“Employee Communication Styles with Different Types of Managers”
~~~ GROUP # 3 ~~~
I. The new manager promoted from within the company
A. Intro
B. Familiarity with the company rules and values
C. Familiarity with the employees
D. Familiarity with upper level management
E. Level of trust respect gained
F. Conclusion
II. The new manager hired from outside the company
A. Intro
B. Unbiased with employees
C. Fresh approach to the company
D. Harder to gain trust of lower employees
E. Conclusion
III. The manager that has been in the same management position for an extended period of time
A. Intro
B. Has a great deal of knowledge and experience in current position
C. Believed to be trustworthy
D. May not take management serious
E. Manager may not be up to standards
F. Conclusion
IV. The younger Manager
A. Intro
B. Fresh approach within work force/ no preset management styles
C. Higher level of energy
D. Better understanding of younger employees but harder to gain respect from older employees.
E. Level of trust and respect harder to gained
F. Conclusion