Workshop: BIGSAS, University of BayreuthDoctoral School of Social Sciences, Universidad del Valle, Cali (Colombia)

Encounters: Crossing perspectives - Crossing disciplinaries

14.11-16.11.2016(Universität Bayreuth)

14.11. Monday

10h00h Opening session

Welcome Address

Chancellor of the University of Bayreuth, Dr. Markus Zanner

10h15Presentation of BIGSAS (Prof. Dr. DymitrIbriszimow)

10h30Presentation of Doctoral Schools(Moderation: Prof. Neubert)

UniversidaddelValle (Cali): Prof. Rosa Bermudez Prof. DarioHenao

10h50UFBA & UFRB, Brazil: Prof. LivioSansone (CenterofAsianandAfricanStudies (UFBA, Salvador da Bahia) & Prof. DanilloBarata (UFRB,Cachoeira)

11h10UEM, Maputo, Mozambique: Prof. Carlos Arnaldo & Prof. Teresa Manjate, (CenterofAfricanStudies)

12hLunch Break (Reception at Iwalewa-House)

14h00Comparative approaches: South-South in Dialogue(Moderation: BerntSchnettler)

14h00Ute FendlerEberhard Rothfuß: Crossing perspectives: Case studies South America-Africa

14h30Gilbert Ndi Shang: The Coloniality of Power and the Poetics ofExcess/Scarcity in novels by Mario Vargas Llosa (Peru) and by Koli JeanBofane (Congo)

15h00ConstantinSonkwe: Comparative Literature and the Postcolonial

15h30Antje Daniels: Opposition or cooperation? Interrelations between social movements and the state. Examples from the women's movement in Kenya and Brazil


16h30Danillo Barata: Body–Image (Moderation: A.Mbaye)

17h30-19h00Public Lecture:Prof. LivioSansone (UFBA, Salvador de Bahia): The Challenge of the South-South Comparison(Moderation DieterNeubert)

15.11. Tuesday

9h-10h45Case Studies: Geography(Moderation: FestusBoamah)

Oscar Buitrago:Lineamientos de políticapública para la gestiónambientaldelárea de influenciametropolitana de Cali(Colombia)

RogersHansine: Maputo - Many urban spaces and one city?

Carlos Arnaldo: Armed conflict and demographic outcome in Mozambique and Rwanda


11h15-12h30Case Studies: Literature (Moderation: GilbertNdi Shang)

DarioHenao: El código Changó. Mito-poética de matriz africana enChangó, el gran putas

Serena Talento: NegotiatinglocalismandglobalisminShakespeareantranslationsintoSwahili


14h-15h45Case Studies: Linguistics(Moderation:EricAnchimbe)

Rafael PereaChalá: Improntas africanas enlosespañoles de América

Irina Turner: The Role of English and Isixhosa for University Graduates in their Early Careers

SusanneMuehleisen: LesserknownCreoles: The role ofEnglish-lexiconCreolesinCentral andSouthAmerica


16h00-17h45Case studies:Sociology/Anthropology: (Moderation:)

Rosa EmiliaBermúdez Rico: Estrategias de enclasamientoen sectores mediosafrocolombianosen Cali

Diana Lorena PinedaOspina: Movilidad social y estratificación social enlapoblaciónafrocolombianaenBuenaventura

Ramona Pech: A conversationanalyticapproach to HIV/AIDS preventionintheDominicanRepublic

20h“Cinema Africa” at Cineplex: Philippe Lacôte: Run (Ivory Coast)

16.11. Wednesday

9h00-10h45Anthropology & Sociology: (Moderation: LivioSansone)

WilmarHernánReyesSevillano: Determinantes sociales y experiencias subjetivas en el padecimiento de la diabetes. Una aproximación a lasprácticasalimenticias de lapoblaciónafrocolombianaen Cali.

Julián Eduardo Arteaga Aguilar: Tradición y modernidadenlapoblacióndel Pacifico Sur. Una aproximación desde losoficios de parteras, marimberos y vicheros

Antonio Evaldo Almeida Barros: Heritage, inequality and citizenship in comparative perspective: About bumbas in Brazil and timbilas in Mozambique.


11h15-12h30MediaLiterature (Moderation: Ivo Ritzer)

YvetteNgum: ArticulatingCultures and identities in Cameroonian Cinema

Nadine Siegert: (Re)mapping Luanda. Nostalgia and utopia in aesthetic practise.

12h30-13h00Summary (DymitrIbriszimow, Ute FendlerEberhardRothfuß) and launch of the AGORA-website

13h00-14h30Lunch (at Engin’sPonte)

14h30-16h30Guided City Tour with Gilbert Ndi Shang

16h30-18h00Strategic Meeting(Professors)

19h 00Dinner

17.11. Thursday

9h00-11h30 Meeting of partners: Bayreuth, Cachoeira, Cali, Maputo, Salvador daBahia (Campus Geography, GEO II - R 148)

20h Cinema Africa at Cineplex: “The Cursed ones” (Ghana)