Session 14 Lessons 107 - 113

7 Important Things Martin Luther Said (and One Funny One) and What They Meant

1. Martin Luther lived

a. in the 1500s. (Correct.)

b. in the 1600s.

c. in the 1900s.

d. at the time of Jesus.

2. The Diet of Worms was

a. a "Fear Factor" contest.

b. a gathering of church leaders. (Correct.)

c. a French delicacy.

d. what Luther fed his pet parrot.

3. Luther posted his 95 Theses

a. on a bulletin board in the church.

b. on his website.

c. on the door of the church in Wittenberg. (Correct.)

d. all over town.

4. One of Luther's most famous contributions to the church was

a. writing Lutheran Book of Worship.

b. translating the scriptures into German.

c. writing hymns using familiar tunes.

d. both b and c. (Correct.)

5. In Luther's day, an indulgence was

a. an assurance of God's love.

b. a delicious piece of chocolate.

c. an offering you gave to ensure your loved ones could go to heaven. (Correct.)

d. a part of the Lutheran understanding of grace.

6. True or False: Martin Luther wanted the reformed church to be named after him. (False.)

7. True or False: Luther once was a monk. (True.)

8. True or False: Luther believed that people are saved when they please God with what they do. (False.)

9. True or False: Luther married a woman who had been a nun. (True.)

10. True or False: Luther was the only leader of the Reformation. (False.)

Five Things You Should Know About the Lutheran Reformation

1. The Lutheran Reformation took place shortly after Jesus died. (False. The Reformation was a 16th century event.)

2. When something is "reformed" it is thrown out and completely replaced by something new. (False. To reform means to make some modifications from the way things are currently done.)

3. The era before the Reformation was known as the medieval era. (True.)

4. In medieval times, people had little hope and felt like they did not have much power over their lives. (True.)

5. Martin Luther and his fellow reformers set out to create the Lutheran church because they were fed up with the Catholic church. (False. Luther wanted to make changes, but not create a brand new church. In fact, he was appalled that the people who followed his teachings were called "Lutheran.")

6. Much like today, people in medieval times were free to choose their own religion. (False. The people were required to worship whomever the king/prince worshiped.)

7. Martin Luther was not the only leader in the Reformation. (True.)

8. Luther only had one or two minor suggestions to make to the leaders in the Catholic church. (False. He started with 95 changes, and added many more in the years that followed.)

9. Reformers in the 16th century didn't care much about the long-term effects of the Reformation; they just wanted life to be better for themselves. (False. The framework established during the Reformation was geared to impact all Christians after the Reformation—including you and me today.)

10. Luther felt that the idea of grace was really important. (True.)

1. The Lutheran Reformation took place...

a. before Jesus was born.

b. right after the apostle Paul wrote all of his letters.

c. around the 16th century. (Correct.)

d. in the ALC and LCA merger of 1988.

2. Martin Luther was a...

a. German monk. (Correct.)

b. African-American civil rights leader.

c. Lutheran pastor.

d. fitness guru.

3. People in medieval times (before the Reformation) had...

a. little knowledge of medicine or psychology.

b. short life expectancy.

c. minimal power over their lives.

d. all of the above. (Correct.)

4. Martin Luther and his friends hoped to...

a. create a new church named after Luther.

b. make changes in the Catholic church. (Correct.)

c. overthrow the pope.

d. all of the above.

5. Prior to the Reformation, if you wanted to worship God and Jesus you had to...

a. hope the prince or king was a Christian. (Correct.)

b. fill out a Christianity form.

c. simply go to church.

d. invite a friend.

6. The word catholic (with a small C) refers to...

a. the Roman Catholic church.

b. the pope.

c. all people. (Correct.)

d. educated people.

7. Before the Reformation, church and state were...

a. separate, but equal.

b. one and the same. (Correct.)

c. not at all involved with each other.

d. none of the above.

8. One of the important things that came out of the Reformation was that...

a. Lutherans don't have to kneel in worship.

b. Christians didn't feel compelled to go to church.

c. Martin Luther had a church named after him.

d. the Word of God became accessible to all people. (Correct.)

9. Which of the following did Luther not help write?

a. the Lutheran Book of Worship. (Correct.)

b. the 95 Theses.

c. the Augsburg Confession.

d. the Small Catechism.

10. Luther believed that ______was the most important.

a. Scripture

b. God

c. faith

d. all of the above are equally important (Correct.)

History's Six Most Notorious Heretics

Squishy Ball Questions

1. A heretic is...

a. one whose teaching is dangerous because it threatens the integrity of the faith of the church.

b. the Latin word for "barber."

c. anyone whose ideas are sufficiently threatening to the status quo in the church, even though they may be correct.

d. A and C. (Correct.)

2. A heresy is...

a. the Latin word for what is lying on the floor after you get your hair cut.

b. not as tasty as you might think.

c. just short of a first down.

d. a formal public statement that disagrees with accepted teachings of the church. (Correct.)

3. Joan of Arc was...

a. Noah's wife.

b. 19 years old when she was declared to be a heretic.

c. a military hero.

d. B and C. (Correct.)

4. Martin Luther was...

a. called a heretic by the religious rulers of his day.

b. one of the most important people in the history of the Christian church.

c. simultaneously a saint and a sinner.

d. all of the above. (Correct.)

5. True or false: Heretics are always wrong about God and faith. (False. Sometimes people have been declared heretics not because of their beliefs but because of jealousy, spite, or politics.)

6. True or false: Heretics are always right about God and faith. (False. Often heretics were wrong about God and faith, which is why they were named heretics in the first place.)

7. A great way to avoid becoming a heretic is to...

a. know the gospel well.

b. stop going to church since church people are always the ones who label folks as heretics.

c. spend time in worship and prayer with other Christians.

d. A and C. (Correct.)

8. How many heresies was Martin Luther charged with?

a. 666

b. 7

c. 95 (Correct.)

d. 1

9. Which of the following is a heresy?

a. God is Three and God is One.

b. Jesus is 100 percent human and Jesus is 100 percent God.

c. Jesus loves you.

d. Jesus is 63 percent human and Jesus is 37 percent God. (Correct.)

10. Which of the following is not a heresy?

a. It is not possible not to sin. (Correct.)

b. All religions in the world really worship the same God.

c. If the pastor doing Holy Communion is a bad, bad person then it really isn't Holy Communion but just bread and wine.

d. Jesus didn't really die on the cross, he just passed out from the pain.

How to Avoid Getting Burned at the Stake

True or False

1. Centuries ago, the church was allowed to burn heretics at the stake. (True.)

2. Being "burned at the stake" means that your dinner gets overcooked. (False. It's not that kind of stake/steak. Being burned at the stake means you are tied to a pile of wood and burned alive until you die. Yuck!)

3. A heretic is a person who challenges the church's teachings. (True.)

4. Martin Luther, Arius, Jan Hus, and Joan of Arc were heretics. (True.)

5. When accused of being a heretic, it's important to know your stuff and state your position clearly. (True.)

6. Heretics are never wrong. (False. If accused of heresy, it's important to remain open to the possibility that you might be wrong.)

7. Reading Harry Potter books is an example of heresy because they are about witchcraft. (False. A person can read and enjoy books about wizards without believing in or practicing witchcraft.)

8. In Matthew 18, Jesus says that if a member of the church sins against you, the first thing to do is talk to that person directly in private. (True.)

9. Churches no longer have the legal authority to execute heretics. (True.)

10. If you find yourself about to be burned at the stake, request green wood. (False. Dry wood burns much faster and makes the death less painful.)

1. Centuries ago, church leaders were able to kill people who were publicly opposed to the church's teachings. This public event was called...

a. tarring and feathering.

b. burning at the stake. (Correct.)

c. water torture.

d. a firing squad.

2. A heretic is someone who...

a. has bugs in his or her hair after walking in the woods.

b. has no intelligence.

c. disagrees with the church's teachings. (Correct.)

d. all of the above.

3. This person was branded a heretic.

a. Martin Luther.

b. Jesus.

c. Joan of Arc.

d. All of the above. (Correct.)

4. If you are accused of heresy you should...

a. demand an immediate public trial. (Correct.)

b. run and hide.

c. hold a priest hostage.

d. transfer to another church.

5. When branded a heretic by the church, Martin Luther...

a. was burned at the stake.

b. stood trial and was protected by a kind prince. (Correct.)

c. had to go on a diet where he ate only worms.

d. won his trial and was named pope.

6. Modern day heretics are typically dealt with by...

a. public executions.

b. immediate church transfers.

c. sending them off to seminary.

d. conversing with a pastor and other church leaders. (Correct.)

7. In Matthew 5:11, Jesus says that you are _____ if people ridicule you because of your faith.

a. Weak.

b. Dead.

c. Blessed. (Correct.)

d. Cursed.

8. This person was the first Christian martyr and was killed when a group of people threw large stones at him.

a. Stephen. (Correct.)

b. Peter.

c. Paul.

d. Mary.

9. Even though some Christians might say otherwise, we go to heaven because of...

a. our good works.

b. God's grace. (Correct.)

c. a complex lottery system.

d. dumb luck.

10. When your faith comes under attack, you should...

a. pray.

b. talk to friends and church leaders for help.

c. be confident in what you believe.

d. all of the above. (Correct.)

How to Tell the Difference between the Law and the Gospel


Ask small groups to cluster together for a game of small group "Password." The leader or game show host will provide clues describing a person who helps us understand the law and the gospel in our lives. Explain that the clues describe a person and that each group can guess only TWICE per mystery person. This should keep groups from throwing out a bunch of responses. Here are the people and clues:

1. Moses

a. Out of water

b. Killed an Egyptian

c. Fiery voice

d. Let my people go!

e. 10 to live

2. Jesus

a. Isaiah

b. Exiled to Egypt

c. John's cousin

d. Fulfilled the law

e. Two commandments—love God, love people

3. Luther

a. Eisleben

b. Lightning rod

c. MONKey business

d. 95

e. Two uses of the law

Award the group who guesses the person based on the clues with a sweet-and-sour treat during small group time, and explain that understanding the relationship of law and gospel in our lives can be both sweet and sour.

1. Which of these are connected to God's word?

a. The law

b. The gospel

c. The sacraments

d. All of the above (Correct.)

2. Which of these words clue us in to the "law?"

a. Should

b. Must

c. Ought to

d. They ALL do; you SHOULD know that! (Correct.)

3. Which person suggests the law has two purposes: to show us our sinful selves and to push us to know God's grace through Jesus?

a. Martin Luther King

b. Luther Vandross

c. Martin Luther (Correct.)

d. Martin Sheen

4. The gospel is always present when you hear words of

a. Thanksgiving.

b. Prophecy.

c. Promise. (Correct.)

d. Jessica Simpson.

5. The gospel is always spoken directly to

a. the kid sitting in back of you right now.

b. parents.

c. the church council, who tells the evangelism committee, who tells the pastor, who shares it with the rest of the staff, and then maybe you.

d. sinners. (Correct.)

6. God's word in the law and gospel works to

a. change you.

b. help you trust God.

c. reveal God's promises.

d. All of the above. (Correct.)

How to Share Your Faith with Someone

1. Jesus' command to his followers to "make disciples of all nations" is known as

a. the Great Inspiration.

b. the Great Santini.

c. the Great Omission.

d. the Great Commission. (Correct.)

e. the Great Gatsby.

2. Sharing faith with others involves (Both D and E are correct.)

a. memorizing the entire Bible.

b. going to seminary and becoming a pastor.

c. having a good singing voice.

d. making choices that reflect what you believe.

e. talking with others about why faith is important to you.

3. In which places is God active in the world?

a. At church

b. At home

c. At school

d. Through World Hunger organizations

e. All of the above (Correct.)

4. The "gospel" is (Both A and B are correct.)

a. the good news of Jesus Christ.

b. the life and ministry of Jesus.

c. a made for TV movie.

d. a kind of bird.

e. Latin for "good spell."

5. The most important part of sharing faith with others is (Both C and E are correct.)

a. having the right answers.

b. having the right hairstyle.

c. speaking from the heart.

d. having a Bible with you.

e. matching your actions with your belief.

True or False?

Have teams of two or three for this game. Award one point for each correct answer. Award prizes for each team.

1. Evangelism is another name for sharing faith. (True.)

2. Giving witness is another name for sharing faith. (True.)

3. Giving "high fives" is another name for sharing faith. (False.)

4. Proclaiming the good news is another name for sharing faith. (True.)

5. Picking up litter may be a way to show your faith. (True.)

How to Pray

True or False?

Recruit two players to alternate responding to the questions below. Have them solicit advice from the audience.

1. When we pray for others, we use prayers of intersection. (False: They are called prayers of intercession.)

2. When we bring our sins and failings to God, it's called confession. (True.)

3. Prayer can take the form of journaling or dancing. (True.)

4. Pastors are the best pray-ers, because they are ordained. (False: Anyone can pray, and God listens to all.)

5. Praying is not only talking to God, but listening to God. (True.)

The Prayer Is Right

1. When the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray, Jesus

a. provided a "how-to" manual.

b. suggested they go to seminary and study to be pastors.

c. said, "When you pray, say, 'Our Father in heaven...'"

d. said, "Come, Lord Jesus, be our guest, let these gifts to us be blessed."

e. provided a model for them, which we call The Lord's Prayer.

f. C and E. (Correct.)

2. The correct posture for praying is

a. kneeling, hands folded, eyes closed.

b. standing, hands extended upwards, and eyes open.

c. in the yoga "lotus" position, with hands on your knees.

d. sitting down and bowing your head.

e. holding hands in a circle.

f. any of the above and more. There's no one way to pray. (Correct.)

3. The "prayerbook" of the Bible is called

a. Psalms. (Correct.)

b. Proverbs.

c. Lutheran Book of Worship.

d. Oremus.

e. Intercessions.

f. "Let us pray."

4. We pray because

a. it deepens our relationship with God.

b. Jesus commands us to pray.

c. it is a gift to us and to the church.

d. as we name needs and requests, we might also pay closer attention to those needs.

e. it is a way to express our faith, our joys, and our sorrows.

f. all of the above. (Correct.)

5. The best kind of prayer is

a. with others, in church.

b. silent, in your own room.

c. spoken, ad-libbed.

d. spoken, from a written text.

e. sung.

f. There are many types of praying; there is no "best kind." (Correct.)

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