First Semester, one-half credit

Mrs. Smith, teacher

Room 308- First Period

Course Description:

English IV is a two semester course that combines a study of English literature with English grammar and composition.


1st Nine Weeks

Literature: The Middle Ages & The Renaissance: Units oneand two, Shakespeare

Grammar: Sentence Structure, Phrases and Clauses, Abbreviation, Capitalization

The Novel: The Wife of Bath’s Tale by Geoffrey Chaucer, A novel of choice

Project: A Virtual Field Trip and Literary Map of Europe

Writing: Reports and Analysis, Themes

2nd Nine Weeks

Literature: Macbeth

Grammar: Punctuation, Letters, Forms, Interviews, etc

The Novel: TBA

Project: A Dramatic Presentation of Macbeth & Video Book Report

Writing: Themes and Critical reviews/Comparison and Contrast

Requirements: Textbooks(each student will lose 2 points per day for not having a book in class),a class notebook, loose-leaf paper, pens & pencils, at least 4 report binders, at least 5 long white envelopes and typing paper for letter writing and formal reports. It is very helpful to have a thesaurus and a dictionary though they are not requirements. You may use the ones in class, but they can not be taken out of the classroom. A flash drive, poster board and presentation board, markers, glue, scissors, etc.

Grades: A grade of 60 or above must be made for passing. No student will receive a grade who does not turn in the assigned project and novel requirements even if all other assignments have been fulfilled. Students who turned in summer reading reports are exempt from the 1st nine weeks test.

NOTE: Coming to school late and being late for class is not an excuse for make-up work. Note: Note: If you lose this syllabus, go to and click on NEWS & EVENTS, then school staff, Smith, Wanda, and forms. Find your class and then download. For assignments, go to INTELLECTUAL, click on CLASSROOM ASSIGNMENT, then select a teacher. Click Smith, Wanda. Find your class and click.


I have read and I understand ______first semester English Syllabus. (Child’s first and last name)

Parent’s signature______Date______


COS: 1.1 Evaluating the use of allusions 1.2 Interpreting irony

1.3 Analyzing poetry for rhyme schemes 1.5 Analyzing major historical developments in language and literature in the British Isles

2.0 Read with comprehension……

3.0 Analyze British literature for style, audience appeal, cultural significance and plot

4.0 Identify literary elements in British literary selections from various genres

7.0 Write for a variety of purposes

11.0 Critique visual communication for effectiveness

12.0 Evaluate oral presentation skills of self and others



8/21OrientationIntroductions/pass out syllabus

8/22Orientation Lecture/Review textbooks

8/23To intro. Anglo-Saxon culture Lecture/take notes/discussion 10-15

8/24To recognize literary elements Lecture/ take notes/pgs. 16-23

8/27To identify Anglo-Saxon cultureSee PPT/discussion

8/28To review sentence partsDiscuss pages 486-88/ Ex. 1 & 2

8/29To identify complete sub/predicatesDo pages 486-488 in English book

8/30To identify Anglo-Saxon poetryRead Beowulf/discussion

8/31Identify language & culture in poetry Read discuss Beowulf pg 24-

9/4Identify language & culture in poetry Read discuss Beowulf

9/5To evaluateTake test on Beowulf & Sentences

9/6To work on projectOrganize project by group

& assignments

9/7To introduce Medieval Period Lecture/take notes/PPT

9/10To introduce Medieval Period Lecture/take notes/PPT

9/11Identify complements in sentencesPg. 494 in Eng.bk/wkbk pg79

9/12Identify complements in sentencesDo independent workbook pages

9/13Introduce Geoffrey ChaucerLecture/take notes/discuss/PPT Canterbury Tales

9/14Analyze characters in The TalesRead/discuss characters in The Tales

9/17Analyze characters in The TalesStudents read assigned characters

9/18To evaluateTake test on Medieval Period

9/19Identify complements in sentencesWorkbook pages 83 & 84

9/20To introduce Medieval Ballads Lecture/take notes/Review phrases

and introduce sentence phraseson pages 510-515

9/21Identify devices in Med. BalladsRead & discuss Ballads pg.208-215

9/24ID. Kinds of phrases& clausesPages 516-538/oral exercises

9/25Id. Kinds of phrases clauses Oral review/wkbook exercises

9/26EvaluateTest on ballads/phrases/clauses

9/27Introduce The Renaissance PeriodLecture/take notes/PPT

9/28Identify Renaissance characteristicsReview notes/see film/read poetry

and Elizabethan poets from pages 262-279

10/1Identify characteristics of Elizabethan Continue reading poetry

poets and sonnets

10/2To present assignmentStudents will present Photo essay

10/3To evaluateTake test on Renaissance Period

10/4Introduce ShakespeareLecture/see film

10/5Use library/Write report on Shakespeare

10/8Use abbreviations correctlyOral review of pages742-43 & workbook page 281

10/9To recognize unique artistry of Read/discus poems on page Shakespeare’s poetry/works 291-299

10/10To recognize importance ofDiscuss pages 302-310

songs in Shakespeare’s worksDo Study Questions

10/11To evaluateTake test on Shakespeare

10/12To complete projectWork in groups on project

10/15To complete projectWork in groups on project

10/16To evaluateTake nine weeks test

10/17To complete projectComplete working on project

10/18To complete projectComplete working on project

10/19To evaluate novel/To present projectTake test on novel/Students will

10/22Introduce The Tragedy of MacbethLecture/take notes/vocabulary 314

10/23Understand atmosphere, tone Read/discuss Act One on Macbeth

10/24character and plot of Macbeth Answer Study Questions

10/25To analyze different characters’ Read/discuss Act Two of play

10/26reaction to murder & nature Answer study questions

10/29To analyze actions that indicates Read/discuss Act Three of play

10/30moral change in major charactersAnswer study questions

10/31To review student response to playRead& discuss essays on the play

11/01To describe Shakespeare’s use ofRead discuss Act Four of play

11/02the supernatural in his playAnswer study questions

11/05Analyze characters of the Macbeths Read/discuss Act V of the play

and their changes in personalityAnswer study questions

11/06To appreciate a video production of See Video of play


11/08See video

11/09Complete the video

11/12Response to & evaluation of playOpen discussion of play

11/13To evaluateTake test on the play

11/14To demonstrate understanding/skills Present dramatic interpretation

11/15To use commas correctlyOral review from workbook

11/16To use commas correctlyIndependent practice

11/19To use commas correctlyOral review English Bk 741

11/20To use Hyphens correctly

11/21To review HyphensIndependent practice in wkbk

11/26To evaluateTake test on commas/hyphens

11/27To work on projectWork independently on project

11/28Identify kinds of business lettersTake notes/pages 244-47

11/29To write order & request letter Write assigned letter in class

11/30To write adjustment letterWrite letter in class

12/3To critique lettersReview and rewrite letters

12/4Learn to interview appropriatelyReview rules/practice role playing

12/5To fill out forms correctlyReview rules from text &

12/6To fill out forms correctlyfill out sample forms

12/7To write a letter of application Review rules/write assigned letter

12/10To write a letter of application Continue to write letter & resume’

12/11To evaluateTake test on technical writing

12/12To prepare interviewStudents will use lab to type

Take nine weeks tests

12/13 To present interviews Students will present interviews

12/14To prepare ReportsStudents will prepare projects

12/17To prepare ReportsStudents will prepare projects

12/18To prepare Reports

12/19To present Portfolio Students will present projects


12/21Semester Exams

Assignment Guide for 12th Grade English (H)

Note: All homework must be written on loose-leaf or typing paper. You may use any color ink or pencil. Formal (library assisted papers) reports must be written on typing paper in black ink or typed. Do not use tablet paper, do not use liquid paper, do not turn in late papers, do not turn in wrinkled, torn or messy papers. Please identify all assignments and include the dates. Let all work be representative of a GRADUATING SENIOR.

l. Keep a notebook and turn in at the end of each nine weeks.

Aug. 27- Draw and color a replica ( any phase: the alphabet, jewel, ship, weapon,etc) of the Anglo-Saxon Period. Write a brief explanation of the replica.

Aug. 30- Exercise 5 on page 487 of English book.

Sept. 7- Write an essay discussing the theme of Beowulf. 300 words. Underline the thesis statement.

Sept. 11- In literature book, read page 35 “The Ecclesiastical History of the English People” and answer question # 2 ON PAGE 89. Write the question.

Sept. 13- Exercise 19 page 496 of English book.

Sept. 17- Fill out the form given by your teacher and present assigned character to class.

Sept. 19- Turn in questions from novel. Teacher will give questions.

Sept. 24- Choose a person you know and write a ballad or narrative of not less than 10 lines about the person. The person does not have to identified.

Sept. 25 - Exercise 16 on page 522 of English book.

Sept. 27- Turn in questionnaire from teacher on your novel.

Oct. 2- Present Photo-Essay assignment on page 226 of literature book.

Oct. 9- Do Exercise 3 on page 749 of English book.

Oct. 10- As a group or class, make a Shakespeare portfolio or collage including his picture(s), titles of plays, poems, songs, theater, family, and other things associated with him. Title: All Things Shakespeare.

Oct. 12 - Answer Responding and Thinking Critically Questions of literature book on page 282 number 1-4. Write the questions.

Oct. 17 & 18 - Work on project to be turned in this week.

Oct. 19 – Present VFT

Oct. 25- Do Reading Check questions handed out by teacher.

Oct . 29- Do Reading Check questions handed out by teacher.

Oct. 31- Choose to do either one of the following activities on page 351 of literature book: Writing About Literature, or Connect: Big Idea, or Literary Element: Motif. Write a two to three paragraph essay discussing one of them.

Nov. 2- “Writing About Literature”page 336. (at least three paragraphs) OR Discuss the connection between thinking and acting. Include examples of major characters who thought and then acted as opposed to those who only thought but did not act, or those who acted without thinking.

Nov. 6- “Writing About Literature” page 368.

Nov. 9 - In 200-300 words describe the role of sleep throughout the play. Underline thesis statement.

Nov. 14- Learn and present assigned scene from the play.

Nov. 16 - Do Exercise 7 on page 720 of English book.

Nov. 19- Do Exercise 9 on page 724 of English book.

Nov. 21- Exercise 17 page 741 (11-20) of English book.

Nov. 30- Complete the request letter that was started in class.

Dec. 3 - Complete the adjustment letter started in class today.

Dec. 13- Turn in a formal report of an interview you conducted with a person online who has traveled abroad. At least 10 questions.

Dec. 19- Turn in assigned Portfolio project.

Classroom Rules and Expectations

  1. Please do your best at all time.
  2. Be in class on time.
  3. Review syllabus & bring class materials with you everyday.
  4. Do not eat or drink or use cell phones & other gadgets for personal use in class.
  5. Never leave class without permission.
  6. Absolutely NO GOSSIPING. (If you are not sure if its gossiping- it is.)
  7. Be prepared to have all textbooks and notebooks checked

at the end of each 9 week period.

  1. Expect rewards for doing well and demerits for infractions.
  2. Support your school as much as possible.



Title: A Virtual Field Trip of Europe

Due: October 19th

Type: Group project

Materials: Bulletin board paper, typing paper, color pencils/markers, Internet, library, textbook

Details of assignment: Make a project board and a PowerPoint Presentation of a VFT of Europe that includes these countries: England, Denmark, Ireland, Scotland, Finland, Wales.

Include a one page history or background summary of Europe.

For each of these countries, find the following information and present it in a colorful creative way: the current leader of each country, sites in two major cities in each country, the average weather/climate for each season, the sports or a major interest in that country, show a picture of the flag for each country and include appropriate background music with each country,

This project will be worth 60 percent of your nine weeks test grade and the written test will be worth 40 percent. It is also a requirement for this course, so to not do it will result in an Incomplete grade and a loss of 2 points per week until you do.



Title: Dramatic Performance

Due: November 14th

Type: Partnership

Materials: Textbook, costume, props

Details of assignment: Learn by heart and present in costume the assigned scene from the play Macbeth. The scenes will be presented on stage in the cafeteria, not necessarily in front of an audience.



Title: Business Portfolio

Due: December 19th

Type: Individual (each person must present his own)

Materials: Project board or scrapbook, glue/tape, scissors, newspapers, business letters, forms, applications, etc. board covering.

Details of assignment: On a project board or in a scrapbook, create a portfolio displaying several kinds of business letters, forms, resumes, job advertisements, e-mails, interviews, and any information that has to do with the area of business.