Emoji Project: Mr. Veronsky, Grade 7, Computer Applications

OBJECTIVE: Present Emoji’s, their definition and use the definition in a sentence using PowerPoint. Students will use hyperlinks and tables for this project.


1) Create a 4 x 4 table on your first screen; each box will contain an image of an emoji:

2) Going down your columns, and then from left to right, create a screen providing the name of the emoji, then use the name in a sentence:

You should have a total of 17 screens when you are finished; your table and a definition screen for each of the 16 emoji’s.

3) Create a background for screen 2 through 16

4) Now it is time to add hyperlinks to your presentation.

Right Click on your first emoji and select hyperlink, then click on “Place in this document”, Click on the definition for your emoji and click OK.

Repeat for each emoji.

5) Add an “action button on slides 2 through 17. On the “Insert” tab click on “shapes”, find the “action buttons” and choose the one that looks like a house. Click inside your slide and you will be presented with the following messagebox:

Click on OK

Criteria / Excellent (25) / Good (20) / Adequate (15) / Needs Improvement (10)
Screen 1 / Has a 4x4 table and 16 different emoji images. / 12-15 different emoji’s are used / 8 – 11 different emoji’s are used / Less than 8 different emoji’s are used.
Screen 2 through 17 / Contain a definition, sentence and background / Some screens are missing either a definition, sentence or background. / Some screens are missing two of the following: definition, sentence, background. / The project is missing three of the criteria.
Hiperlinks / Are present on each emoji image. / 12 -15 hyperlinks are used. / 8 – 11 hyperlinks are used / Less than 8 hyperlinks are used.
Action Buttons / Are present on each screen. / 12- 15 action buttons are used. / 8 – 11 buttons are used. / Less than 8 hyperlinks are used.