County Floodplain Management Excellence Award

This award was establishedin 2009.This award is fora county that has shown excellence in the field of floodplain management beyond the staff-led floodplain management program. First, this county has demonstrated achievements in reducing flood property losses and preventing loss of life through its floodplain management program. In addition, the county has gone beyond the typical program and encouraged citizen interest and action to minimize the impact of flooding. For example, it may have an innovative flood awareness program led by neighborhood groups, a partnership with environmental organizations and developers to reduce street flooding, or forward-thinking elected officials who have adopted higher standards for floodplain development. Nominations may be submittedby any Full or Life member of TFMA. The County nominated must have a Full or Life member in the Association. The Member Services Committee recommends the countyto the Executive Board who will make the final selection. An elected official from the award-winning county is invited to the TFMA Conference to receive the award.


The following criteriawill be used in selecting the county.

  • Performance- Unique situations where the county consistently goes above andbeyond the minimum floodplain management criteria.
  • PromotionofSafety– Innovative ideas created toimprove flood safety and reduce property losses.
  • Citizen Outreach –The county should have created one or more citizen outreach programs, with at least one specificexamplecited on nomination form.

CountyFloodplain Management Excellence Awardmust meetthefollowingrequirements:

  • Membership Status- The county must have a member that is a Full or Life TFMA member.

CountyFloodplainManagement Excellence Award


1.Criteria and current edition ofthenomination formwill be posted on the TFMAwebsite, a link on the home page directly to the forms.Forms will alsobe available inthe TFMA’s Office.

2.Completed forms will be sent to the TFMA Executive office at; P.O. Box 1237,Cedar Park, TX. 78630 or byemail; r by Fax; (512) 260-1409.

3.Each nomination will be loggedand referred tothe Member Services Committee toensure the criteria

for County Floodplain Management Excellence Award are met.

4. If there is no nomineefor agiven year and/orthe MemberServices Committee chooses not

to recommenda county for an award that year, there maynotbe an award for that given year

5. Final selection of the award will be determined by the TFMA Executive Board.

County FloodplainManagement Excellence AwardNominationForm

Floodplain Administrator:
Signature: / Date:
Nominator’s Employer
Employer Name:


(Seethequestions below.Ifadditionalspaceisneeded,pleaseattachinformationtoform.Pleaselimityourtotal responsetotwopages.)

Performance - Describe unique situations where the county consistently goes above and beyond the minimum floodplain management criteria.




Who is the Floodplain Administrator, howmanyyearshashe/shebeentheFloodplainAdministratoratthiscounty and what CRS level has the County attained?

Safety–What innovative ideas and programs have been created to improve flood safety and reduce property losses? Explain their effectiveness.


Citizen Outreach–What citizen outreach programs have been created? Explain their effectiveness.





List outstanding accomplishments in floodplain management.

Floodplain Management Program in good standing? Yes No


TWDB (by TWDB) Supporting narrative as necessary______




