Culpeper County School Board 6/8/2006 ~ 11:10:42 AM


May 22, 2006

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May 22, 2006

A disposition meeting of the School Board of Culpeper County was held May 22, 2006, in the School Board Central Office (Colin Owens Conference Room) at 450 Radio Lane at 6 p.m. Present were Elizabeth Hutchins (Cedar Mountain District), Chair; Robert Beard (East Fairfax District); Robert Jenkins III (Catalpa District): Leanne Jenkins (Jefferson District); Jennifer McCauley (Salem District); Claudia Vento (West Fairfax District), Vice Chair; and Division Superintendent David Cox.

George Dasher (Stevensburg District) was absent.

At 6:09 p.m. Ms. Hutchins called the meeting to order and Dr. Cox called the roll.

On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Ms. Jenkins, the Board went into closed

session immediately regarding:

(a)  Discussion of a disciplinary matter of Named Student A (Release from Compulsory Attendance) as permitted by the Code of Virginia [2.2-3711 (A) (2) Code of Virginia]

Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.

On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Ms. Jenkins, the Board ended the closed

session at 6: 16 p.m. and certified by the following roll call vote that only public business matters lawfully exempted from open meeting requirements and only the items included in the motion to go into closed session were discussed:


Robert Beard

Elizabeth Hutchins

Robert Jenkins III

Leanne Jenkins

Jennifer McCauley

Claudia Vento


On motion by Ms. Jenkins seconded by Ms. Vento, the Board approved the adoption of the agenda as presented. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.

On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Ms. McCauley, the Board approved the consent agenda Items A-C. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote. Ms. Jenkins abstained on personnel recommendation for Ernie Kuratomi.

(a) Discipline Hearing Disposition of Named Student A (Release)

(b) Personnel Recommendations

(c)Approval of Out-of-County Field Trip to Europe in June 2007

End of Year Expenditures

Dr. Cox said we are trying to identify as much as we can to spend down the fund balance while trying to accurately project the fund balance

Dr. Cox referred members to page 13-15 which is the CIP approved in December. Dr. Cox said money in the operating budget has to be spent by June 30th. He said the CIP money can rollover for future projects.

Mr. Shomo referred members to page 11. He said he expects a $60,000 savings in the May and June payroll.

Mr. Shomo said the projected fund balance as of June 30th is $1,022,598. He reviewed the possible expenditures from page 11. Mr. Shomo said the cost to maintain hand-sanitizers in the classroom is $19,435. Dr. Cox said the dispensers do not cost anything but we would have to purchase the bladders. Ms. Jenkins recommended purchasing the bladders in bulk like we do paper. Mr. Shomo said we do not have storage. Mr. Shomo said each dispenser cost approximately $60 each. Dr. Cox said the dispenser would be provided free of charge if we sign an agreement for five years to purchase the sanitizer. Ms. Hutchins asked if the recommendation is for every classroom or just the cafeteria. Mr. Shomo said he would recommend placement in the cafeterias first. Ms. Vento said she feels they should be installed in the PreK-3 classrooms. Ms. McCauley said hand sanitizers are currently being used in the classroom at the teacher or parent’s expense. Mr. Jenkins asked if we have hot water in the sinks. Ms. Hutchins said we do not have hot water at the elementary level because it is a safety issue. Mr. Jenkins said some soap dispensers in the restrooms are not being refilled.

Mr. Shomo said we currently have engineering costs on the parking lot at Pearl Sample, A. G. Richardson, and Emerald Hill. Ms. Jenkins asked why we need engineering. Mr. Spencer said the engineering costs include a number of hourly scope projects that may or may not be required. Mr. Spencer said according to county code at Emerald Hill we must submit a new site plan before paving. Ms. Jenkins asked if there is a proposed cost range. Mr. Spencer said at Emerald Hill the task alone is $16,000. Ms. Jenkins said the real issue is that in the future we should not accept inadequate parking because in the long run we will spend more to revamp the parking. Ms. Hutchins said the costs presented are just the planning costs involved to pave the parking lots. Mr. Beard asked where we are with the money to complete the project. Mr. Shomo said we have received $280,000 from the Lowe’s subdivisions that can be set aside for paving projects.

Ms. Jenkins asked about the emergency egress at Pearl Sample/A. G. Richardson. Mr. Spencer said part of the study would be to evaluate the egress issue. Dr. Cox said the Baptist Home is not willing to talk to us. Mr. Spencer said VDOT is working with us.

Ms. Hutchins asked about the road behind Culpeper Middle. Dr. Carter said Deputy Carter investigated the issue and found out from VDOT that the road will open officially August 18th.

Ms. Hutchins said we need to notify parents of Culpeper Middle School students about the new drop-off/pick-up procedures for next year. Dr. Carter said he has spoken with Mr. Zierden regarding the issue.

Mr. Shomo said the Farmington Boilers and High School Switch Gears are already included in the CIP. He said we can also get the engineering done for the agriculture area at Culpeper High School.

Mr. Shomo said he proposes allocating $60,000 for instructional supplies and playground equipment at the schools discretion. Mr. Shomo said 700 students would equate to $21,000 and 2,000 students would equate to $56,000. Mr. Beard said the $60,000 does not pay for a playground. Mr. Houck gave background information on the Sycamore Park playground. Mr. Houck said in the past DSS had agreed to donate toward the playground. Mr. Parkinson said VML currently conducts inspections on playground equipment. He said VML will not insure our equipment if it doesn’t meet certain criteria. Mr. Houck said he sent a letter to the Town of Culpeper and Department of Social Services asking for funds. Mr. Houck said they did not respond to his letter. Dr. Conti said the original conversations with Pam Jenkins and Dorenda Pullen indicated that DSS would match funds. Ms. Jenkins asked about a figure to remove the old playground equipment. Mr. Parkinson said maintenance has done that in the past. Mr. Houck said the gravel needs to be removed as well. Mr. Parkinson said the only substitute that is economically something we can afford is special mulch. Mr. Houck said the playground manufacturers recommend putting padding under the equipment only. Ms. Jenkins asked if the playground has been considered with the renovations scheduled for Sycamore Park in the future. Dr. Cox said it would be up to each principal’s discretion for what is actually purchased with the additional allocations. Ms. McCauley would like to see the board spend more money to update the playgrounds. She said physical activity is very important during the school day. Ms. Vento said we should not punish the schools that have been lucky enough to get funding from some other source. Mr. Jenkins said Sycamore Park has a different cliental than other schools have. Mr. Jenkins said it is a good idea to allocate but it is not necessarily fair. Ms. Jenkins said there are other games children can play without playground equipment; i.e., jump rope, hop scotch, etc. Ms. Jenkins said if daycare wants to pay to update the playground they should use their funds to update the playground. Ms. McCauley asked Mr. Houck how they determined the playground was not safe. Mr. Houck said DSS had an inspector come out and they decided the playground was not up to standards. Mr. Parkinson said our equipment is safe. Mr. Beard said we need to look at our playgrounds long-term. The board requested to review the town parks agreement.

Mr. Shomo said the flooring under item 6 is currently on the CIP list. Ms. Jenkins asked the cost. Mr. Parkinson said the range is $2-$7 per square foot. He said the last purchase was approximately $3 per square foot. Mr. Shomo said items on state contract do not require us to go out to bid. He said the state has already approved the vendor and prices.

Mr. Shomo items 1-7 have already gone through the bid process.

Mr. Shomo said item 8 requires bidding. He said this is currently in the CIP for a transportation/maintenance warehouse. Mr. Spencer distributed a drawing.

The board took a five minute break from 7:28 p.m. – 7:33 p.m.

Mr. Spencer said the building is 42x75 feet. Mr. Spencer said there would be no mechanical, electrical, or plumbing. Mr. Shomo said each block is approximately 3,150 square feet. He said the idea is to start with a shell that could be expanded. Mr. Spencer said toilets, heating/air-conditioning, lighting would come later. Dr. Cox said we want to explore using the used bus oil as heat. He said there are systems that use recycled oil. Mr. Parkinson said the system would pay for itself in three years. Dr. Cox said this would be a very flexible space. Ms. McCauley asked if we are setting ourselves up for a longer expense. She asked if it is cheaper if we do it all at once. Mr. Spencer said basic heating/electric would run $130,000. Mr. Spencer suggested we put this out as a package including items we want. He said the builders would have to purchase the permits. Mr. Spencer said we already have water/sewer at the Food Service trailer. Mr. Beard asked if the building would be used as a weight/wrestling room. Mr. Spencer said if it was moving the weight/wrestling room would open up two classrooms at Culpeper High School. Dr. Cox said we are currently paying $20,000 a year to store records. Dr. Cox said in the future we could use the building for central receiving. Mr. Shomo said at the June retreat we will have some more concrete figures. Mr. Shomo said the idea with the building shell is to issue three separate checks. He said it is possible this building could be completed by the fall. Mr. Spencer said the building cannot be used until it has lights and ventilation. Mr. Shomo said they told him to spend the expenditures down for things that we need. He said everything will be purchased with all the guidelines. Mr. Shomo said the building is on the CIP.

Ms. McCauley asked if we have considered artificial turf for the football field. She suggested we have a test-site. Mr. Shomo said JMU uses artificial turf. He said artificial turf is not maintenance free. Dr. Conti said there have been discussions regarding artificial turf; however, it is very expensive. Mr. Spencer said it is approximately $350,000 for one football field.

Mr. Beard expressed concern relative to the $457,786 balance. Mr. Shomo said this is his guideline and he does not plan to go below that figure.

Ms. McCauley asked what the Board of Supervisors has asked us to maintain as a fund balance. Dr. Cox said the only comments we have received were individual comments. Mr. Shomo said when we get under $500,000 the auditors get nervous.

Mr. Shomo said page 16 reflects the state revenues. He said the figure that may fluctuate the most is the sales tax. Dr. Cox said we do not get the final adjustment until the end. Ms. Jenkins suggested rearranging item 6 and 8. Ms. Vento said she is reluctant to go below $500,000. Mr. Beard said staff should be commended for researching these items. He said this proposal gives us maximum flexibility up to the end. He said we need to cut it as close as we can. Ms. Hutchins said she is hesitant being under $500,000. Mr. Shomo said he could email board members with updates on costs.

Ms. McCauley asked when we plan on asking for a bottom line number. Dr. Cox said a zero balance is unrealistic.

Mr. Shomo said he will not spend any money that the board is not aware of. Dr. Cox said all these items are value added and we have needed them for a long time.

The board decided to make final approval on the list at the June 12th meeting.

Ms. Hutchins asked about the A/C at CCHS. Mr. Parkinson said it was repaired today.

Ms. Hutchins asked when the parking lot would be open between CMS/CCHS. He said it would be opened back up this week.

Dr. Cox said we received a 21st Century Grant to be used for ESL. Dr. Conti said we received $145,000 grant thanks to Carla Finefrock and Barbara White. Dr. Conti said 21st Century is for summer school, ESL, and before/after school programs.

Ms. Hutchins reminded members that the New High School Groundbreaking is May 23, 2006 at 5 p.m.

On motion of Ms. Vento seconded by Ms. McCauley, the meeting was adjourned at 8:24 p.m. Motion carried 6-0 by voice vote.
