistles of Christ - 7 Church Ages:
Ephesus = Apostolic Church
Smyrna = Persecuted Church
Pergamos = Marries Church (Perversion)
Thyatira = Medieval Church (Vatican)
Sardis = Denominational Church (Reformation)
Philadelphia = Missionary Church
Laodicea = Apostate, Ecumenical, Emergent Church
Kingdom Parables of Mt13 – describe time period between Israel’s formal rejection (Mt12) the 2nd Coming
Prophetic Profile of 2 Thes 2:1-12
The Seven Heads Ten Horns - Revelation 17.
Partial fulfillment of Joel 2:28 at Pentecost. Full fulfillment during Millennial Kingdom.
Israel in a Spirit of Slumber, salvation has come unto the Gentiles, to provoke the Jews to jealousy – Rom 11:8-11;
Acts 15:14-18
Fullness of the Gentiles –
Lk 19:42, Rom 11:25
Mt 24:3 – Our Question: the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world? / Signs of the Last Days
Lk 12:54-56 - …discern this time
Jn 16:13 – Spirit of Truth will show you things to come
Jn 14:26 – the Comforter will teach you all things…
Rev 22:6 – these things must shortly be done
Rev 3:3 – watch, thief, know not what hour I come…
1 Tim 4:1-3 – doctrines of devils
2 Tim 4:3-4 – will not endure sound doctrine
2 Tim 3:1-17 – lovers of their own selves…
Jude 17-21 – mockers walk after their own ungodly lusts
2 Pet 3:3-14 – scoffers, willingly ignorant…
1 Jn 5:19 – world lieth in wickedness
2 Pet 2:1-22 –
false teachers, damnable heresies
1 Thes 5:1-5 -Day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night – we are of the day… /
The Rapture of the Church
The Promise =
Jn 14:1-3
The Process =
1 Thes 4:13-18
The Purpose =
1 Cor 15:50-55
The Prophetic
Profile = 2 Thes 2
Rev 4:1 - hereafter
1 Thes 5:1-9
Rev 13:6?
Is 26:19-21
Zeph 2:3
Ps 27:5
Joel 2:16
Harvest of Is 17?
Rev 2:22 disproves Pre-Wrath Post-Trib Rapture.
Rev 13:8 disproves a Post-Trib Rapture.
Mt 16:18 vs. Rev 13:7 Dan 7:21-22
The 1st Resurrection (Res. of Life) – NT Saints (living dead) raised to new life: Lk 14:15, 1 Cor 15:23, Heb 11:35, Rev 20:5-6, Jn 5:26-29, Dan 12:2, Acts 24:15, 1 Cor 15:42-50, Rom 8:11, 2 Cor 5:6-8, 1 Jn 3:2
NT Saints will have increased understanding of Jesus Christ will know Him more in full - 1 Cor 13:8-13 / Before or After the Rapture?
Is 17:1-14 – Damascus Destroyed? Good indication this is at the end of the ToJT
Psalm 83 War – 10 Muslim Nation Alliance against Israel?
Temple rebuilt before mid-point of Tribulation – Dan 9:27
Mt 24:15
2 Thes 2:4
Rev 11:1-2
See Amos 9:11-12, Is 66:6
Jewish Tribes reestablished – Rev 7:4
Distinction of Jew Gentile is emphasized (no mention of the Church within Rev 4-18)
Will the world be separated into 10 spheres (kingdoms) or is the Bible just speaking to 10 of Israel’s neighbors? Dan 7:24, Dan 11:40-45, Rev 17:12 / After the Rapture
A peace treaty is 'confirmed' with Israel – Dan 9:27
The Antichrist is identified – Dan 7:8, 9:26-27, 2 Thes 2:3-10, Dan 8, Dan 11:36-45, Rev 13:2-10, 18
Olivet Discourse
Mt 24-25 / Mk 13 / Lk 21
Deception, Wars, Rumors of Wars, Great Earthquakes, Famines, Pestilence, Fearful Sights in the Heavens, Persecution, False Prophets, Love of many waxes cold.
Birth Pagns begin, ultimately leading to the birth of the Millennial Kingdom / The Tribulation / 70th Week of Daniel / Time of Jacob's Trouble (ToJT)
- Is 24:1-20 / Rev 6-19 / Dan 9:27 / Jer 30:7
7 years / 42 Months (x2) / 1260 Days (x2) – Rev 11:2, 12:6, 13:5
- First 3.5 years (the Tribulation) begins with a peace treaty confirmed by the Antichrist (Dan 9:27); Antichrist protects Israel.
- Second 3.5 years is the “Great Tribulation” - Mt 24:21, Rev 6:17, 7:14
The Tribulation's purpose is to drive the Jews to repentence, for the Jews to petition the Messiah's return, to bring the earth under submission, to establish His Kingdom on earth – Mt 23:37-39, Hos 5:15-6:3
Prophecy knowledge continue in the ToJT
Beginning of Sorrows Great Tribulation
3.5 years
Seals ---1---2---3---4---5---6----à
“Interval” after each #6
Beginning of Sorrows - Mt 24:3-12
The 4 Horsemen (Rev 6) =
White / Anti-Christ / Seal 1 / Mt 24:5
> Red / War / Seal 2 / Mt 24:6
> Black / Famine / Seal 3 / Mt 24:7
> Pale Green / Death / Seal 4 / Mt 24:7
(now take notice of the color on each Islamic flag…)
5th Seal – Tribulation Saints / Mt 24:9 / (martyrs) given white robes.
6th Seal – Great earthquake, volcanoes, asteroids – the continents move. Joel 2:1
Gospel of the Kingdom preached – Mt 24:14 / 3.5 years
1---2---3---4---5---6---7 Trumpets
144k male virgin Jews sealed come to know Jesus as Lord Savior. They will scatter around the world preaching the Gospel of the Kingdom - Mt 24:14, Rev 7:3-8, 14:1-5 - 144k Apostle Paul’s.
2 witnesses – 3.5 yrs – Rev 11:3
Angel declares Everlasting Gospel from mid-heaven – Rev 14:6-7
False church HQ’d in Babylon.
One-world economic political system attempted (Sharia Law?).
The days are shortened - Mk 13:20
False Christs prophets.
All nations gather for Armageddon, joining the Antichrist – Jer 14:2, Joel 3:2, 9-17, Zech 12:3, Dan 11:40-45
Satan is cast out of heaven – Rev 12:7-12
Antichrist breaks covenant w/ Israel – Dan 9:27, Dan 11:40-12:1, Is 10:5-6
Jerusalem is "compassed with armies" - Lk 21:20 (history repeated?)
Mid-point of the Tribulation = Abomination of Desolation – Rev 13:1-8
Antichrist goes into the temple in Jerusalem - Dan 9:27, Mt 24:15, 2 Thes 2:4, Dan 7:8
Jews/Trib Saints instructed to flee Jerusalem/Israel (remnant protected) – Rev 12:6, Dan 11:41, Is 65:8, 10:20-27, 43:1-4
Judah & Jerusalem taken captive – Joel 3:1,3, 5-6
/ End of ToJT
All the tribes mourn – Zech 12:11-14, Mt 24:30
Currency devalue – Is 13:12, 17
Babylon destroyed in one hour (Rev 18:1-20, Is 13:19-20, 14:22) – burnt by fire (Rev 18:8) – nuclear?
Ancient Babylon Jer 25, Is 13:20 – ‘Perpetual Desolation’
Sun moon darkened, stars fall, sea waves roar, men's hearts failing them for fear - Mt 24:29-30, Joel 2:30-32, 3:15, Is 13:7-10
Jews petition for His return – Is 26:16, 64:8-12; Hos 5:15
Zech 12:10 - they shall look upon me whom they have pierced…
Acts 1:9-11 - why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven
Did Acts 1:9-11 occur in 70AD? 100lbs hail stones? 1/3 of sea life dead? (Rev 8) Preterism is false! Pentecost was not the Return of Christ – He will return in “like manner” (Acts 1:11).
Angels gather Elect (Jews & Trib Saints) – Mt 24:31, Mt 13 parables (wheat & tares) /
Return of Christ / The 2nd Coming
Is 11:1-5,11,16, Mt 24:36-41, Rev 19:11-19, Zech 14:1-9, 2 Thes 1:7-10, Jude 14-15, Ps 2, 110:5, Is 13, 24-27, 30:25-32, 66:15-16
Battle of Armageddon -
Joel 3:2, 9-17, Rev 16:12-16, Rev 19:19&21, Is 13:4-5
Jesus steps on the Mount of Olives – Zech 14:4.
Smite those that fight against Jerusalem – Zech 14:12.
He treads the winepress alone – Is 27:12, 63, Rev 19:13-15, Rev 14:14-20, Joel 3:12-13
In flaming fire taking vengeance on them that know not God, and that obey not the Gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ - 2 Thes 1:5-10
Jesus on a white horse - Rev 19:11-13.
We get on white horses - Rev 19:8-14, Joel 2:11, 16b, Hab 3:16, Ps 50:3
Antichrist False Prophet cast into Lake of Fire – Rev 19:20, Is 30:31, 31:8
He comes from Teman with rays of light coming out of His hand – Hab 3:4
Judgment of the Nations (Goat & Sheep judgment) Mt 25:31-46, Joel 3:2, (at the 1290-day mark? - Dan 12:11), Ez 20:34-38, Mt 7:21-27, Ps 110:6, Is 11:12; 21-23, 34, 66:18, Zeph 3:18-20 / Millennial Kingdom
(1000 years) - Rev 20:1-6, Is 33:17-24, 35, 65, Zech 14:8-11, Lk 1:32-33, Mt 20:21, Lk 22:29-30, Joel 2:18-27, 1 Cor 15:25, Jer 23:5-6, Joel 3:18-21, Ez 37, Ps 110; Amos 9:11-15
Satan bound in the bottomless pit – Rev 20:1-2, Is 14:12-20
Jesus rules reigns from His throne in Jerusalem w/ a rod of iron (capital punishment will be exercised) – Is 9:6-7, Lk 1:30-33, Ps 2:9, Dan 2:44-45, 7:14, Rev 12:5, Rev 19:15.
12 Apostles (not Paul) judge Israel w/ Christ – Mt 19:28. Worship the King, keep Feast of Tabernacles – Zech 14:16-19 – He will teach His ways – Mic 4:2-4.
OT slain Trib Saints resurrected (1st Resurrection) enter the Kingdom – they rule reign with Christ with NT Saints – Dan 12:1-3, Rev 1:6, 5:10, 20:4-6, Heb 12:22-23, Is 26:19-20, 32:1, 1 Cor 6:2, 2 Tim 2:12, Job 19:25-27, Hos 13:14, Ez 37:1-14.
Believers (Gentiles Jews) who live through the Tribulation enter the Kingdom in mortal bodies (at the 1335 day mark? – Dan 12:12) – Dan 7:18, 22. Slain Trib Saints who come out of “Great Tribulation” serve Him day night in His temple – Rev 7:14-15.
Believers will be living on Earth, still in their physical bodies, while the New Jerusalem (where the glorified Saints of the Church will possibly be living?) is suspended over the earth.
Marriage Supper (feast) of the Lamb – Rev 19:9, Is 25:6
Spirit upon all flesh, sons daughters prophesy, old men dream dreams, young men see visions – Joel 2:28. Prophecy teaching continues all over the earth. 1000 years of knowledge, preaching, teaching, instruction – Is 2:2-3, 11:9, 12:3-5, 29:18, 30:20-21, 32:3-4, 41:15-20, 29:24, Jer 23:4. Wolf dwells w/ lamb, child plays on hole of viper, little child shall lead them– Is 11:6-9 / Satan Released for a season towards the end of the Millennial Kingdom – Rev 20:3, 7-9
Final test of mankind.
Gog / Magog Invasion against the Saints -Ez 38/39, Rev 20:7-9
Satan cast into the Lake of Fire – Rev 20:10
All enemies under His feet –
1 Cor 15:25 /
Great White Throne Judgment
(Time of Retribution)
Dan 7:9-11, 12:2, Rev 20:5 (1st Resurrection – of judgment), Rev 20:11-15, Jn 5:24-29, Acts 24:15
Jesus is judge
(the living the dead).
2 Tim 4:1, Jn 5:28-29
Universe is melted away before this judgment
Rev 20:11 (2 Pet 3:7, 10) then Rev 20:12-13
Jesus sentences those who have rejected Him into the Lake of Fire (the 2nd death) Rev 19:20, 20:10, 14, 21:8
Book of Life, the Bible, Book of Remembrance? used – Rev 20:11-15, Mal 3:16 / End of the Millennial Kingdom
Jesus hands over the Kingdom to God the Father death is abolished - 1 Cor 15:24-28, Heb 2:14
Heaven Earth shall pass away…
Like a thief… (sudden unexpected) – Mt 24:35, Rev 21:1-4
Water (as in the original creation) is never associated with the end of the universe, fire is -
2 Pet 3:3-14
New Heaven
New Earth
New Jerusalem – Rev 21:1-4, Ez 37:27-28, 48:30-35, Jn 14:2,
Gen 2:11-12, Heb 11:6-16, 12:22-24, 13:14, Rev 3:11-13, 21:9–22:5, Is 65:17-19, 66:22
Eternity future - Paul called it “the dispensation of the fullness of times” (Eph 1:10) Time is fulfilled
God dwells w/ man – Rev 21:3
No more death, sorrow, crying, pain – Rev 21:4, Is 26:8. No more curse – Rev 22:3
Faith, Hope, Gifts end. Love is eternal –
1 Cor 13:8,13
We will know all truth.
1 Cor 13:12
Love will go on for eternity.
All the saints of all the ages are glorified made perfect.
© 2017 - D. Paul Beck –
End Times Timeline
