Employer Assessment of Ualr Graduates Survey

Employer Assessment of Ualr Graduates Survey


Version 11


25 questions

First, we have a few questions about your views of UALR graduates as employees in your organization.

Compared to other employees hired for the same type of work or position, how would you rate UALR graduates with respect to their [Item]. Would you say excellent, good, Fair, or Poor.


Q1Oral communication skills (S1)

Q2Written communication skills (S1)

Q3Decision and problem solving skills (S2)

Q4Ability to plan and organize (S3)

Q5Analytical and research skills (S3)

Q6Adaptability and ability to manage multiple priorities (S3)

Q7Technical skills associated with the job (K1)

Q8Ability to collaborate with other (V3) (S2)

Q9Work ethic and professionalism such as attendance, dress, and attitude (V1)

Q10Job experience through internships and other experiential programs

Q11What are the behaviors, knowledge, skills, or abilities that you expect an employee to have in order to be successful in your organization?

Thinking about these expected behaviors, knowledge, skills and abilities, in your opinion, how close do UALR graduates match those expectations?

Q12Would you say they fall short of expectations, meet expectations or exceed these expectations?

1Falls short

2Meets expectations


4Don't Know


Q13And now, in your opinion, what could UALR do to improve its graduates’ preparedness for employment?


Next I have a few statements to find out more about your organization's connections to colleges and universities in Arkansas. The first statement is . . . .

Q14<ORG NAME> works closely with university-based career centers to try and reach potential employees

Strongly Agree

Somewhat Agree

Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

Don’t Know


Q15When recruiting and hiring, <ORG NAME> prefers to concentrate their resources on particular Arkansas colleges and universities.

Strongly Agree

Somewhat Agree

Somewhat Disagree

Strongly Disagree

Don’t Know


If Q15>3

Q16On which colleges and universities does your organization concentrate their recruitment efforts, if any?

Open- ended

If Q15>3

Q17What are the main reasons your organization targets particular colleges and universities?

For the next few questions, "1" means "Not very close to the Ideal" and "10" means "Very Close to the Ideal."

Thinking of the ideal or best possible college graduate, how well do you think UALR graduates compare to this ideal in . . .

Q18 [How about . . .] Their ability to build on the strengths of others? (S2)(V3)


77 – Don’t Know

99 – Refused

Q19 [How about . . .] Their ethical behavior (V1)?


77 – Don’t Know

99 – Refused

Q20 [How about . . .] Their ability to express thoughts clearly through oral and written communication? (S1)


77 – Don’t Know

99 – Refused

Q21 [How about . . .] Their ability to locate information? (S3)


77 – Don’t Know

99 – Refused

Q22 [How about . . .] Their ability to work in diverse social and cultural situations? (V3)


77 – Don’t Know

99 – Refused

Q23Would your organization be interested in partnering with UALR to bring specialized training to your employees?


Possibly (volunteered)


Q24What was the average starting salary for a college graduate in an entry-level position at <ORG NAME>?

Less than 15,000

15,000 - 30,000

30,001 - 45,000

45,000 - 60,000

60,001 - 75,000


Q25About how many employees within your organization at this location have college or post-college degrees?


UALR Survey Research Center