EFT Overview

(Emotional Freedom Technique)

EFT, or tapping, is an energy therapy technique that provides emotional and physical relief. It is easy to learn and safe to use. You simply use your fingertips to tap on energy meridians (acupressure points), while you say specific phrases and focus on a problem that you want to release. EFT is often called emotional acupuncture.

EFT Discovery Statement:

“The cause of all negative emotions is a disruption in the body’s energy system.”

When our energy is flowing properly we feel good. When our energy is not flowing, negative emotions can develop along with related physical problems. EFT helps release the underlying emotional factors contributing to a problem, and removes energy blocks. EFT often works when nothing else will.

How was EFT discovered?

In the 1980s a psychologist named Roger Callahan developed Thought Field Therapy, and discovered that patients could be cured of phobias in a single session. A Stanford engineer named Gary Craig later simplified Roger Callahan’s system, and EFT was born. It has gained widespread popularity since then, because it is safe, simple and effective. Go to eftuniverse.com for more information about EFT

When to Use EFT

EFT can be used for just about anything, including trauma, phobias, cravings, emotional issues, headaches, anxiety, pain management, allergies, and so much more. Try it on everything!

What is the Success Rate?

EFT has an 80% or higher success rate, and even higher when working with a skilled practitioner. Results can be seen in minutes, or in a few sessions.

Often the improvement is permanent and in other cases the process needs to be continued. But usually when symptoms reoccur, the problem can be eliminated or reduced more quickly. Allergies and excessive psychological resistance (subconscious condition of self-sabotage) can prevent the process from working.

Who Should Use EFT?

EFT can be used on anyone, including small children or individuals who are physically unable to tap themselves. You simply tap for them.

Is EFT Safe?

EFT is gentle and side effects are rare, although emotional feelings are brought up and expressed as part of the process. EFT does not erase memories; it just allows you to recall the memories with less emotional upset.

Carlene A. Foldenauer, CCHT


Carlene A. Foldenauer, CCHT


Easy EFT Steps

Step 1 – Measure Intensity Level

Measure the intensity of your problem on a scale from 0-10, 0 being no discomfort and 10 being extreme discomfort.

Children can measure with their two hands, showing the size of their problem. Putting their hands close together for a small problem, or spread way out for a big problem.

Step 2 – Set-up

Recite the affirmation (set-up phrase) with emphasis three times, while you continuously tap the karate chop point on one hand, using the four fingers on your other hand.


“Even though I have______, I deeply and completely accept myself.”


Even though I ______, I’m still an awesome kid.”

Step 3 - Sequence

Say the reminder phrase once while tapping with your four fingers on each meridian about 7 times. (The reminder phrase is the problem or a shortened version of the problem.)

Reminder phrase:

“this ______” or “this remaining ______”


  • Top of the Head
  • Inside the Eyebrow (either eye)
  • Outside the Eye at Corner (either eye)
  • Under the Eye (either eye)
  • Under the Nose
  • Center of the Chin
  • Beginning of the Collar Bone
  • Under the Arm (4 inches below armpit)
  • Side of Thumb (near the nail)
  • Side of Pointer Finger (near the nail)
  • Side of Middle Finger (near the nail)
  • Side of Ring Finger (near the nail)
  • Side of Pinky Finger (near the nail)

Step 4 – Check Intensity Level

Continue rounds of the Set-up/Sequence until the intensity level gets down to as close to 0 as possible.

Impediments to Successful Tapping

Dealing with Aspects

There may be different aspects to a problem, and all of them may need to be addressed with EFT to completely relieve the problem.For example, if a person was traumatized by a car accident, there would probably be several aspects to cover individually, such as the loud sound of the impact,or perhaps the smell of burnt rubber or gas, or the feeling of being confused.

Aspects can also include different emotions. For example, your anger may turn to sadness. In this case, each emotion or aspect needs to be addressed.

Or you may have a headache and a stomachache at the same time. You may need to address both physical aspects before you feel complete relief.

You may need to use your detective skills to sleuth out the different aspects that need to be addressed. For example, if you have a phobia of driving in tunnels, you may have also have a fear of being in the dark, fear of being confined, fear of other driver’s incompetent driving, and so on. You may need to address each of these issues to completely address the original issue.

Be Specific

Be specific with your problem wherever you can. In the EFT Manual from EFTuniverse.com, the larger issue is described as the table, and the events that created this problem are the legs that support it. So the idea is to break down the legs, to collapse the table.

For example, if the larger issue is that you feel alone or abandoned, determine the specific events in your life that support this issue. Perhaps you were lost in a department store at age 3, or your mother left when you were a child, or your first boyfriend broke up with you without explanation. Use EFT on each specific event to collapse the larger problem.

Energy toxins

Energy toxins irritate our energy system. Often when you do not respond to EFT, energy toxins are usually present. These toxins originate from something we breathe, eat, drink or wear.

You can avoid energy toxins that are around you by moving to another room or by going outside. Take a bath or shower without soap, anddo not use any lotions or perfumes, then try EFT again.

If the above solutions don’t work, you need to start considering toxins that may be within you, rather than around you. Consider the foods you eat or drink on a regular basis. The following often show up as energy toxins: herbs, wheat, corn, refined sugar, coffee, tea, caffeine, alcohol, nicotine, or pepper.

Carlene A. Foldenauer, CCHT
