“The Background Guys”

Employment Screening and Background Checks


Federal Supply Service

Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List

On-line access to contract ordering information, terms and conditions, up-to-date pricing, and the option to create an electronic

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SIN 595-27 Pre-Employment Background Investigations

Business Size: Small Business, Veteran Owned Small business

Contract Number: GS-02F-0007Y

For more information on ordering from

Federal Supply Schedules click on the FSS Schedules button at fss.gsa.gov.

Effective: October 17, 2011

Expiration: October 16, 2021

Contract Administrator: Mr. Robert Buchholz

Business Size: Small Business, Veteran Owned Small Business

Scott-Roberts and Associates, LLC

2290 10th Ave N Suite 500

Lake Worth, FL 33461-6618

Phone: 888-605-4265

Fax: 888-605-4305

Customer Information

1. Special item number: SIN 595-27 Pre-Employment Background Investigations.

1a. Identification of the highestpriced service for each report item number awarded in the

contract. Government net price based on a unit of one. See Table 3and Table 4: International Reports Service Pricing

1b. Identification of the highest priced service for each Labor Category hourly rate item number awarded in thecontract. Government net price based on a unit of one;See Table 2: Labor Category Hourly Rates Pricing.

2. Maximum Order: SIN MAXIMUM ORDER 595-27 $1,000,000

3. Minimum Order Limitation: $100.00

4. Geographic coverage (delivery area). Worldwide via internet.

5. Point(s) of Production: Lake Worth, Florida.

6. Discount from list prices or statement of prices: Unit Pricing is net and includes basic GSA


7. Quantity/ Volume Discounts: See Price List.

8. Prompt Payment Terms: N/A.

9a. Government purchase cards are accepted up to the micro-purchase threshold. Yes

9b. Government purchase cards are accepted or not accepted above the micro-purchase

threshold. Cards are accepted above the micro-purchase threshold.

10. Foreign items: Where available. See international price list.

11a. Time of delivery: Within required timeframes as established by Government

regulations and/or within the period specified in the ordering agency’s statement of work

and the order.

11b. Expedited Delivery: Negotiable with ordering agency

11c. Urgent Requirements: Contact the Contractor for the purpose of obtaining accelerated

delivery pursuant to Contract Clause No. I-FSS-140-B, Urgent Requirements.

12. F.O.B. point(s). Lake Worth, Florida.

The Scott-Roberts Advantage

Scott-Roberts’ mission is the provision of accurate and quality information. To this end, Scott-Roberts has a multi-faceted approach to ensure accuracy and quality in the investigative reports we provide. Scott-Roberts adheres to the accreditation standards of the National Association of Professional Background Screeners (NAPBS), of which Scott-Roberts is a member. Scott-Roberts has been awarded a Certificate of Competency by the US Small Business Administration after an in-depth review of Scott-Roberts operations. Our foremost quality and accuracy policy is to thoroughly train our employees prior to their assuming their job duties. Each member of Scott-Roberts staff is trained and federal Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) certified in the background investigative process. The team research manager and the senior research analyst routinely and randomly audit completed reports prior to delivery to the client.

The Scott-Roberts Team is dedicated to delivering courteous, timely, and professional service. Always available customer service and technical support ensures that individual client’s needs are consistently satisfied.

Scott-Roberts’ internet based software is state-of-the art technology that is available 24/7 and provides a simple interface for recruiters and managers to use.They will love the simplicity,power and speed of the system. A simple form with custom instructions makes it easy to order services and packages. Quick links display the most recent work. Email notices will alert them to completed and supplemental reports, as well as invoices. Links at the bottom of each report will quickly generate letters to applicants, as required by law. On-line archiving will let them retrieve older reports without having to contact technicalsupport.
There is complete flexibility in setting up Parent/Child relationships when there is a need to restrict access based on location or position level. You can issue the log-in credentials and also revoke or suspend them at any time. You determine what each individual user can do-- enter orders, see applicant data, see invoice data. Combine these rights to establish the perfect fit for each individual user.

Accurate and up-to-date search results may be instant, same day, or next day for most products and are presented in an easy to read, user friendly format. Certain Verifications and/or In-Person Court searches can take up to 72 hours.

The Executive Team

Robert F. Buchholz, President

Mr. Buchholz is a highly motivated leader with over 30 years in law enforcement with positions ranging from New York State Police Trooper to State Police Captain and Albany County Undersheriff. His managerial experience includes both administration and field operations. He is extremely knowledgeable in training, planning and research, field supervision and team building. He is a highly respected international law enforcement consultant and successful business owner. Mr. Buchholz has over 18year’s experience in the employment screening industry and he possesses invaluable experience, knowledge and resources. Some of his accomplishments include:

• Successfully initiated and implemented a multi-year cooperative program with the Policia Militar de Minas Gerais, Brazil to bring Officers to the USA for training. Awarded the Alferes Tiradentes Medal for outstanding service; one of very few foreigners to ever receive their highest honor.

• Presented seminars and training programs including the 1998 Konrad Adenauer-Stiftung Foundation Conference, Belo Horizonte, Brazil and the 1999 International Crisis Management Symposium, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

• Directed operations while on-the-scene of major cases and natural disasters, including the NYS Thruway bridge collapse and tactical operations against illegal gambling operations in upstate New York.

• Master’s Degree in Public Administration, Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration and Associates Degree in Criminal Justice.

• Former Editor in Chief of The Gray Rider, the official publication of the Association of Former New York State Troopers.

• US Navy Vietnam-era veteran.

Andrew J. Scott III, Vice President

Andrew J. Scott, III is a proven police executive with almost 30 years of experience in police and law enforcement matters. As Chief of Police for the City of Boca Raton, Florida, and Assistant Police Chief for North Miami Beach, Florida, Mr. Scott actively participated in crime prevention programs, an FBI anti-terrorism task force, multi-agency anti-gang efforts and police forensic committees. He is a leader in the area of police department accreditation.

Crime control, crime prevention and community protection is increasingly complex in the post 9/11 environment. Traditional police work involving crime scene investigations, evidence storage, use of force, and car chases grows more sophisticated as technology-based crimes and solutions, like Identity Theft become routine.

Police departments, law enforcement agencies, attorneys, commercial developers, property owners and others turn to Mr. Scott for police for law enforcement consulting services.

Among Mr. Scott’s accomplishments are:

  • Chief of Police, City of Boca Raton, FL
  • Chief Operating Officer, Antol Restoration
  • Assistant Police Chief, N. Miami Beach, FL
  • Chair, Commission for Florida Law Enforcement Accreditation, Inc.
  • Team Leader, Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies, Inc. (CALEA)
  • Member, International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) Forensics Committee
  • Member, IACP Crime Prevention Committee
  • Chairperson, Multi-Agency Gang Task Force Advisory Board for Palm Beach County
  • Chairperson & Committee Member, Municipal Public Safety Communications Consortium (MPSCC)
  • Co-Chair, National Sheriff's Association Neighborhood Watch Advisory Board
  • Chairperson, Palm Beach County Law Enforcement Planning Council
  • Chairperson, Together Against Gangs
  • Executive Board Member – F.B.I. (Miami Office) Anti-Terrorism Task Force
  • President, Palm Beach County Association of Chiefs of Police

Scott-Roberts’ Services, Description, Methodologies & Turnaround Time

Provided in Table 1, are the individual service reports offered by Scott-Robert’s. Each report is priced in accordance with Table 3: Domestic Reports Service Pricing and Table 4: International Reports Service Pricing

Table 1: Report Services Descriptions

Services / Description / Methodology / Turnaround
Pre-Adverse/Adverse Action Letter / Notice to the applicant that an adverse hiring decision may be made. / System Generated / Instant
OIG/GSA Medicare Alert / A health care sanctions search through the offices of the Inspector General and the General Services Administration. / Direct Access by in-house research / Within 24 hours
FACIS Comprehensive Medicare Sanction Report / Health care sanctions search includes any type of official conviction, debarment, decree, denial, disciplinary action, disqualification, exclusion, expulsion, hindrance, order, penalty, probation, reprimand, sanction, suspension, termination or any type of adverse action taken against a certificate holder, registrant or license/licensee. / Direct Access by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Military Record Verification / Verification of a provided military service record. / Direct Access by in-house research / 24-48 hours
Bankruptcy Record Search / A 7-year bankruptcy court search for bankruptcy filings in the requested jurisdiction / Direct access by in-house research / 24-48 hours
County (District) Criminal History / A 7-year criminal history search for felonies and misdemeanors in the requested jurisdiction / Direct court contact by in-house research / 24-48 hours
County (District) Civil Records / A 7 year check of the plaintiff’s and defendant’s indexes for law suits, civil judgments, liens, etc. pending and filed / Direct court contact by in-house research / 24-48 hours
50 State Criminal Electronic Database search / A multi-jurisdictional criminal history database search from 50 states including sex offender registries from all state registries. Also included are state and local law enforcement fugitive “wanted” lists and OFAC & FBI Terrorist watch lists. / Access archived database by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Federal Criminal Court Records / A 7-year federal criminal history search for felonies and misdemeanors in the requested jurisdiction. / Direct access to federal court records by in-house research / 24-48 hours
Federal Civil Records / A federal civil history search of the plaintiff’s and defendant’s indexes for lawsuits pending and filed in all federal district courts. / Direct access to federal court records by in-house research / 24-48 hours
Statewide Criminal History / A search of an individual state’s criminal record repository for felonies and misdemeanors as available as not all states permit access / Direct access to state criminal records repositories by in-house research / 24-48 hours
International Criminal Records / Criminal records are accessed in accordance with the laws and regulations specific to the country requested. Contact Scott-Roberts for complete details and country availability. / Direct access by in-house research or in-country agents / 5-7 business days
Full Credit History / This credit bureau report confirms name, address and social security number as well as the applicant’s complete credit history / Direct access to credit reports by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Employment Credit History / This credit bureau report confirms name, address and social security number as well as the applicant’s credit history for employment purposes / Direct access to employment credit reports by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Social Security Number Trace / This credit bureau report verifies the social security number and provides information of the applicant’s previous addresses / Direct access to SSN Trace by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Person Search - Address Information Manager / A powerful investigative tool that provides information on individuals' past addresses and movement patterns. A.I.M. establishes an investigative starting point and allows for better management and a more complete background check by verifying and returning information on applicants: Full Name, Age/DOB, Address, and Dates at listed Addresses plus Phone Numbers / Access archived database by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Driver/CDL Records / A check of the current driver history in the state requested, including infractions within the last three years and verification of driver status and license classification / Access state driver records by in-house research / 24-48 hours
Employment Verification / A check of previous employers as requested, including dates of employment, salary, eligibility for rehire, etc. and other specific information as required / Direct contact with employers by in-house research / 24-48 hours
International Employment / A check of international employer,including dates of employment, salary and other specific information as required. / Direct contact by in-house research / 3-5 business days
Professional License/Certification Verification / Verification of a state or federal issued license or certification / Direct contact with the applicable agency by in-house research / 24-48 hours
Education Verification / Verification of the provided educational information including verification of the dates of attendance and degree earned / Direct contact with the educational institution by in-house research / 24-48 hours
International Education / Verification of the provided educational information including verification of the dates of attendance and degree earned / Direct contact with the educational institution by in-house research / 3-5 business days
Sex Offender Registry / A check of sex offender registry in the requested jurisdiction / Direct contact with the registry by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Worker’s Compensation Claims / A search for reported worker’s compensation claims in the requested jurisdiction, where permitted. / Direct access by in-house research / 24-48 hours
Global Report / The Global Report Patriot Act Name Search, includes U.S. and foreign sanctions and watch lists. / Access archived database by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Personal Reference / Verification of the provided personal reference / Direct contact by in-house research / 48-72 hours
Professional Reference / Verification of the provided professional reference / Direct contact by in-house research / 24-48 hours
Drug Screening / 5 or 10 panel urine drug test with MRO / Contract Lab services / 24-48 hours
OFAC / A search of the Office of Foreign Asset Control for excluded parties / Direct access by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Canadian Criminal Record / A Canadian nationwide search for criminal records. / Direct access by in-house research or in-country agents / 24-48 hours
Canadian Credit Report / A Trans Union Canadian credit report / Access through in-country agents / 24-48 hours
Canadian Driver Records / A check of the current Canadian driver history in the province requested, including infractions within the last three years and verification of driver status and license classification. / Access through in-country agents / 24-48 hours
Experian Business Credit Report / A business credit report forms the basis for making business decisions about potential clients, competitors and business affiliations. / Direct access by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Dun & Bradstreet Business Report / Reports on the business health and financial viability of a company. / Direct access by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Experian Profile Plus Report / Experian business report including legal filings, trade information, etc. / Direct access by in-house research / Within 24 hours
National Eviction Registry / A comprehensive national landlord/tenant eviction record database search / Direct access by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Multi-State Sex and violent Offenders / Currently registered sexand violentoffenders with felony conviction records. The data has been compiled from sexand violentoffender registries in 50 states, District of Columbia, Guam and Puerto Rico. Further investigation via statewide criminal record databases or county level research is strongly recommended. / Direct access by in-house research / Within 24 hours
I-9 Immigration Verification / Verification of the work eligibility of a foreign national. / Direct access by in-house research / Within 24 hours
Public Data Retrieval Report / A customizable, generic public information report based an individual agency request for information not previously listed on the Schedule. / Direct access by in-house research / Within 24-48 hours
Verifinity – Daily Criminal Offense Monitoring / Verifinity continually monitors over 2100 jails daily to discover if an employee has been incarcerated and reports the charge within 24 hours. This is a subscription-based model per employee, per month. / Direct integration with agency HR database or through in-house research / Within 24 hours

738X Schedule Pricing for SIN 595.27

Pricing by Labor Category on an hourly basis for servicing various investigative services under SIN 595.27 are provided by Table 2. A description for each Labor Category is presented in the paragraphs followingTable 2.

Table 2: Labor Category Hourly Rates Pricing

GSA Price List
Expiration / Oct. 17,2016
Oct. 16,2017 / Oct. 17,2017
Oct. 16,2018 / Oct. 17,2018
Oct. 16,2019 / Oct. 17,2019
Oct. 16,2020 / Oct. 17,2020
Oct. 16,2021
SIN / Labor Category / Hourly Rate / Hourly Rate / Hourly Rate / Hourly Rate / Hourly Rate
595.27 / Program Manager / $164.04 / $167.32 / $170.67 / $174.08 / $177.56
595.27 / Project Manager / $136.70 / $139.44 / $142.23 / $145.08 / $147.98
595.27 / Senior Adjudicator / $131.22 / $133.84 / $136.52 / $139.25 / $142.03
595.27 / Adjudicator / $102.25 / $104.29 / $106.38 / $108.51 / $110.68
595.27 / Senior Investigator / $115.49 / $117.8 / $120.16 / $122.56 / $125.01
595.27 / Investigator / $98.42 / $100.38 / $102.39 / $104.44 / $106.53
595.27 / Senior Screener / $92.50 / $94.35 / $96.23 / $98.16 / $100.12
595.27 / Screener / $77.80 / $79.36 / $80.95 / $82.56 / $84.21
595.27 / Sr. Call Center Specialist / $92.50 / $94.35 / $96.23 / $98.16 / $100.12
595.27 / Call Center Specialist / $77.80 / $79.36 / $80.95 / $82.56 / $84.21