March, 2012

EMP for Subproject “Upgrading the dyke Phuc Long Nhuong, Cam Xuyen district - Ha Tinh province - VN - Haz / 2011 /



Vietnam Managing Natural Hazards Project


Environment Management Plan (EMP) for Subproject “Upgrading the dyke PhucLong Nhuong, Cam Xuyen district - Ha Tinh Province

March, 2012

Currency equivalent

Unit = Vietnam Dong (VND)

1 VND= 0.00004878048 $

1 $ = 20,500 VND


BOD Biochemical Oxygen Demand

CBDRMCommunity-based Disaster Risk Management

CEPCommunity Engagement Program

CNFCommune Fatherland Front

CPMOCentral Project Management Office

CPOCentral Project Office of MARD

CSCConstruction Supervising Consultant

CSEPContract Specific Environmental Plan

DARD Department of Agriculture and Rural Development

DONRE Department of Natural Resources and Environment

ECOPEnvironmental Code of Practices

EIA Environmental Impact Assessment

EMDPEthnic Minority Development Plan

EMPEnvironment Management Plan

EOLEstimation of Loss

ESMFEnvironment and Social Management Framework

GoVGovernment of Vietnam

LEP Law on Environmental Protection

MARD Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development

OPOperation Policy of World Bank

PESUProvincial Environment and Social Safeguard Unit

PPCProvincial People’s Committee

PPMUProvincial Project Management Unit

QCVN National Technical Regulations

RAPResettlement Action Plan

EAEnvironment Assessment

RPFResettlement Policy Framework

TCVN National Environmental Standards

UXOUnexploded Ordnances

WB World Bank


m3Cubic meter

m2Square meter



(i)The fiscal year of Vietnam government ended on December 31st every year. The previous fiscal year represents the calendar year in which the fiscal year end, for example, fiscal year 2000 ended on December 31st, 2000.

(ii)In this report, “$” means United States Dollars (USD).






3.1General Characteristics and Land Use

3.2Soil and Water Quality

3.3Natural disasters in the subproject area


4.1Potential Positive Impacts

4.2Safeguard Screening and Identification of Issues

4.3Social impacts

4.4Environmental Impacts and Mitigation Measures

4.5Summary of Impacts and Mitigation Measures


5.1Actions to Mitigate Impacts during Construction

5.2Environmental Monitoring program

a)Contractor performance monitoring

b)Monitoring effectiveness of the proposed mitigation measures


6.1Organization and Responsibilities

6.2Monitoring and Reporting

6.3Work Plan, Schedule, and Budget

6.4Consultation and Information Disclosure


Table 2.3: Summary of the subproject construction quantities

Table 3.1: Damage caused by typhoons and floods in Ha Tinh province 2003 - 2009

Table 4.1: Results of safeguard screening for subproject

Table 4.2: Potential negative impacts of the subproject

Table 4.3: Area of land acquisition in each commune

Table 4.4: Potential Negative Impacts of the Subproject (Phuc Long Nhuong dyke)

Table 4.5: Mitigation measures proposed for the subproject

Table 6.1: Institutional responsibilities for the Subproject

Table 6.2: Subproject reporting requirements

Table 6.3: Tentative workplan for Subproject


Figure 2.1: Longitude profile of a culvert

Figure 2.2: Location of the Subproject

Figure 3.1: Land use of the Subproject area, Cam Xuyen district







EMP for Subproject “Upgrading the dyke Phuc Long Nhuong, Cam Xuyen district - Ha Tinh province - VN - Haz / 2011 /


Background:Phuc - Long - Nhuong dyke is one of key dykes of Ha Tinh province, located in Cam Xuyen district with total length 11.41km. The dyke safeguards the life and properties directly for 19,728 people and 2,471ha in Thien Cam town, Cam Phuc and Cam Nhuong commune, and indirectly for 12,450 people and 1,345 ha in Cam Xuyen town, Cam Thang commune. The subproject: “Upgrading the dyke Phuc LongNhuong in Cam Xuyen district - Ha Tinh Province” is one of the first year six subprojects under the Vietnam managing Hazards Project.

Description: The subproject of upgrading Phuc - Long –Nhuong dyke, Cam Xuyen district includes following activities:(1) The dyke: Repairing and upgrading 11.410km of the dyke and reconstructing dyke top, roof, and footage; (2) Drain culvert: In the whole dyke, there are total 21 culverts, of which 16 culverts are rebuilt together with adding 05 new culverts; (3) Constructinga combined emergency-response road: The road surface is designed as per standards of A-grade rural transport road (22TCN210-92), with total length L=8.974 km; (4)The approach ramps of the dyke (low-slope road is designed for people’s livelihood); (5)Access road to the boat port: Rebuilding the road witha length L=50.94m; (6) Up and down stairs: Along the dyke, arranging 11 locations; (7) Auxiliary works: the subproject also builds approach ramps of the dyke, milestones, traffic signs, work-line signs,etc.; (8) Works to serve construction: Temporary camps, warehouse, and roads serving for the construction, material disposal sites, etc.

Impacts and mitigations:Overall impacts will be positive and potential negative, which could be mitigated. Main negative impacts would be due to (a) land acquisition, (b) siteclearance, and (c) construction activities. No dredging will be required under the subproject.

It is estimated that about 91,402m2land lost permanently, in which 4,469.8 m2 residential lands, 59,488.2 m2 agricultural lands, 13,627.4 m2aquaculture lands, 13,797.5m2 garden lands and 19.8 m2 forestry lands.

Total of 335 households (1,570 people) affected. Compensation also will be made for 14,888trees consisting of 717 fruit trees,15,171wooden trees, and ornamental trees. Some structures of households are affected such as barn, fence, yard, well,etc. The affected population will be compensated in line with the RPF and RAP.Based on EOL results, 1 grave at Thien Cam town affected by the sub-project and need to be relocated. The RAP report will propose the mitigation measures.

The sub-project will be implemented along the vulnerable dyke sites, therefore, there are no impacts to any cultural-historical structures in the region and there is no natural habitat in the subproject location.

The potential negative impacts during site clearance and construction would be mainly due to embankment rehabilitation and access road construction activities, increasing the level of air, noise, vibration, and water pollution and local traffic congestion. However, these impacts would be localized and temporary and could be mitigated by: (i) ensuring that contractors apply good construction practices by application of the Environmental Code of Practices (ECOP); (ii) maintaining close consultation with local authorities and communities throughout the construction period; and (iii) close supervision of field engineers and environmental and health safety officers.

The subproject ECOP will be included (asAnnex 2) to the bidding and contract documents and will be closely monitored and supervised by the construction management consultant and local community.

The potential impacts during operation will be limited to potential local flooding which may occur when maintenance (routine and/or periodic) of the dyke is inadequate and/or inappropriate operation of the culverts.

The Environment Management Plan:To mitigate these impacts the following measures will be carried out in close consultation with local authority and communities, especially the affected households, during the pre-construction, construction, and operation phases. These measures include:

(i)Effective and timely implementation of RAP

(ii)Effective implementation of measures to mitigate the impacts during site clearance and construction, under close supervision by the contractor

(iii)Preparation and implementation of a disposal/waste treatment program (if necessary)

(iv)Effective operation of culverts and adequate budget for maintenance of dyke and assess road.

Responsibility: Ha Tinh provincial project management unit (PPMU) will be responsible for ensuring effective implementation of the EMP for Phuc Long Nhuong subproject, including reporting the implementation progress and safeguard performance of contractors. PPMU will set up a Provincial Environment and Social Safeguard Unit (PESU), headed by a senior staff, responsible for forging effective implementation of safeguard measures for the subproject, including incorporate appropriate ECOP in the bidding and contract documents and ensure that the bidders are aware of this commitment. PPMU will work closely with the local authorities, agencies, and communities to forge effective implementation of the mitigation measures. PPMU will also hire a group of national consultants to assist in the coordination and/or implementation of the EMP, including periodical supervision on contractors and monitor on environmental quality during the subproject implementation.

The Central Project Management Office (CPMO) will be responsible for overall supervision and monitoring the implementation progress of the subproject including safeguards, including provide safeguard training to the subproject staff.


  • Cost for implementation of mitigation measures during construction, including training on environmental management for workers, consultation with local communities and water users, environment quality monitoring, sediment analysis, and compensation to damage (if any) will be part of the subproject construction cost. This cost will be included in the contract with the contractor and is expected to be 1% of the construction cost
  • Cost for the day-to-day supervision of contractor’s safeguard performance by the CSC as well as cost for periodic monitoring at the subproject level will be part of the subproject supervision cost. This cost is expected to be 1% of the construction cost.
  • Cost for the implementation of the CEP will be part of the subproject mitigation measures cost and a budget of $50,000 has been allocated for the subproject. This cost is included in Component 3 of the Project.
  • Cost for periodic supervision and monitoring at the project level will be part of the project management cost of CPMO.
  • Budget for safeguard training of staff will be part of the subproject management cost as appropriate.


The subproject of upgrading the dyke Phuc-Long-Nhuong, district Cam Xuyen is one 6 first-year subprojects under the Vietnam Natural Disaster Risk Management Project(VN-Haz). The dyke length is about 11.41km. This is the key dyke of Cam Xuyen district, protecting directly 19,728 people and2,471 people in Thien Cam town, Cam Phuc, Cam Nhuong communes, and indirectly 12,450 people and 1,345ha of Cam Xuyen town, Cam Thang commune. Besides, it also protects development ofother economic sectors in the area.

To ensure that the potential negative impacts are identified and mitigated during the subproject implementation and in compliance with the World Bank policy on Environmental Assessment (OP 4.01), an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) has been prepared in line with the guidelines in the Project’s Environment and Social Management Framework (ESMF). This EMP summarizes the subproject description, the environmental background, potential negative impacts, proposed mitigation measures to be carried out during preconstruction, construction, and operation phases, and implementation arrangement. It also includes an environmental code of practice (ECOP) to apply for the subproject, to be incorporated into the bidding documents and construction contracts as well as a scope for environment quality monitoring. The Resettlement Action Plan (RAP) has been prepared and is presented separately.

The Government’s regulation on EIA requires submission of an EIA report for the subproject. An EIA report has been prepared, submitted to, and approved by Ha Tinh Provincial People’s Committee.


The project is within on the administrative boundaries of three communes namely Cam Phuc, Cam Nhuong, and Cam Thang (Cam Xuyen district) to protect directly life and propertiesof1,570 people (335 households). The location of the subproject is indicated in Figure 2.2.

Scope of the activities includes(a) Rehabilitation and reinforcement of11.4 km of dyke, (b) Reconstruction of 16 culverts and construction of new 5 culverts in the dyke, (c) Restoring access road to serve for the construction activities and emergency response, in which 11 approach ramps of dyke are also built, and other small related works.

Below summarizes methodology, quantity, and size of the civil works to be carried out under the subproject:NgheĐọc ngữ âm

  1. Dyke: Total length is 11.410km; dyke body is filled with compacted hill soil K≥0.95; other items include: dyke top, riverside dyke roof, fieldside dyke roof, riverside dyke footage, and fieldside dyke foot;
  2. Culverts: Along Phuc - Long - Nhuong dyke, there are o 21 culverts, of which 16 culverts will be reconstructed and 05 new culverts will built in 2012-2014 period;
  3. Combined dyke rescue access-road:the road surface is designed following standards of A-grade rural road (22TCN210-92) with total length L=8.974 km;
  4. Approach ramps of the dyke (low-slope road for people’s activities): The road bottom is filled with homogeneous earth compacted at K=0.95, the surface is made of concrete M250, thick 20cm;
  5. Access road to boat port for evacuation of fishermen during storms: Under normal condition, this road is used for access to the boat port. During the flood the access road is also used for the evacuation of fishermen from their boat docking in the port to the dyke.Length L=50.94m, the road bottom is filled with homogeneous earth compacted at K=0.95 and K ≥ 0. 95, and road surface width B = 3.0m.
  6. Up and down stairs for people’s activities: along the dyke arrange 11stairs for the livelihood, made of concrete M200, and 2m wide.
  7. Auxillary works: The subproject also builds approach ramps of dyke, milestones, traffic signs, work signs etc.

Figure 2.1:Longitude profile of a culvert

Source: Main report FS, 2011

Figure 2.2: Location of the Subproject

Table 2.3: Summary of the subproject construction quantities

No. / Items / Unit / Quantity
1 / Concrete of various types / m3 / 19,553
2 / Rocks and sand of various types / m3 / 130,000
3 / Steel of various types / kg / 554,477
4 / Soil excavation / m3 / 90,000
5 / Earthfill of various types / m3 / 220,00
6 / Formworks of various types / m2 / 164,851
7 / Grass cover area / m2 / 48,410

Source: Main report FS, 2011

Borrow pit site

It is estimated that during construction the earth excavation is about 90,000 m3 and most excavated earth will be utilized for embankment. Site survey found that excavated earth can be exploited from a borrow pit which located in Dong Choac hill, No 2 village, Cam Xuyen district, Ha Tinh province and within 9.5 km to the dyke.

Table 2.4: Location and surveyed volume of borrow pit sites

Name of Borrow pit / Location, capacity (m3) / Direction of Service Road
Dong Choac hill / No 2 village, Cam Xuyen district. The borrow pit has been planned by the Province People Committee for construction activities in the province. 90,000 m3 will be taken for the subproject. / Roadway: It is about 9.5 km to the subproject site. The transportation routes follow 1A road, intercommune roads and villages.

Project implementation schedule:

Year 2011:

-From 5/5 to 15/5: Topographic survey

-Form 15/5 to 25/5: Geological survey

-From 15/5 to 25/5: collecting hydrological documents and economic welfare documents.

-From 20/5 to 10/6: establishing Environmental Impact Assessment Report

-From 10/6 to 20/7: forming basic designs

-From 20/7 to 15/8: approving the investment project

-From 15/8 to 15/9: Reporting and consulting the Ministry of Agriculture, CPO and WB

-From 15/9 to 15/12: Surveying and design Detail design and cost estimate

-From 16/12/2011 to 15/1/2012: approving Detail design and cost estimate

Year 2012:

-From 15/5/2012 to 15/6/2012: Forming bidding document for procurement of civil works.

-From15/8 to 15/8: Approving the bidding document for procurement of civil works.

-From 15/8 to 15/11 : Procurement of civil works

-From 15/11 to 30/11 Approving and ratifying the result of Procurement of civil works

-From 1/12/2012 to 1/12/2014: executing and implementing the civil works


The subproject is located at the downstream of Rac River, the coastal area, in the area of three communes namely Cam Phuc, Cam Nhuong, and Cam Thang- Cam Xuyen district - Ha Tinh Province. In subproject area, storms often occur during months of September to November. The storms often happen with heavy rain, high winds, floods and surges, and in May, early or late flood usually comes.

3.1General Characteristics and Land Use

The total land area of ​​three communes and Thien Cam town is 3,166 ha. Land for agriculture and fisheries are 1,500.57 hectares, accounting for 47.45% of the total percentage of land area. In the structure of agricultural land and aquatic, perennial tree land is 343.8 ha, accounting for 22.92% of agricultural land, annual crops: 1027ha, accounting for 68.46% of agricultural land.

Terrestrial animals: Results from subproject area survey showed that currently there are not rare animal species available belong to the Vietnam Red Book and the World as well because the subproject area is far from Ke Go national park. Currently there are only pets and birds and cattle, pigs, chickens, etc.

Figure 3.1:Land use of the Subproject area, Cam Xuyen district

3.2Soil and Water Quality

-Surface water: In RacRiver water quality is quite goodwithin the allowed criteria of QCVN 08:2008/BTNMT column B1(National technical regulations on quality of surface water for irrigation purposes).

-Groundwater: Compared to QCVN 09:2008/BTNMT (National technical regulations on quality of groundwater), generally there are no signs of pollution due to industrial activities. However, there are effects by domestic wastewater, some criteria higher than allowed e.g.: Coliform higher 1 - 21.3 times; Nitrat higher 1.05 - 3.27 times. On the other hand, due to effect by natural elements, several key criteria of groundwater as Fe and Hardness at some monitoring locations vary largely.