Hi there,
Enclosed I send you some standardletters.
I hope you like it and I hope you want to copy this a few times en send it to your other pals.
But only if you like it!
Pina Jones,Lyricwriter,
K. Doormanstr. 1-D,
For more:
Standard letter to all my penpals 1.
Hi everyone, here's a short standard-letter.
Angie, the newsletter looked great again! Thanx for doing such a great job!
Sandy; Susan my pen-pal form Sacramento, thinks your poems are great, too!
Sunny, Don't give up!
Verosatie; Ik zal je nog wat teksten sturen.
April and Susan, your newsletter looked great too!
Christopher, I hope you don't stop now with your creative things, because you gave up the TWBC, for what you did in it I mean to say.
Susan, congratulations with your high grades on school and especially for your Shakespeare.
Lena, to make you some more comfortable to live with your glasses; I wear glasses too.
I want everyone who wants to write a standard letter for penpals to do this too, that's what I want to say with this letter.
But, you also can send me your texts to put in my standard-letter.
My standard-letter which I want to go to make in the future is supposed to be full of messages of you.
For instance: If you collect stamps or stickers or anything else you can write that down and send it to me and I will place this in the:
Pina Jones' Pen-Pals'-Standard-Letter
which I want to make every two months.
You also can write down that you sell books or when you're looking for a second-hand computer or tapes or anything else so that I can put this in the Pina Jones' Pen-Pals'-Standard-Letter.
The craziest things you want to see published you can send to me and I will collect it to make the Standard-Letter.
So please, tell me if you all find this a great idea, and if it's not, I won't go continuing my plans in this.
Like everyone should know I made myself some poem-papers and I send them up to you all.
But remember; The ones I send my friends and family are the ones with mistakes.
Like that under poems wrong names are standing or written the names with pen under it.
That are mistake-ones I send you. I can't give them to people I don't know so I send them to you.If anything is written with pen under it and it isn't still copied, I can't lay them in the supermarkets for free, because it's just a visite-card of yourself and so I copy the original ones-with pen-writing in it-and I send you the originals. That's why.
3.Standard-Letter 1, page 2
So, how's everybody doing? I'm fine. You also can send me your poems, 'cause I can make of the Standard-letter a poem-paper too!
Tell me if you work under a pseudonym, in that case, or not.
So here's my adress to write to tell if you prefere a poem-paper or a standard-letter:
Pina Jones, lyricwriter, philosopher & DJ,
K. Doormanstr. 1-D,
P.S. I don't want to make the standard-letter bigger as five pages.
4. From: To:
Pina Jones All my penpals
K. Doormanstr. 1-D,
Pina Jones'-Pen-Pals'-Standard-Letter 2
Column for the Travelling Wilbury-newsletter or "Valotte".
Hi everyone!
Here I'm back from being gone! Has everyone had a good X-mas?
I had also a good old/new-years-party!
Most of my pen-pals write poems and so do I. We exchange a lot with each other and I think it's fun.
So, my penpals; Keep on doing this, I like it and I will keep on doing this too, of course!
And that's what you like again, as well!
So we're just doing this all for each other and I think that's wonderful.
Don't you think it's wonderful if you can share your thoughts and ideas and happenings with each other!
So that's why I like this whole thing 'round writing.
I also can better write then speak. Do you guys feel the same about this?
Well, I have always had this.
At least, I got pen-pals from all over the world, now. Let me introduce you to Verosatie, for instance. She lives at Curacao.
You know where that is?
Verosatie what a beautiful name!) lives there with her daughter "Vianne". Vianne looks nice. I have just seen her on a photo which Verosatie send to me.
As some people of you know, my real name is Erwina. I never met someone with that same name of mine.
I think it's fantastic!
I only use the name Pina Jones, because I needed a pseudonym for my poems.
I don't like publicity 'round my person, although I need it if I ever, ever want to become a famous songwriter.
So that's why I asked the newspaper for an interview, yes Susy, again. Other readers: I will soon introduce you to this Susy too, but back now to the interview, I'm nervous for it.
5. The people of the newspaper come to my home as soon as we had made a date.
We only still have to agree about a date.
And then I come with a big photo in the paper. Aaargh! Ough!
Write to me what you think of this. Should you do this all too, to become a famous writer or do you think that I overreact in this or do you just think it's fun?
And is this possible in your country too? Come on, tell me all about it.
Ooh yes, about Susy, she's 23 years young, I never say the age and after it the word "old", cause I think 23 years ìs young.
Don't you agree then?
Susy is studying in Sacramento and I don't give her address 'cause she still can't write back 'cause she's busy with her study.
So there's no use to give you the address.
I want to give the other addresses if I have the permission of this one pen-pal herself to give it to you too, but I won't give you Susy's.
Sorry for that. Hope you don't mind.
Then I got the pen-pal Kirsty from Australia. I don't know much about her since I only write her since a short time.
But I do get nice stickers from her.
So, if anyone is interested for so far to write one of my pen-pals to make her your pen-pal too I will probably give you the address if you ask for it.
So, that's what I do.
Me, myself I look for 25+ pen-pals.
Then I "got" Sandy Baumann, she's 32 years young. (You see? Again: Young!).
I like her 'cause I'm nearly her age myself. I'm 30 years young, mainly.
Angie Basden I still have for pen-pal.She handles or she's running a fan-club of Julian Lennon and she's doing it well!
You can also publish your poems in the news-letter if you want to.
So send her some poetry to try if it's gonna be published if you like that.
I do it myself too!
Angie writes her letters during the lessons at school. She lives, just as Susy, in the U.S.A.
If you have any information about Jules, then please send her.
She's dying for it!
6. Then I got a Russian pen-pal: Lena Pavlova. She's not exactly clumsy with her guitar.
No, I just think she can play it good. She's nuts of Tom Petty. Every letter she writes me is going about it. If you got any information 'bout Tom Petty, please send her.
She's dying for it.
Please everyone, you can also send me labels to make you FB's and poem-slams.
I also wanted to ask you to make me address-labels on your computer of:
Pina Jones, LYRICWRITER, Philosopher & DJ,
K. Doormanstr. 1-D,
Her girlfriend, Iris de Vos, I've written with too. But she's a pen-pal, not her girlfriend.
But in her case she's a girlfriend too. At least; pen-pals are friends, though?
Last, but not least about my pen-pal Sunny. She's got much humour but less friends. Who writes her a letter? She also writes poems. Her address:
Sunny Allen
Raam 121, 3111 PL SCHIEDAM.
Send her all about Rob Lowe. She's dying for it!
Well, that's it for this time.
Soft dreams and wish me luck too!
P.S. Who writes the next column?
Pina Jones'- Pen-Pals'-Standard-Letter 3
Hi everyone. Since I've written everyone of my pen-pals actually I've taken my time for this third Standard-letter.
I hope no-one doesn't mind this.
If yes, then I'm so sorry, I don't want to damage my pen-pals by lack of writing!
Then I wish everyone a good summer and now I'm gonna answer some requests I asked for in the newsletter before.
But first, Kirsty, do you want to send me again an "Information Sheet" , I send the one you sent me before to the wrong one. Isn't that stupid?
Sheelagh collects postcards and she writes poems. If you send her postcards, she probably send you poems of herself!
The address is:
Sheelagh Regan, 41 Mount Road, Braintree, Essex, CM7 3JA, England.
By the way, my labels which say: "Organization-Criminal" don't mean anything.
I get much questions about this. I think it could better say:
"Organized Criminal" but don't be scared, like I told you earlier, it doesn't mean anything, it's just my humour.
Then Kirsty Sheperd of Australia collects poems. She writes them herself too. Who likes to exchange them with her?
Her address:
Kirsty Sheperd, 2 Kenross Court, Wantirna 3152,
Victoria, Australia.
Then I had a request of Tracey Lee from Australia.
She asks for people who want to swap cross stitch patterns and poems to write. Her address is:
Tracey Lee, 51 New Road Oak Park, VIC 3046, Australia.
Then I still know a girl from the Netherlands, she's called Xandra, some call her Sunny and she's been named in the Standard-letter before.
But she's moved out and has another address now.
She writes poems and likes to exchange them. Her address is: Xandra Allen en René, Raam 121, 3111 PL SCHIEDAM, THE NETHERLANDS.
I collect stickers, stamps, and poems. U2? let's exchange them!!! If you also want to make me address-labels, then please tell me and send me some.
Also people who want to make slams for me and poem-slams and FB's are welcome. 7B.
in my P.O. Box for asking me labels therefor.
Please mention in the FB's you make for me that I collect stickers and stamps and poems and like to exchange them with people.
8. My address is : Pina Jones, Lyricwriter, philosopher & DJ,
So welcome to page two of the Pina Jones'-Pen-Pals'-Standard- Letter!
Everyone still happy? Yeah! Okay then let's continue then!
Then there's a girl who writes poems and I know of her that's she looking for pen-pals again.
This is her address:
Susan Mackenthun, 241 Waterview Terrace, Vallejo CA 94591-7156, U.S.A.
This is the pen-pal I meant Fons.
Everybody now: I'm saying this to Fons, Fons looks for pen-pals too, but he prefers his own language, 'cause he's bad in English.
Fons' address is:
Fons Villerius, FREE RECORD SHOP SPECIALIZOR, ,Noordmolenstraat 32C-1, 3035 RK Rotterdam, THE NETHERLANDS.
And don't forget to greet his fantastic girlfriend Irma!!!
Does anyone know the address Sandy Baumann moved to?
Then I had the question of everyone wants to copy this Standard Letter 3 times and send it to a pen-pal which name is still not in this Standard-Letter? Put on the back side on it then the words: "Pass if not interested".
You can also make 2 copies for a FB-club you know and send it to them with the request if they want to sent this to the next ones.
In that case, then please put also in your request if they want to copy it at the FB-club as much as they want too, so they have more Standard-Letters to send out to more different people.
If there are people who get this letter via a FB-club or other ways
and they want to be in the next Standard-Letter with a request for Pen-pals or to tell people you like to make FB's for them or slams if they send you labels, then write to Pina Jones to make this clear.
THIS IS ALL NOT A MUST!!! If you don't like to copy this so much, because you think it's too much like a chain, (and some of you don't like chains, me either) then you don't have to. You don't get accidents then with my letter and with chains if you don't copy them you JUST get an accident according to the chain.
That's why I don't like chains.
Then now the poems for this time.
The "girlthief" I will enclose to all my pen-pals and my question with that was if you copy the Standard-Letter, don't forget to enclose this "Girlthief" , 'cause it's part of the Standard-letter.
Girlthief is part of the chapter: Poems by pen-pals and this time the poem is written by me, Pina Jones.
I'm looking for a co-writer, someone who can put my words on music.
Me, myself, I just compose a little bit sometimes, but not too often.
Deep Thoughts by the Pen-Pals
After my death I will be understood.
Expect a little, then everything in the reality has a chance to grow.
Better one in the air then the air of ten.
What kind of weather is it? Usually in the Netherlands it's no weather!!!
These were deep thoughts by Pina Jones.
Then the last item for these Standard Letter and it is:
Words of Hope
Hi everyone, in this item I talk words of hope to everyone. Suggestions are welcome for this item.
This time the words of hope are from me. Everyone can send their words of hope in. If they sound well, I place them in the next newsletter with your name under it or, like you will, a nickname or pseudonym.
Well here comes the item:
Neglect the suckers in your life and treat them, the sweethearts in your life as good as you can, 'cause there's only one good perfect understatement in the world and that is love.
Amnesty, Keep up the good works!!!
Don't get lost in the world of stupids, just when you think all is over, remember then that it just all starts then. Don't think there's no need for you to be on earth, 'cause everyone is unique!
That's it for this time, folks, bye for now and:
Keeeeeeeeeeeeep Smiling!!!!
Pardon me sir
You want her?
then give her a wink
just when she don't know
what to think
Sort of refrain:
Lesson one, lesson one
be a man, be a man
Lesson two, lesson two
introduce her to you
No way you say
hey hey hey
What's that rubbish (all) 'bout?
Don't have any doubt
any doubt
Sort of refrain:
Lesson three, lesson three
introduce her to me
Lesson four, lesson four
leave us and shut the door
Bye you, (oh) You're so naïeve
'cause you know I'm the "girlthief"
Hi everyone!
In the last Standard-letter I asked you to send FB's and Slams to Diana Versteeg, but I forgot to mention the adress with it.
Well, the address is:
Patrick wants to make music on lyrics of girls. He thinks girls see it from another point of view and he thinks that point of view is interesting.
The address of Patrick is:
Patrick Wentink
Uilebomen 104
And of course you can send all you want to see published in the next Standard-letter to me, Pina Jones.
I didn't get much reactions on of that you liked to discuss a problem with Oprah Winfrey. I only get one commends on that from Clemma.
She wrote she sometimes looked at Rickie Lake but while she did, she wondered why she looked.
For so far the commends on the reactions.
So how's everyone? Everyone's doing well, I hope.
It's sunday evening half past ten at the moment.
I have some questions for you all, guys!!
1. If you could make a wish, what would it be?
2. Do you go by a nickname, if yes which one and why?
3. Say a sweet phrase to me.
4. Think out a rhyme of two phrases.
5. Do you smoke and want a lighter from me?
6. What's your latest dream? About what or....about who?
7. Tell me a story in which you are the person of the great role.
8. Do you ever dream without sleeping? If yes, when do you do that? On school, or just at home when you're boring?
9. Tell me a story, just as in question 7 with a few words in which you become a star. If it doesn't go is a few words, then write me in a letter!
10.How about school?
11.What should you do with a million?
12.Stand up, close your eyes and walk 3 steps forwards. what you'd bump onto?
13.Have you ever been backstage, if yes at whom and tell us about it!