Regulatory Affairs ManualSeries 100

Community Right To Know Memo Program 100.02


Regulatory Affairs Department

Tel 412.490.8928 FAX 412.490.8930

DISTRIBUTION: C. Atterberry, B. Bastian, D. Beaver, B. Boston, L. Byres, H. Cameron, G. Chismar, L. Chow, B. Corbin, L. Cox, B. Cross, S. Edwards, L. Elder, D. Engle, J. Grosh, R. Gutierrez, J. Habitz, M. Hailey, S. Herman, A. Hernandez, , S. Holmes, W. Hopson, J. Huerta, B. Hughes, T. Huller, D. Inger, M. Jasko, J. Johns, W. Johnson, A. Kellogg, S. Kendall, T. Kepics, P. King, B. Knighton, B. Knox, B. Kunz, D. Kwasa, H. Lachhman, J. Lessley, P. Lewis, J. Lopez, J. Malone, I. Maldonado, P. Maltese, S. Martinez, E. Michalak, G. Milkovich, J. Miner, T. Modugno, B. Morris, P. Murphy, A. Nau S. Parmalee, M. Regan, D. Rollins, J. Sadler, J. Shannon, T. Siemen, J. Sliwicki, G. Smith, C. Sontag, B. Sorensen, J. Stath, E. Sumsion, G. Taylor, V. Taylor, J. Thomaswick, B. Valle, S. Vandenbusch, J. Vaughan, W. Vicente, M. Walker, S. Wilson, E. Zalewski

FROM: T. Tisa, B. Hornyak, D. Herbst, M. Nibert

NUMBER: 100.02 Appendix 3DATE: January 5, 2005

CC: V. Andersen, J. Belew, R. Blum, R. Burton, R. Chan, B. Chase, G. Cosby, J. Farris, J. Felder, M. Eldridge, A. Fernandez, S. Garay, L. Gossett, M. Hoffman, G. Kalmakis, M. Kessler, D. Leggett, A. Malus, J. Marsh, J. Meeks, D. Mcglory, S. Munzer, T. Nguyen, S. Norton, M. Ostrowski, H. Racevicius, M. Roberts, J. Roche, C. Rohlmeier, D. Ross, P. Scheu, M. Sesterhenn, R. Siryk, D. Spencer, G. Sprague, J. Steiger, G. Takayama, Dr. Y. Tsay, C. Williams, T. Weiss, B. Wolf, S. Worcester


OVERVIEW: Table 1 is being provided to summarize the Community Right-To-Know notification and reporting requirements for those states where Fisher Scientific has facilities. The table provides a quick overview of state documentation submission and reporting requirements for federal and state Community Right-To-Know laws. The table identifies, in the case of the Section 312 inventory reporting, whether the Federal Tier II form is preferred or if the state requires its own reporting format, and whether there are filing fees which should accompany the Section 312 report.

The first of the reporting requirements is the submission of a Section312 Tier II report due annually by March 1stto the

(1)state emergency response commission (SERC)

(2) local emergency planning committee (LEPC)

(3)the fire department, which has jurisdiction over the facility.

This report is due by all Fisher locations that had hazardous chemicals (i.e. those substances for which the facility has a Material Safety Data Sheet present at the facility during the preceding calendar year) above 10,000 pounds. The reporting threshold for extremely hazardous substances is 500 pounds or the threshold planning quantity (TPQ) whichever is lower. The TPQs can be found in the Appendices section (Appendix 1 100.02 EHS and TPQs.doc) of the Regulatory Affairs Manual.


1) Identify the inventory of hazardous chemicals or extremely hazardous substances which were on hand at any time during the 2004 calendar year

2) Identify which chemicals exceeded threshold requirements

3) Prepare a SARA TIER II report for those chemicals

4) Submit the report to Regulatory Affairs for review by Monday, February 14, 2005.

5) Submit a final report to the SERC, LEPC, and Fire Department by March 1, 2005. Also send a copy to Regulatory Affairs.

Those facilities not required to submit a report must complete a memo to file that the inventory was reviewed and thresholds were not exceeded. Either a copy of the submitted form, or the memo to file must go into your SARA files and a copy sent to Regulatory Affairs by March 1, 2005.

Distributions Centers- send all SARA state forms, sent to you by the LEPC/SERC, to Regulatory Affairs.

If a SARA Tier II report is required, we will assist you in preparing it for you using software purchased for this task by utilizing data downloads from the Fisher mainframe. If you have any questions, please contact Brian Hornyak at 412-490-8912.


TABLE 1: ATTENTION-Unless noted, paper copy is allowed.

State / Facility Codes / List/Threshold / Fees / Forms/Reports
AL / Capitol Vial / Same as federal / None / Tier II form
AR / EPP / Same as federal / Yes / Tier II form
CA / WDC, SCD, SMI, MAS, Lab Vision, Microgenics, MBP, QSP, Samco Scientific / 55 gal./ 500 lb. / Not yet / State Form (Business Plan)
CO / Dharmacon, DVR / Same as federal / Yes / Tier II form+Fire Dept. Form
CT / Naugatuck Glass / Same as Federal / None / Tier II Form
DE / DEL / 55 gal./ 500 lb. / Yes / State Form (electronic)
FL / COR,TMP, Separation Technology / Same as federal / Yes number of employees in state / State form
GA / SED, National Scientific, Remel / Same as federal / None / Tier II Form (electronic)
IA / Barnstead / Same as federal / None / State or Fed.
IN / Seradyn / Same as federal / Yes / State or Fed.
IL / MWD, CPI, BAR, RCK, Labline / Same as federal / None / Tier II form
KS / Remel / Same as federal / Yes / State
KY / CDC / Same as federal / Yes / State form
LA / Remel / 500 lbs. for all / Yes / State
MA / NED, WOB / Same as federal / Not for Tier II / Tier II form (electronic)
MD / CWA, NERL / Same as federal / None / Tier II form
MI / Richard-Allan / Same as federal / None / Tier II form
MN / Remel / Same as federal / Yes / State form
(hard copy unless >50 chemicals)
NC / RAL / 55 gals/500 lb. / None / State form (online)
NH / Erie Scientific, Matrix Technologies, Owl Separation / Same as federal / None / Tier II form
NJ / CNY, NDC/SMV, FLP, BPF / 500 lb. / None / State form (optional online)
NM / LAL, SAN / Same as federal / Yes / Tier II form/electronic
NY / EMW, SMC, PFG, ABgene, Capitol Vial, Metavac, Nalge Nunc, Pactech / Same as federal / None / Tier II form
OH / Remel / Same as federal / Yes / Tier II form
OK / EP Scientific / Same as federal / Yes / Tier II form
PA / IMP, FCSA, MON, Capitol Vial / Same as federal / Yes / Tier II form + State Form/ County Form
Puerto Rico / PTO, Erie Scientific / Same as federal / None / Tier II form
RI / NERL / Same as federal / None / Tier II form
TN / Chase Scientific / Same as federal / None / State form
TX / CHS, CTI / Same as federal / Yes / State form
UT / LOG / Same as federal / None / Tier II Form
VA / FDM, FD-Ft. Collier / Same as federal / None / Tier II Form
WA / CST / Same as federal / None / State form
WI / FHIE, FHIC, MIL / Same as federal / Yes / State form (electronic)


Effective Date: December 2004Rev. # 0Mandatory  Discretionary 