Emley First School PTA Meeting 08/11/17, 7.45pm, White Horse, Emley

Present:Kate Haworth, Julia Vidal, Sally Treen, Natalie West, Rachel Lee, Nicola Connolly

Apologies:Pam Parker

Previous Meeting
Last week Kate hosted a meeting in school during the day and had some attend. Will try another one in summer term but alternate who runs meeting.
Christmas Fayre – 11-2pm Saturday 2nd December
Choir to sign 11.30-12.00
-Need a new Santa (last year’s Santa will kindly donate suit) – school organising
-Start time 12.00 – 2pm *to arrive as choir finishing singing
-Charge £3.00
-In library; Fairy Lights (JV/KH check in storage)
-Presents discussed buying some books (from Scholiastics) any left overs can be sold at Book Fayre. Also with a small cake bar (donated kindly by NC from McVities)
-Quantities 0-4 toddler = 20 (+6 already); 5-7 = 40, 8+ = 20 NW to order
-ST to host a wrapping party (KH to buy paper) Wednesday 29thNovember
Enterprise Project
All school making things to be sold, one per child and extras
School also to seel Christmas puddings (£6.00)
-Can spread throughout school
-£10 small, £15 medium; need money up front
-10 stalls max
-JV to chase as only one confirmed with deadline
-If no one selling sweets add additional game
-Soup & roll x60 £2.00 (JF confirmed will do soup) JV to buy rolls & hot dogsmilk on day
-Still have cups
To buy:
-Hot Dogs £1.50 x60 (check cupboard as leftovers)
-Drinks £1.00 (fruit shoots 50p)
-Napkins etcKH to buy
-Cakes; need donations (flyer going out with requests)
Wine Wheel
-Had over 40 bottles donated
-AW to run and getting wine wheel, put in with cafe
Santa Mugs
-ST to buy mugs and pre-decorate as snowmen, on day children can write their own name and take home to ovwn bake
-Already have porcelain pens
-Need instuctions how to bake
-£3.00 or could fill/wrap for more?
-NC & KH to help decorate
Cake Decorating
-PP happy to organise
-£1.50 per bun
Agreed Teddy Tombola will have a year off
No more prizes needed
Normal tombola, 5x£1.00(KHey has board?)
NC suggested a card based tombola
Cake possibly do as guess the weight £1.00– confirm if Mrs.Spencer happy to do again
ST to contacted local businesses and getting some great prizes, a few more to chase
Main raffle to be in entrance way
KH ordered tickets, JV to ask school to print out slips
KH checked crafts from last year – going to put all out and not buy anymore JV to check prices
Move from centre of hall to corner to free up more space
Extras:Need prizes
-Hook a candy cane (KH bought candy canes, ST to provide jars)
-Glitter tattoos; KH £1.00 small £2.00 big
-Lucky Dip JV to buy prices Baker Ross
-Face Paint (12.00-1.00 only)– RL to look at doing 3-4 Christmas styles, will buy face paints
-Some additional games run by Citrine class 50p each; snowman throw, santa hat toss (lolly prizes)
-KH to arrange for Scissett Youth Brass Band to play 11.00-11.30, outside (depending on weather), they will bring own donation buckets
-ST has map
-JV ask SF about posters (is it too late?)
-KH to ask school about making signs, directions and food
Asda local charity
JV to write to Lisa Stagg about green tokens
Dates now sent to school
  • NW having some issues with online banking JV to pass on PP contact details

Agenda for next meeting:

Christmas Fayrereview

Planning Easter

Start planning Summer Fayre


Date of Next Meeting:

Wednesday 7th March @ White Horse, Emley 7.45pm