Emma L. Arleth School PTO June 8, 2015

Welcome to our6thPTO meeting. My name is Terry Seeley and I am the PTO president.

Flag salute and opening prayer, led by our 2nd VP Jackie Mayer.


Jackie Mayer is our 2nd VP, Rhonda Davis is our Treasurer, Lisa Mayer is our Corresponding Sec’ty, and Kelly Cicconi isOur Recording Sec’ty.


All have received copies? Any additions or corrections? As there are none minutes will stand approved?

Treasurer's Report: Rhonda Davis

The report will be filled for audit.

As of 06/7/15:

Beginning Balance:$26,718.68



Ending Balance: $24,276.62

Correspondence:Lisa Mayer

Mrs.Sozio thanked us for throwing a great book-it party

Miss McArdle enjoyed her first teachers’ appreciation day.

Mrs. Garnett loved the treats and for making her feel loved.

Thank you from Mrs. Gunter, Mrs. Grover, Ms. Whiteley, Ms. Henn, Mrs. Magner, Ms. Jensen,

Ms. Gadek, Mrs Freil, Mrs. Schmidt, Mrs. Comerford, Mrs. Phillips, Mrs. Watters, Ms. Moran, Mrs. Andrade, Mrs. Bulla, Mrs. Roman and Mrs. Lefeber for teachers’ appreciation week.

Thank you from K-5 for the pizza party for raising the most money for the walk-a-thon.

Announcements: Terry Seeley

After School Programs: Terry Seeley / Valerie Cannan

Apparel: Rhonda Davis

We will be sending home a Field Day Shirt tomorrow. The PTO pays for each student’s shirt. This year we changed 2nd grade back to Orange in honor of Nico. We will also had Mrs. Caccio incorporate an Arleth Ninja on all of our field day shirts.

Staff- will have the option of purchasing at our cost a Blue Field Day shirt with the FD Design and on back of the shirt it will have Staff if they would like to. If not they should wear their blue staff shirts.

Autism Fair: Terry Seeley, Zoe Katsilis, and Rhonda Davis

Birthday Board: Melissa Hilacrzyk

If you would like to add your child’s birthday to our birthday board, please send in $10.00

Atleast two weeks before the birthday.

BJ’s Membership Fundraiser: Jacki Mayer

Book Fair: Rhonda Davis / Kelly Cicconi.

Class Parents: Terry Seeley

Teacher collection letter is being sent out. Class party has changed to Tuesday the 23rd.

We will be giving out Pringles, cupcakes and juice boxes.


Please be reminded that all volunteers must wear a blue PTO Shirt. If you need one,

They are available for $10.00. It is never too late to join any of our committees.

If you find you would like to volunteerfor a particular committee, please contact the committee chairperson to sign up. New Volunteers are always welcome. (Committee Chairperson Directory is on our website under PTO)

Field Day: Terry Seeley / Jackie Mayer

Field Day is June 11th with a rain date of June 12th

We will not have the dunk tank this year and the balloon throw we had last year did not work out.

Any ideas? Maybe some of the teachers will want to have kids throw water balloons or we consider doing a water balloon toss. We discussed throwing cream pies. Mr. Preston did not seem to like this suggestion.

Father’s Day Sale:

Thank you to Rachel and Valerie. We earned around $180 dollars more

Than last year.

Historian / Bulletin Board:

Jackie Mayer has taken over this committee.

Ice Cream Social:

Thank you Kelly Cicconi, Zoe Katsilis, and Jackie Mayer

We did $1700 in books. Thanks to Frank’s Ice cream truck. The kids loved the magician.

Holiday Sale: Rhonda Davis & Kelly Cicconi

Nothing new to report.


Mother’s Day Sale: Michele Babino

Labels/Box Tops: Gigi Kenna

Please send in all box tops by early May. You can register your ShopRite card and we will receive box top points. You can also register your Target card and we will earn cash.You can also register your Target card and we will earn cash.

Library:Kelly Cicconi

Thank you to all our dedicated library volunteers. Please make sure if you are volunteering in the library you do not park on the side parking lot. If there is a fire drill or the kids go outside for recess cars parked there are in the way.

News Letter (Arleth PTO): Jacki Mayer / Terry Seeley

Nothing new to report

Photography: Debbie Metz

Programs: Debbie Metz-

PTO Membership: Gigi Kenna

It is not too late to send in your membership forms. PTOMembership is $5.00 for single person or $9.00 for family. You also can Opt Out of Fundraising Program this year. You can chose to donate any amount you would like instead of purchasing from our catalog fundraisers. You will still receive the flyers home, please recycle them or send back to the

Reading Programs (book it): Terry Seeley / Gigi Kenna

First time we had it outside and had face painting. The kids loved it.

Restaurant Proceeds: Terry Seeley & Valerie Cannan

Night Skate:Terry Seeley

Somerset Patriots: Terry Seeley / Valerie Cannnan

Special thanks to Valerie Cannnan, we sold 590 tickets and made $4478 dollars. 50/50 was $147. A special thanks to Ms. Gadek, Miss. Kelly , Miss Lungren and Mr. Zoner the dance team and chorus we amazing!

Third Grade Party:

The third grade party has been changed to June 18th. We will be having the

Rat race, cotton candy, Italian ices, sand art.

Walk-a-thon: Kelly Cicconi

Teacher Rep: Mrs. Commerford

Thanks for all the cans for food drive. Mrs. Krainksi thank you, Mrs. Andrade

New Business:

Please make sure you like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all of our events and schedules.

A HUGE THANK YOU to all of our Arleth families for so generously supporting our

Fundraising efforts throughout the year.

Please make sure you like our Facebook page to keep up to date with all of our events and schedules.

Mr. Preston - Thank you

REMINDER paper report cards will stop

Here are our new PTO electives:

PRESIDENT: Zoe Katsilis

1st VP: Michele Babino

2nd VP: Jackie Mayer

Treasurer: Rhonda Davis

Corresponding Sec’y: Valerie Cannan

Recording Sec’y: Kelly Cicconi

If there is no further business, this meeting is adjourned.