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THEME: Sacrifice

You are in the final four of contestants working to become Donald Trump’s next Apprentice. Here’s your project: put together a 30-second video containing specific scenes from End of the Spear that best illustrate the concept of love. What scenes will you choose? Please explain your choices.

What kinds of things would you say motivated the five missionary families to embark on their mission to the Waodani people?

Take a look at Philippians 2:5-11. In this passage, Paul encourages his followers to have the same attitude that Jesus had. How would you describe that attitude?

In what ways did you see this attitude reflected in the people portrayed in End of the Spear?

What kinds of obstacles could have easily prevented them from demonstrating a Christlike spirit?

Would you say that God exalted the men and women in this story in a similar way to the exaltation Jesus experienced? If so, how?

As God-followers, what are some specific ways we can daily imitate the example of the real men and women of End of the Spear as they imitated Jesus?


THEME: Forgiveness

At what point in the movie did you find yourself connecting with the story the most?

What emotions were you feeling at that moment?

Think of a time in your life when you found yourself under some kind of attack from other people. How would you describe that attack?

What are some comparisons you can see between the attacks on the men in this story and the kinds of attacks we experience in our lives?

Read Colossians 3:12-14. What does it look like to forgive as the Lord has forgiven you?

When we forgive others, what is it that we are forgiving?

Put yourself in the shoes of the family members of Jim Elliot, Pete Fleming, Ed McCully, Nate Saint or Roger Youderian. What questions would you have had to answer in order to forgive the Waodani for killing your loved ones?

In your experience, what typically happens to those who either refuse or are unable to forgive others?

List some action steps that we could use to help us forgive others as God has forgiven us.


THEME: The Ministry of Reconciliation

On the movie screen of your brain, replay the scene from End of the Spear where Rachel Saint, Elizabeth Elliot and Dayuma move in with the Waodani. What were you thinking when you saw that scene?

In what ways did the movie help you to see the actions of these women through the eyes of the Waodani people?

If you had been a Waodani observing this event, what kinds of questions do you think you would have been asking?

In 2 Corinthians 5:14-21, Paul talks about the ministry of reconciliation that has been given to all God-followers. Please read this passage. Using your own words, restate what Paul is saying in this passage.

In what ways does this story illustrate the ministry of reconciliation for you?

Why do you think the actions of these ladies were so effective in God’s hands to bring about such significant transformation in the lives of the Waodani?

How do you think Christians in our world could imitate these ladies and carry out the ministry of reconciliation in . . .

Our homes?

Our neighborhoods?

Our cities?


THEME: Making Good Come from Evil

In which scenes of End of the Spear did you see the face of evil the most?

What are some of the characteristics of evil that you saw depicted in these scenes?

What are some typical responses you or I might have to evil situations that confront us?

Recall as a group the story from Genesis about Joseph and his brothers. What was Joseph’s response to the evil that consumed his world?

Read Genesis 50:15-21. What would you say enabled Joseph to maintain a loving attitude toward his brothers and say the words he spoke in this passage?

The Christian speaker and author, Gordon MacDonald, once said, “God can play tricks on evil, if we let him, and pull from the darkness light and beauty” ( –July 1, 1997). What are some ways God played tricks on evil in the story End of the Spear tells?

How have you seen God play tricks on the evil in your life? If you feel comfortable, please share your story with the group.

What do you think we, as individuals, need to do to allow God to turn the tables on evil situations in our lives?

Personal Moment: If you are faced with an evil situation in your life right now, God is ready, willing and able to use that situation to accomplish His purposes. How are you standing in His way? Before you leave this discussion group, is there someone here who could help you open the door for God to work?

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Questions submitted by Bearing Fruit Communications,