Administration tool overview1.0|November 13, 2018

Employment Opportunities Administration Tool Outline

This document briefly describes the administration tool used by Human Resources to add new employment opportunities to the CDTA public web site.

Login to Administration

To access the administration module open a web browser and go to

Figure 1: Log on screen for administration tools

Log on to the site using the following username: employment

If you do not remember the password then please contact Rich Fantozzi ()

When you successfully log on to the site you will see the following menu, simple click on the Employment Opportunities link to edit and add employment opportunities.

Figure 2: Employment opportunities administration menu

Adding New Employment Opportunities

To add a new employment opportunity click on the button at the top of the screen “Add New Job Opening”.

Figure 3: Add new employment opportunity

You will then need to fill in the appropriate information to add a new employment opportunity. Below is a listing of the field and a brief description and Figure 4 shows what a new job opportunity looks like.

Field Title / Description
Position/Title / Name of the position of job title. This is a good place to add any short descriptive text like “NEW: “ or “ONGOING RECRUITMENT: “
Active / Check this box to make the opening active. This must be checked so it will show up on the site.
Ongoing / Check this box if the position is open for ongoing recruitment. This moves the item to the bottom of the listing so that New items are displayed at the top.
Posting Date / This is the date that the position start to be viewable on the web site. This allows you to enter an opening now and then make it viewable on the site in the future.
Link to Application / This is the link to the Munis Employment Application. All links will look like this:
With the only change being the req=#### field you will have to go to click on the Apply link for the appropriate job opportunity and copy the URL listed in the browser.
Description / Brief description of the employment opportunity, qualifications, etc.
Internal Comments / You can use this field for any comments, reminders that are only viewable to you about this job posting.
Job Description PDF / This is the detail job description; this should only be an Adobe PDF document.

Figure 4: New EmploymentOpportunity

Editing and Deleting Existing Employment Opportunities

The main screen that lists employment opportunities allows you edit and delete existing listings.

The pencil image will edit the record.

The red x image will delete the record.

Deleting an Record

If you delete a record you will be prompted to approve the delete, see Figure 5. This should ensure that if accidently click the delete button you will have the opportunity to cancel it. To cancel click the “< Back to Employment Opportunities Menu” link at the top of the page, again see Figure 5. You should only delete employment opportunities that you are sure are not going to be used in the future. Instead you should edit the record and archive it for later use, this will help repost the position in the future.

Figure 5: Delete Confirmation Screen

Editing a Record

If you edit an existing record the screen will look the same as the new employment opportunity screen in Figure 4, except with the relative information filled in. From here you change any information in the record, including deleting the existing job description pdf or uploading a new one.

One agreed upon standard is to not delete existing job opportunities unless there is really no chance of it being used in the future. Instead you can uncheck the Activecheck box and change the Position/Title to include “ARCHIVED:” This will ensure that you know it is archived for future use and ensure that it will be removed from the web site. See Figure 6 for an example of this.

Figure 6: Example of Archived Employment Opportunity

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