DECEMBER 14, 2017
Emmett High School will prepare all students for individual success
There is a Drone Club meeting today during Advisory at CERT.
All Students- Please check your student emails and fill out the Christmas surveys for the yearbook.
The Band and Choir- will be having a concert tonight 6:30 p.m. at Emmett Middle School.
FCCLA- is open to new members. All students interested in joining, come to our holiday meeting Dec. 19 in M6. Enter to win a Bogus Basin Day Pass.
FFA- all members who are going to attend the Christmas Party on Friday, you need to pay your $6 as soon as possible.
Friday Night School - The last Friday Night School of the year is todayfrom 3:00-8:00 p.m. Sign up nest to Mr. Wright’s door. Don’t wait until the end of the trimester to go and then need to petition. Most petitions are denied.
All Students - Please check your school Gmail account/inbox daily.
CNA Class - Students who have signed up for the Certified Nursing Assistant Class (CNA) please check your school email for information.
Juniors - interested in becoming a Heart 'n Home Cicely Ambassador go see Mrs. Jewkes for a scholarship and volunteer opportunity working with hospice patients.
Canned Food Drive- Emmett High School is collecting canned food for families in need in our community. Get in the Christmas Spirit by bringing nonperishable food to your advisory by Dec. 18th.
Seniors completing their Senior Project - please check the schedules posted outside of room 207, room 210, and the library window for room assignments, and be sure to meet your due dates.
Seniors - you've submitted your quotes, you had your tux or drape picture taken, 1 trimester is completed. Let's get another thing off your list: send your senior picture to Pictures are due by December 16th.
Seniors – Please check your Google classroom for additional new scholarships. Don’t forget to check out the spreadsheet for links.
Christmas in New York - You can purchase your Christmas in New York tickets today in the office. The concert will be held on Dec. 15th at Emmett High School starting at 6:30 p.m. The cost is $15.00 in advance or $20.00 at the door.
All Students- Senior shirts are available for purchase in the office. Any grade can buy a shirt. Long Sleeve: $18. Short sleeve:$15.
Candy Grams- You go Glen CoCo!! The junior class will be selling candy cane grams for $1 to raise money for Prom. Buy a candy cane for your friends to be delivered on the last day of school before Christmas Break!
Earrings - Mrs. Campbell is selling festive earrings in the office for $5.00. All proceeds will benefit Mr. Gregory.
Thursday: chicken tenders w/roll; potato w/ gravy; or sack lunch
Friday: bbqphilly beef sandwich w/baked chips; or sack lunch
Salad Bar, Fruit Bar, and milk served with every lunch
Thursday, Dec. 14
Friday Night School - 3:00-8:00 p.m. - (THURSDAY)
Dec. 15 & 16th
Wrestling - Away - Bonneville - High Country Dual