Employee Performance Evaluation Rubric
The following guidelines were developed to assist with determining what score to give when evaluating an employee’s performance. An employee’s performance is evaluated over a 12 month period. It is important to consider the trending of performance and not focus on a specific incident when determining a score on the annual performance evaluation.
Adheres to CH attendance policy.
4 = No discipline or attendance
3 =Has received a verbal discipline for attendance
2 = Has received a written discipline for attendance
1 = Has received a suspension for attendance
Adheres to CH dress code policy.
3 = Meets expectations, consistently follows policy.
1 = Does not meet expectations, does not consistently follow policy.
Demonstrates effective leadership skills.
4 = Consistentlytakes an active role in leading peers. Excels in training, leading and motivating people. Consistently demonstrates decisive leadership abilities/decisions.
3 = Most often takes an active role in leading peers. Participates in training, leading and motivating people with guidance. Can be confident in leadership abilities, but may second guess own decisions.
2 =Rarely takes an active role in leading peers. Does not participate in training, leading or motivating people without prompting.
1 = Never takes an active role leading peers. Does not participate in training, leading or motivating people. Does not understand the importance of leadership in their work group/setting.
Facilitates teamwork.
4 = Consistently goes above and beyond to include peers in teamwork. Always works to complete all group goals and tasks. Always contributes knowledge, opinions and skills with positive attitude.
3 = Most often includes peers in teamwork and completes all group goals and tasks. Consistently contributes knowledge, opinions and skills with a positive attitude.
2 = Rarely includes peers in teamwork or completes group goals or tasks. Has to be reminded often to complete work. Rarely contributes knowledge, opinions or skills with a positive attitude.
1 = Never includes peers in teamwork or completes group goals or tasks. Relies on others to complete work. Has a negative attitude and does not contribute any knowledge, opinions or skills.
Responds to change productively and with a positive attitude.
4 =Consistently has a positive attitude regarding change and is a constant champion for change initiatives. Helps others understand the benefits/positive impact of described change. Role models incorporation of change into their daily routine.
3 = Most often has a positive attitude regarding new change initiatives.Understands the benefits/positive impact of described change once explained.Will take on champion role if asked. Brings concerns about change to leadership team in appropriate setting. Incorporates change into daily practice with minimal reminding.
2 =Demonstrates neutral or negative attitude regarding change initiatives. May speak out against change in an appropriate environment but does not offer evidence to support viewpoint. May speak out about change in an inappropriate setting. Inconsistently incorporates change into practice, even when reminded.
1 =Has a negative attitude regarding change initiatives. Speaks negatively about change to others in department or throughout hospital. Does not incorporate changes into routine work, despite being reminded.
Demonstrates conflict resolution/problemsolvingskills
4 =Consistently seeks and suggests solutions to conflicts/problems. Thoroughly investigates situation, identifies best resolution and communicates this to parties involved.Always willing to attempt to resolve conflict/problems independently and recognizes when problem is beyond their scope and alerts appropriate parties via the chain of command. Confident in independent conflict resolution/problem solving skills appropriate to their position/role.
3 =Identifies conflicts/problems and communicates them to the parties involved. May begin investigation and offer suggestions for improvement but needs guidance/input to identify bestresolution. Not always confident in conflict resolution/problem solving skills, however, demonstrates ongoing initiative and improvement.
2 =Recognizes conflicts/problems but does not take action to resolve. Inconsistently refers conflicts/problems up the chain of command. Will investigate situation when directed byleadership team. Not confident in conflict resolution/problem solving skills; deals with conflicts/problems only when directed by management team to do so.
1 =Avoids conflict resolution/problem solving.Expects leadership team to resolve conflicts/problems for them.
Maintains awareness of verbal/ non verbal communication. Demonstrates professional communication skills.
4 =Understands and role models excellent verbal and non verbal communication skills. Consistently sets a positive tone for the unit/ department when working. Consistently demonstrates professional communication in difficult or stressful interactions. Holds others accountable to be aware of their verbal/nonverbal interactions withpatients, families, and co- workers.
3 =Understands importance of excellent verbal/ non verbal communication skills. Can set a positive tone for the unit/ department when working. Attempts to maintain professional communication in difficult or stressful interactions. Seeks guidance in communicating professionally with difficult individuals.
2 =Occasionally needs reminded to be aware of verbal and/or non verbal communication. Attempts to interact with patients, families and or coworkers positively, but non verbal and verbal may not be in agreement. May or may not seek guidance in communicating professionally with difficult individuals.
1 =Frequently needs reminded to be aware of verbal and or non verbal communication. Has instances when interactions with patients, families and or co workers is perceived as unprofessional.
Initiates and or participates in team huddles
4=Initiates team huddles, ensuring appropriate information is shared.
3 = Participates in team huddles, sharing adequate information.
2 = Needs prompting to initiate or participate in team huddles or shares only minimal information
1= Declines or is “too busy” for participation in team huddles, does not share information even when asked.
Maintains patient confidentiality in all communication interactions: verbal, written, electronic and digital.
4 = Consistently sets the example in the department for appropriate behavior related to patient confidentiality by interceding when an issue regarding confidentiality occurs. Always takes ownership of protecting patient’s confidentiality.
3 = Maintains patient confidentiality at all levels: verbal, written, electronic and digital.
2 = Has had occasions where confidentiality breaches have occurred. Modifies behavior after breach is identified and discussed.
1 =Breaches patient confidentiality even after reminders of how actions violate confidentiality policies and procedures.
Demonstrates ability to initiate and manage crucial conversations.
4 =Consistently speaks directly to person involved in conflict in appropriate setting and time frame using professional communication skills. Role models crucial conversation skills andassists other staff with same.
3 = Most often speaks directly to person involved in conflict in appropriate setting and time frame using professional communication skills. Seeks guidance when needed on crucial conversationtechniques. Basic ability to initiate and manage crucial conversations.
2 = Does not speak directly to person involved in conflict in appropriate setting and or time frame using professional communication skills. Does not seek guidance in holding crucial conversations. Novice at crucial conversations will only hold crucial conversation when specifically instructed to do so.
1 =Avoids crucial conversations. Does not see the valuein holding crucial conversations. Expects leadership team to address issues or behaviors requiring crucial conversations.
Utilizes AIDET (Acknowledge, Introduce, Duration, Expectations, Thank You) to foster positive communication.
4 =Consistently uses AIDET to foster positive communication. Understands, demonstrates, and role models AIDET techniques. AIDET is ingrained in all communication interactions without prompting.
3 =Usually uses AIDET to foster positive communication. Understands and demonstrates AIDET techniques. May need prompting/coaching to incorporate AIDET in daily use.
2 = Rarely uses AIDET to foster positive communication. Unclear understanding of the techniques, requires frequent coaching; and is not routinely part of their communication skill set.
1 = Never uses AIDET to foster positive communication.
Displays competent performance of duties as outlined in job description.
4 =Demonstrates high level of expertise in job duties. Role models competent practice and assists in educating others to their roles/expectations. Consistent resource to peers, considered an expert in the department.
3 = Demonstrates proficient performance of job duties. Comfortable in job duties. Considered proficient member of department.
2 =Demonstrates proficient performance for most job duties. Can correct performance when a problem is identified.
1 =Is not consistently proficient in performing job duties. Does not correct performance even after a problemis identified and additional education provided.
Coordinates work to achieve maximum productivity. Is able to multitask and prioritize workload.
4 = Consistently multitasks with ease. Prioritizes work appropriately, reassessing throughout the shift to assure priorities are reflective of changing needs. Role models/assist others with prioritization and multitasking skills. Coordinates workload changes for team/department to reach maximum productivity.
3 =Effectively multitasksand prioritizes own work load. May be unaware of workload changes for the team/department.
2 = Can managemultiple tasks but with evidence of heightened stress. May need guidance to prioritize effectively. Is unaware of workload changes for the team/department.
1 = Difficulty in managing multiple tasks. Does not prioritize well;evidence of heightened stressed, verbally and nonverbally. Appears flustered and behind in workload. Is unaware and unconcerned with workload changes for the team/department.
Demonstrates sound judgment and decision making.
4 = Decisions are well thought out and demonstrate sound judgment and critical thinking in area of expertise. Employee demonstrates ability to troubleshoot potential issues before they escalate. Involves other departments in decision making process when appropriate.
3 = Decision making requires guidance from leadership team. Requires minimal follow up oncedecision is derived. Uses good judgment bringing appropriate issues to nursing leadership team with possiblesolutions.
2 = Relies on leadership team input for sound decision making. Management follow up needed after decision madeto ensure follow through is completed.Lacks confidence in decision making skills.
1 = Unwilling or unable to make sound decisions.
Takes ownership of tasks and assignments, completes in appropriate time frame.
4 =Consistently completes tasks/assignments in appropriate time frame. Always willing to assist coworkers with tasks when available. Proactive in tasks and assignments, works ahead in effort to be prepared for next assignment. Rarely appears to be behind in work load.
3 =Consistently completes tasks/assignments in appropriate time frame; however is not able to assist coworkers.
2 =Often needs assistance to complete tasks/assignments in appropriate time frame. At times monopolizes time of coworkers in order to complete tasks/assignments.
1 =Frequently needs assistance completing tasks/assignments in appropriate time frame. Often monopolizes time of coworkers and still fails to complete tasks/assignments in appropriate time frame.
Demonstrates safe practices in the workplace.
4 =Consistently demonstrates and role models safe work practices. Stays abreast of new safety initiatives and holds others accountable when unsafe practices are witnessed. Does not bypass or ignore safety tools in place. Identifies safety concerns and suggests safety improvements forthe workplace.
3 =Demonstrates safe work practices. Works to stay abreast of new safety initiatives in facility. Does not bypass or ignore safety tools in place.
2 =Does not consistently demonstrate safe work practices and may have violated safe work practices. Has bypassed safety tools in place without valid explanation. Corrects performance after feedback.
1 =Has violated safe work practices. Has bypassed safety tools in place without valid explanation more than once. Does not correct performance after feedback.
Customer Service:
Displays positive attitude. Treats others with honesty and respect. Speaks positively in all customer interactions, internal and external.
4= Consistently displays positive attitude, treats others with honesty and respect, speaks positively in all customer interactions. Holdsothers accountable for same. Consistently remains positive in interactions with others, even in stressful situations. Maintains a “can do” attitude in all situations.
3= Consistently displays positive attitude, treats others with honesty and respect, speaks positively in all customer interactions. Appropriately seeks guidancefrom nursing leadership team about ways to remain positive during stressful situations.
2= Does not consistently display positive attitude, instances of not treating others with honesty and respect, or speaking positively in all customer interactions. Can be perceived negatively in attitude/interactions withothers, but changes behavior once made aware of perception.
1= Does not consistently display positive attitude, or treat others with honesty and respect, or speak positively in all customer interactions. Can be perceived negatively inattitude/interactions with others. Changes behavior when made aware of perception, but unable to maintain positive behaviors.
Utilizes professional communication when rounding and with chain of command to resolve complaints.
4 = Consistently uses professional communication when rounding and with resolving issues. Resolves complaints independently after thorough fact finding.
3 =Uses professional communication when rounding and with resolving issues. Seeks guidance to resolve issues or complaints appropriately.
2 =Inconsistently uses professional communication when rounding or with resolving issues. Expects leadership team to resolve complaints.
1 =Rarely or never uses professional communication when rounding or with resolving issues. Makes no attempt to resolve complaints or bring complaints to leadership team’s attention.
Anticipates customer needs and addressesdelays or problems.
4 =Consistently anticipates customer needs regarding care, treatment, and delays. Independently addresses any problems/issues after thorough investigation. Communicates resolutionto patient, customer and involved parties in a timely manner. Views customer needs as a priority and holds coworkers accountable for same.
3 =Usually anticipates customer needs regarding care, treatment and delays. Seeks guidance from nursing leadership team to find resolution. Communicates resolution to patient, customer andinvolved parties with input from management team.
2 = Reacts to customer needs, does not anticipate them. Refers customer questions/ concerns to nursing leadership team without attempt to resolve independently. May expectleadership teamto communicate with customer.
1 =Ignores customer needs. Perceived as bothered by customer interrupting their workflow. Does not answer customer questions/ concerns or provide information about delays.
Staff Development:
Demonstrates initiative to develop personal, leadership and professional goals.
4 = Independently sets high/appropriate goals for self and works diligently to achieve success. Motivates others to grow personally and professionally. Consistently reads/shares professional journals, attends conferences, and obtains certifications if applicable.
3 = Sets appropriate goals for self, with input from management team and works to achieve success. Understands need to grow personally and professionally. Reads professional journals, attends conferences.
2 = Sets goals that are not appropriate to foster growth. Can understand need to grow personally and professionally after explanation given. Tries to achieve success but on inconsistent basis.
1 = Unable to set goals for self. Does not understand the need to grow personally and professionally.
Demonstrates professional growth by attending conferences, precepting new hires/ students, participating in committees/ projects and educational activities.
4 =Consistently demonstrates/seeks professional growth. Seeks out appropriate conferences and professional opportunities. Volunteers to precept new hires/students, and excels at same. Eager for committee involvement on a consistent basis, with strong contribution to unit or WCH projects.
3 =Understands need for professional growth. Attendsappropriate conferences to better professionalgrowth. Will precept new hires/ students when asked and performs acceptably with same. Will participate on committees, projects or educational activities when asked with acceptable contribution.
2 = Rarely attends a conference or precepts new hires/ students. Not interested in working on committees or projects unless forced; offers some contribution to the group.
1 = Has limited drive to seek professional growth. Declines opportunity to precept new hires/ students. Declines opportunity to be on a committee, work on projects or educational activities.
Accepts feedback as an opportunity for growth.
4 = Always seeks/welcomes feedback as a way to improve self and productivity. Provides constructive feedback to peers in professional manner.
3 = Responds to feedback positively, as a way to improve self and productivity.
2 = Inconsistent response to feedback. May or may not see feedback as a way to improve self and productivity.
1 = Negative response to feedback. Can become defensive with feedback, does not see feedback as way to improve self and productivity.
Attends unit staff meetings per Manager requirements.
4 =Consistently attends unit staff meetings and is an engaged participant. If unable to attend, consistently reads and signs acknowledgment of meeting minutes. Does attend meeting if it is mandatory. Consistently retains information from staff meetings, incorporates information into practices as needed and reminds others of this information.
3 =Often attends unit staff meetings and is an engaged participant. If unable to attend, consistently reads and signs acknowledgment of meeting minutes. Does attend meeting if it is mandatory. Retains information from staff meeting, but may need to be reminded of info that is to be incorporated into practice changes.
2 =May attend staff meetings or read meeting minutes but is not engaged and may not retain information given. May need frequent reminding regarding info that is to be incorporated into practice changes.
1 =Rarely attends staff meetings. Inconsistently reads meeting minutes, but does not incorporate communicated changes into practice even after multiple reminders.
Performance Improvement:
Identifies processes to be improved upon and communicates with management team.
4 = Consistently identifies appropriate processes to be improved upon and communicatespossible solutions to management team. Spearheads or is key player in change process.
3 =Suggests processes to be improved upon and communicates with managementteam.Seeks guidance from nursing leadership team to reach solution.
2 =May identify any need for process improvement.
1 =Rarely identifies any processes to be improved upon.