Voicemail: 425-408-7307 IB Precalculus Syllabus
email: 2017-18
Website: www.nsd.org/bclouse
Keep this in your binder for future reference.
Course Overview (State Standards): Welcome to IB Pre Calculus. The IHS IB program is rigorous and demands discipline, motivation, and dedication from its students. This course is the first of a two part IB SL Mathematics study that will continue into IB Calculus next year. The topics covered here will be part of what will be included in the IB testing in the spring of 2018. Students enrolled in this IB course will be held to the high standards required to be successful in the IB program and to help prepare them for future coursework.
Students will continue to expand on topics covered in Algebra 2 / Trigonometry, including exponential and logarithmic, and trigonometry functions, their inverses and transformations. For more information about Washington State/Common Core high school mathematics, please visit: http://www.k12.wa.us/Mathematics/Standards.aspx.
Required Materials: Students will be responsible to have the required materials for learning everyday. They are:
· Grid-ruled notebook/journal
· Pencils
· Red Correcting Pen/s
· TI-83 Plus or TI-84 Graphing Calculator REQUIRED
Online Materials/Textbook: Precalculus: Graphs and Models by Coburn and Herlick ©
Website: Our classroom website can be viewed on my Teacher Website through the Inglemoor Website. Resources for the classroom will be available through StudentVue or ParentVue.
Expectations: Students are expected to be respectful, come ready to learn (meaning you have all your required materials), to think and work together and to take responsibility for their own learning . My classroom rule is to respect and take responsibility for your own learning and do not distract your classmates from their learning.
Your Role as a Student: Please arrive on time and be seated with materials: homework, notebook, textbook, calculator, and pencil/pen. Be aware of expected behaviors and consequences as outlined in the student handbook. Treat all class members with respect, come ready to learn, and ask questions!
Grading: Student grades will be based on the following:
· Homework Assignments: Students will be assigned regular homework. Students will keep a three ring binder to organize their homework, class notes, worksheets, stamp sheets, definition sheets, and other class materials. Homework and notebooks will be checked for completion daily.
· Late Work: Late work may be accepted for partial credit prior to the unit test. Homework from previous units will not be accepted.
· Group Work/Participation: Throughout the year, students will be working in groups. Periodically groups will be evaluated on their math work and group participation. These evaluations will be completed by the teachers and by students.
· Internal Assessment: As part of the IB SL course, you will be required to complete one Internal Assessments (IA) during the two year course. The IA will be an exploration you will present as a paper and will be part of your overall IB Score. More details will follow.
· Quizzes and Tests: Announced quizzes will be given periodically covering some of the concepts studied during the unit. Tests will be given at the end of each unit, covering most of the concepts in the unit along with information from previous tests. Quiz corrections will be availabe for extra points (this does not include tests).
Calculating the Grade: Grades will be weighted as follows:
· 20% Homework, Notebook Checks and GroupWork/Participation
· 70% Quizzes and Tests
· 10% Final Exam
87 – 89% B+ / 77 – 79% C+ / 67 – 69% D+93 – 100% A / 83 – 86% B / 73 – 76% C / 60 – 66% D
90 – 92% A- / 80 – 82% B- / 70 – 72% C- / 0 – 59% F
The following grade scale will be used to determine your grade.
You may check your grades online at StudentVue or ParentVue.
Folder or Binder: You will want to keep your homework and notesheets organized. A folder or binder will be used for important warm-ups, notes, and practice problems. You should have your folder in class every day. If you are absent, please catch up with any important notes that were added. Lost folders are lost student resources.
Homework: Homework is used to practice the concepts you’ve learned in class. All work needs to be shown. If work is not shown, credit will not be given. Since you are “practicing,” you should at least attempt each problem. If you are in need of help, you should ask for further explanation (from another student or a teacher) during the homework discussion time, see me before or after school, request a signature for Viking time, consult online textbook video tutorials, or talk to/call a study buddy. Sometimes the day’s homework grade will be a percentage grade, and sometimes the grade will be a completion grade. Usually only a portion of the homework assignment is graded rather all the problems, but all of the problems are expected to be attempted/completed. Please talk to your teacher if homework is taking you an unreasonable amount of time! Incomplete work will only receive 50% credit. Late work will be accepted for 50% credit except in the last two weeks of the semester. Homework will be recorded on a Homework Recording Sheet.
Absences: If a student has an excused absence, they will have the same number of days to make up the assignment as they were absent. It is the student's responsibility to obtain missed assignments from either the assignment bin in the room or from StudentVue on the calendar or under the gradebook. I cannot take the time from a current class to teach a topic you missed. Please note, I'm available before and after school most days, but scheduling is appreciated. Tests/quizzes/and assignments that were due the day you were absent will be due the day you return.
Electronics: The graphing calculator is a tool to be used appropriately during class time. I reserve the right to clear any student’s calculator memory or reset graphing calculators. Inappropriate use of electronics will result in the confiscation of that device until the end of the school day. Repeated use may warrant a meeting between the student, their parent, and the teacher regarding appropriate use of technology during the school day. Students are expected to resolve any cell phone communication outside of class time. In the event of an emergency, students can be reached through the main office.
Discipline Policy: Disrupting instruction, your learning, the learning of others, or not complying with the expectations for student behavior as outlined in the student handbook will result in the following progressive consequences: lunch duty, warning and/or call home, removal from class, meeting with parents/principal/teachers, written follow-up or administrator action. I practice the 3 strikes your out rule.
Late/Tardy Policy: Being late/tardy means not being in your seat with homework, textbook, calculator, and toolkit out and beginning warm up work when the bell rings. Students who are tardy must sign in at the door. Three unexcused tardies will result in detention.
IB Precalculus Course Syllabus Acknowledgement
It is expected to have both your signature and your parent's signature on this last page by:
Wednesday, September 13, 2017.
I have read the entire IB Precalculus course syllabus and discussed it with my parent(s). I am aware that the syllabus should remain in my notebook for reference throughout the year. I know I can reach Mrs. Clouse, using the information provided on the first page, if I have further questions.
Parents, we would appreciate it if you could please provide some contact information. Feel free to provide the information in which you feel comfortable.
Student Signature / Parent SignaturePlease print student name / Please print parent name
Home phone / Time(s) you can be reached
Work phone / Time(s) you can be reached
e-mail address / Class Period