Workforce Employment Network Planning Guide

This guide was designed to assist DEI projects in the process of applying to become Employment Networks, or who are new to providing Employment Network services.

January 2014

Prepared for the Disability Employment Initiative by theNDI Technical Assistance Team / Employment and Training Administration, U.S. Department of Labor, January 2014.

This project has been funded, either wholly or in part, with Federal funds from the Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration under Contract Number DOLJ131A22067. The contents of this publication do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of the Department of Labor, nor does mention of trade names, commercial products, or organizations imply endorsement of same by the U.S. Government.

Table of Contents


ACRONYM GUIDE……………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3


EMPLOYMENT NETWORK MODELS…………………………………………………………………………... 6







EN REVENUE:...... 23

Employment Network Business Planning Guide Introduction

Like any small business, an Employment Network (EN) requires forethought and planning in order to be successful. This guide and checklist will help DEI projects that are either in the process of applying to become Employment Networks, or who are new to providing Employment Network services to identifykey questions to consider from a business operations standpoint as you develop your EN model, market your services and begin accepting Ticket Holders. Additionally, this tool will help you develop realistic goals for your EN, such as numbers of Ticket holders you will be serving, internal processes and revenue potential. While this guide is not all-inclusive, it will cover more than the basics you should be considering to become a successful EN.

For more information about the Ticket to Work program, and serving Social Security Disability beneficiaries, remember to visit the Ticket to Work Operations Support Manager website, at:

Your National Technical Assistance Center, National Disability Institute, Inc. (NDI) is dedicated to the success of your EN. As such, two staff members are focused on providing technical assistance to support the growth of your EN, later referred to in this guide as, “NDI Ticket Team”.

Contact information for the Ticket Team:

Mary Lynn ReVoir –

Kevin Nickerson–


APOR / Annual Performance Outcome Report / PII / Personal Identifiable Information
BASS / Beneficiary Access and Support Services / RFQ / Request for Quotation
CDR / Continuing Disability Review / SGA / Substantial Gainful Activity
COS / Certification of Services / SSA / Social Security Administration
EN / Employment Network / SSDI / Social Security Disability Insurance (Title 2)
eProcess / Electronic process for workforce ENs only / SSI / Supplemental Security Income (Title 16)
IEP / Individual Employment Plan / TPR / Timely Progress Review
IWP / Individual Work Plan / TWP / Trial Work Period
OSM / Operations Support Manager / VR / Vocational Rehabilitation agency of the state


Does the Ticket to Work (TtW) Program complement your Job Centers mission?

NOTE: The mission of the Ticket to Work program is simple, to assist Social Security Disability beneficiaries in becoming self-sufficient, and no longer relying on their disability benefits, or to significantly reduce their reliance on SSA disability benefits. While the mission is simple, the process of helping SSA disability beneficiaries understand Work Incentives that can assist them, and in returning to gainful employment, can sometimes be complex. To learn more, visit the SSA Work site to read the Ticket to Work regulations here:

Identify how well you believe EN services will:

Be a good fit within your JobCenter

Might pose a challenge given your current structure

Is your System for Award Management (SAM) registration up to date?

It is mandatory for all federal contracts, which includes an EN contracted with SSA to be registered with SAM (

  • SAM is the primary registrant database for all Federal Government contractors.
  • The SAM registration must be active in order to receive an EN Agreement The EN is required to update on an annual basis from the date of initial registration to ensure the registration is current, accurate and complete
  • All payments to an EN will be made via electronic transfer to the EN’s designated financial institution as identified by the EN’s SAMs record
  • For more information, also see the Operation Support Manager (OSM) website, here:

Which staff will be required to fulfill SSA’s EN Security and Suitability Requirements?

All Workforce ENs, operating under the Request for Quotation (RFQ) are required to protect Personal Identifiable Information (PII). For workforce ENs, any staff member involved in your EN operations that is receiving PII from the Operations Support Manager (OSM), or who is providing PII to OSM, will need to have security clearance in place. Security and Suitability is also required to receive the Beneficiary Referral CD, a listing of all Ticket eligible beneficiaries in your service area, which can allow you to market directly to your target audience. It is not a requirement that the Signatory Authority have Security clearance, if he or she will not be handling PII. Security clearance is also required in order to give your center access to the EN Portal, which is required to efficiently operate with OSM.Staff in the JobCenter who may see a Ticket holder’s PII, but who are not providing information to or requesting information from OSM, DO NOT need to submit information to receive security clearance.

Consider which staff members will be handling PII, and identify who you think should proceed in submitting the required documents to receive Security and Suitability clearance. This is most likely the person who will have access to the EN Portal:

NOTE: A Checklist which will help you through this process can be found at or contact your OSM Account Manager. Additionally, a checklist created by the National Workforce Partners has developed a checklist, which can be obtained by the contacting the NDI Ticket Team.


There are many examples of EN business models that have developed, since the passing of the Ticket to Work and Work Incentives Improvement Act (TWIAA) in December of 1999. Examples of Workforce involvement in the Ticket to Work program point back to the early years of this program, however, in recent years; SSA has focused more intensely on engaging the Workforce Development system for assistance in serving SSA disability beneficiaries. We will focus on, and define three specific examples of Workforce EN business models in this guide, as follows:

  • Local Workforce Investment Area EN Model
  • Regional Workforce EN Model
  • State Administrative EN Model

Local Workforce Investment Area EN Model: In this business model, there is only one LWIA that acts as the “EN of Record”, which would include the Job Centers that fall under the LWIA’s service area. Regardless of whether there is one JobCenter, or several, each will serve as “sites of service” for Ticket holders. What distinguishes this model is that only ONE LWIA is involved in providing services under their EN contract. There are occasions where the LWIA EN will develop a Memorandum Of Understanding (MOU) with a local Community Rehabilitation Provider (CRP), to assist with some of the support services provided to Ticket holders, although many Workforce ENs are able to provide all services, and do not have MOU’s under this business model. In this model the LWIA EN may also develop a Partnership Plus agreement with the State Vocational Rehabilitation (VR) agency.

Below is an example of what this model might look like:

Regional Workforce EN Model: In this business model, there would be one LWIA that holds the EN contract, or, the “EN of Record”, on behalf of one or more other LWIA’s who choose to partner through a written agreement, or Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), that clearly defines the following:

  • Sites of service
  • Defining services delivery, including which parties provide services, and the types of services
  • Revenue sharing defined, based on services sites provide, that yield EN payments
  • Referral to and from sites of service, and to State Vocational Rehabilitation
  • Revenue use (i.e. to what end will resources be used to support ongoing disability services)

One advantage of this model is that it leverages additional regions of service, encompassing greater numbers of beneficiaries. Additionally, the model could be developed, to support a “Regional EN Coordinator”, thereby reducing the staffing, and increasing the odds of sustainability after DEI grant funding ends.

An added benefit to this EN model is the need for the DRC to truly be a resource coordinator, requiring JobCenter staff to take a lead role in the recruitment and placement of Ticket holders. For example, the DRC would need to develop a plan (IWP) for each customer, with key JobCenter staff, such as DOL Employment Counselors, and Workforce Development Specialists, strategically, based on the larger region of coverage they would be responsible for, rather than be tempted to work more directly with each customer. In this model, it would be suggested that the Regional EN Coordinator to take on the additional challenge of getting SSA disability benefits expertise, such as CWIC certification, or similar training. It is also likely the Regional EN Coordinator would manage, or assist in managing the administrative functions of the Ticket program, for that region.

Below is an example of what this model might look like:

State Administrative EN Model: State EN model or, Administrative Employment Network (AEN) model generally are housed within the State’s Department of Labor or State Workforce agency, and help to streamline the administrative burden for JobCenter sites of service. There are a variety of ways this model can be established, but generally, there is a small percentage of revenue kept by the AEN, to support the administrative tasks associated with coordinating this kind of EN model.

Below is an example of what this model might look like:

The state model provides centralization for some of the common EN administrative duties, with other tasks spread out to representatives at the local level. The centralization of EN administrative tasks, such as tracking data, and efforts related to EN contract compliance may be viewed as more efficient than replicating such efforts at the local level. Using the state model relies on local representatives who are dedicated to the work of the EN, such as disability subject matter experts or a Disability Resource Coordinator, in rolling out the EN to local customers. It is not uncommon for the local EN Rep to have another role within the JobCenter, such as a Skill Services Team member, employment counselor, or a WIA case manager. Agreements between the state and local workforce investment boards are common, stating the terms of invested efforts and shared revenues.

Elements to Consider When Determining EN Model:

Many of the areas covered by this guide are applicable regardless if you are a state, regional, or local EN. The difference that often comes into play is identifying who is performing the task. The advantages and disadvantages of the two models should be discussed and reviewing the elements below will assist your decision of which model best serves your situation.


1. Who is initiating the idea of becoming an EN? Local WIA? Local WIB? State Workforce agency?

2. Is the respective leadership, i.e. management or WIB, endorse the idea of becoming an EN?

3. What is the intent of becoming an EN? It is intended solely as a new source of revenue or intended to enhance services to job seekers who have disabilities?

4. What will the EN funds planned to be used for?

5. How will this commitment to the EN operations continue if there is a change in leadership/administration?

6. Have you researched the potential of EN activity? # of beneficiaries per service location, # of current customers who are Beneficiaries (this can be done with OSM prior to becoming an EN)?

7. Is there a realistic time frame or a contingency plan if the EN does not produce predicted results? Note: it takes approximately three - five years to get an EN at a mature level of operations.

Demonstrated Investment

1. Will leadership consider developing a policy or local procedures on serving job seekers with disabilities and will this policy include language about EN operations? This will provide for continuity of EN operations for all service sites.

2. Will leadership permit time for training workforce staff about being an EN? It will be critical for all staff to be aware their agency is an EN.

3. Will the leadership engage the IT department to be involved in the discussions on how the management information system can feed into the needs of EN operations? Will the related IT needs for the EN operations receive equal priority as other projects or will be pushed to lower priority?

4. Will the publications and communications department be willing to promote the EN in future printed materials, on the website, etc.?

5. Has the fiscal department been included in discussions about the potential of a new revenue source and willing to adjust recording of a revenue source that is not tied to a program but incentive funds?

Local buy-in

1. Has a plan been developed to inform and explain the EN to all local managers?

2. Are local managers willing to post promotion of the EN and allow someone to engage in local marketing?

3. Are all directors of the JobCenter’s partner programs and services been informed and included in this decision?

Discussion / Coordination with state VR

1. Has the state VR agency been included in the discussion of the idea from the beginning?

2. Has discussion with VR personnel addressed referrals and strategies identified on how to best serve the customers who are Beneficiaries’ by placing the customer as the primary focus to avoid a sense of competition?

3. Has a formal agreement been drafted with state VR agency, leading to a formal MOU?

4. Is there a plan for this MOU to be explained to local VR supervisors / counselors?


1. Has a plan been developed to address who will perform the related EN duties at the local level? Has a customer flow chart been drafted?

2. Has a plan been developed to determine who will conduct administrative duties related to the EN?

3. Is there a plan to use management information system to assist in creating and maintaining EN related information as required?

4. Is there a marketing plan developed for the EN?

5. Has a plan been developed to track payments and distribution of EN funds?

6. For the state AEN model, has the state determined an EN Coordinator or someone who will be a lead person for the EN?


1. Once the above areas are addressed, is there a plan on how the information will be communicated initially?

2. Is there a plan to collect and share information on a routine bases; such as a quarterly report or an annual report to the state and to each LWIA?

3. Is there a plan or guidance of how the EN funds will be used?

4. How or who will be responsible to assure the EN activities remain intact if there is a change in personnel?


How will you effectively identify potential Ticket Holders? What are your Outreach methods? For example:

  • Will registration for JobCenter services include a voluntary question about disability status?
  • Will registration forms include a question about SSA Disability benefits?
  • Will you use e-Data sharing? (Using Job Center Customer matching, with assistance from OSM)
  • Will you use the Beneficiary Referral CD?
  • Will you have training events that examine SSA Work Incentives as a way to draw beneficiaries to your JobCenter?
  • What media will you use to market your new EN services?

You may also contact your NDI TA Liaison for more assistance in identifying effective marketing strategies.

Consider your methods for Outreach:

How will you market your EN to community service providers, and other referral sources?

List the agencies within your community that you think should be aware of the new service you are offering to SSA beneficiaries in the JobCenter. Consider also, how you will partner with existing ENs, if there are any in your community:

Have you developed Marketing materials you will use for outreach to beneficiaries?

NOTE: View DEI Webinars, including Marketing and Outreach:

The following sources have Ticket to Work marketing materials available for you:

  • SSA has genericmaterials to help you market Ticket services to beneficiaries at the following site:
  • Contact the NDI Ticket Team for workforce EN examples of marketing materials

List other materials you will use, that you may already have developed, specific to your EN services:

Do you understand how eDataShare can be used to successfully help you market to Ticket holders who are already registered in yourJobCenter?

Workforce eProcesses include several elements to help streamline the administrative burden associated with operating an Employment Network for Workforce ENs. The eProcesses include the following:

  • eTicket assignment – Allows for batch assignments, making large volume assignments possible for Workforce ENs
  • ePay – Automates EN payment processing, eliminating the burden of manual billing for Workforce ENs
  • eDataShare – Allows for Workforce ENs to match registered customers with SSA records, to identify eligible Ticket holders

Additional information describing the eProcesses can be found here:

A Workforce EN will need to enroll in the eProcesses with the Operations Support Manager (Maximus), to take advantage of these processes. The enrollment for can be found here:

Once your agency becomes an EN and obtains security clearance, the NDI Ticket Team has developed an “Orientation Activation Plan” that will guide you through the steps to get eDataShare in full operation. It is advised to notify the NDI Ticket Team upon receiving security clearance.