EML 3035 / Programming Concepts for
Mechanical Engineers / Spring2012
OBJECTIVES: Introduces the student to the world of programming through MATLAB to develop scientific and engineering models. The student will be able to write beginner level programs.
CREDIT HOURS: 1 semester hour.
PREREQUISITES: Calculus I and Physics I
Introduction to Programming Concepts with MATLAB (Paperback)
by Autar Kaw, Daniel Miller
Publisher: LuLu2ndedition (2011)
Language: English
URL to buy the book:
Buying MATLAB software for home use is optional.You can buy the MATLAB Student Version from the USF bookstore. You can always use MATLAB free of charge in open labs ( on campus except EDU open lab.You can also use USF Applications Portal to access MATLAB ( .
TIME: Section 001 – ENB 116 – Monday – 9:40 AM – 11:30 AM
Section 002 – ENB 116 – Tuesday – 2:00 PM–3:45 PM
The outcomes are
  1. Students learn how to use a computational system to solve engineering problems
  2. Students learn efficient and modular programming tools
  • Understand the concept and steps of mathematical modeling, solution and implementation (Item a of USF mechanical engineering program outcomes whichis ability to apply mathematics, science and engineering principles).
  • Learn how to use MATLAB to solve engineering problems (Item e of USF mechanical engineering program outcomes thatis ability to identify,formulate, and solve engineering problems).
  • Learn how to write programs that include repetition, conditional statements, input/output data interaction, procedures,arrays, and matrices (Item i of USF mechanical engineering program outcomes, whichis ability to use the techniques, skills and modern engineering tools necessary for engineering practice).
Instructor: Sri Garapati
Office Location: ENG 205
Telephone: 813-396-9650
Office hours (Take advantage of these hours):
Wednesday– 3:00 PM-5:00 PM
Thursday– 12:00 PM-2:00 PM
call 813-396-9350
send e-mail for making an appointment for consultation outside office hours.
See Kaw for grading questions on quizzes and tests, and Garapati for grading questions on HW.
TA: Mustafa Mashali
Office Location: ENG 009
Telephone: 813-974-7367
Office hours (Take advantage of these hours):
Monday: 12 Noon-1:30PM
Tuesday:11:30-1:00 PM
send e-mail for making an appointment for consultation outside office hours.
CALENDAR and EXAM SCHEDULE (registrar calendar)
(The dates are tentative as the pace of the class depends on several factors. However, test dates are unlikely to change.)
Section 001 – Monday 9:40AM-11:30AM
Week of / EVENT
Jan 9 / Chapters 1, 2, 3, 30
Jan 23 / Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Jan 30 / Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Feb 6 / Chapter 16
Feb 13 / Competency Test#1
Feb 20 / Chapters 18, 19, 20
Feb 27 / Chapters 21, 22
Mar 5 / Chapters 22, 23, 24, 25
Mar 19 / Competency Test#2
Mar 26 / Chapter 26
Apr 2 / Chapters 27, 28
Apr 9 / Chapter 29
Apr 16 / Chapter 28, review
Apr 23 / Competency Test #3
May 2 / Final Exam ( 10:00 AM to 12 Noon)
Section 002 – Tuesday 2:00 PM- 3:45 PM
Week of / EVENT
Jan 10 / Chapters 1, 2, 3, 30
Jan 17 / Chapters 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
Jan 24 / Chapters 11, 12, 13, 14, 15
Jan 31 / Chapter 16
Feb 7 / Competency Test#1
Feb 14 / Chapters 18, 19, 20
Feb 21 / Chapters 21, 22
Feb 28 / Chapters 22, 23, 24, 25
Mar 6 / Competency Test#2
Mar 20 / Chapter 26
Mar 27 / Chapters 27, 28
Apr 3 / Chapter 29
Apr 10 / Chapter 28 & 29
Apr 17 / Chapter 28, review
Apr 24 / Competency Test#3
May 1 / Final Exam ( 12:30 Pm to 2:30 PM)
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Category / Weightage
Competency tests / Test#1: 10%
Test#2: 15%
Test#3: 15%
Quizzes / 20% / Throughout the semester
HWs / 20% / Due in class at the beginning of the next scheduled class meeting after being assigned
Final Exam / 20% / A 50-question multiple-choice test
Attendance / See affidavit sheet that you signed for details as it can affect your grade adversely.
1 extra credit point for perfect attendance.
Competency Tests: Each test is graded out of 100. You will be asked to write a program in MATLAB. You can use the help menu of MATLAB during the test. These tests last 60 to 90 minutes (do not make any plans until class end time on the test days). After the time is over, save your program for the last time. We will save the program on a thumb drive and send the Mfile via email.
  1. You may bring one 8.5x11 handwritten sheet that has anything written on it in your own handwriting. You can use both sides of the paper.
  2. Textbook
  3. MATLAB, and MATLAB help only.
  4. Notepad (3rd test).
  5. Help menu of MATLAB.
Quizzes: These will be given in the beginning of the class. You will be asked to answer a few fill in the blank/short answers/multiple choice questions. These quizzes will be of not more than 10-15 minutes duration.
All quizzes will be closed book; closed notes; no computer.
HW: Homework will be assigned in class. Assigned HW is due as a hard copy in the next class meeting at the beginning time of the class. Be sure that you make the hard copy of the published version of the Mfile and attach the affidavit sheet.
Final Exam: A 50-question multiple-choice test will be given as your final examination. Any scheduling conflict with the final exam must be resolved within the first week of class and rescheduled with approval by the instructor.
The final examclosed book; closed notes; no computers.
Curving the Grade: The following will be the adjustment made to your course grade and these adjustments will be made only at the end of the semester. If the average for students registered for the course (all withdrawal students and students missing the exam are not included in the calculation) for any of the tests (quizzes are not included) is less than 70% at the end of course, the difference will be added to every registered student’s grade for that test.
Guaranteed Grading Scale:
Grade A+ is 99100 (4.00)Grade A is 90-98 (4.00)Grade A- is 86-89 (3.67)
Grade B+ is 83-85 (3.33)Grade B is 80-82 (3.00)Grade B- is 76-79 (2.67)
Grade C+ is 73-75 (2.33)Grade C is 70-72 (2.00)Grade C– is 66-69 (1.67)
Grade D+ is 63-65 (1.33)Grade D is 60-62 (1.00)Grade D is 56 59 (0.67)
Grade F is 0 55 (0.00).
Your final grade will be calculated as follows at the end of the course. A number 0.999999 will be added to your overall percentage grade. The integer part (INT function in Excel) of the grade will be recorded as your final grade. Course grades will be evaluated on the above given percentages and a letter grade will be assigned to you as outlined in the University catalog for undergraduate students (2011-2012).
Do not wait until the last day before a test to ask questions. Graded assignments and quizzes not picked up when handed out in class can be picked up only during the above given office hours or at the end of the class. Graded assignments and tests not picked up by May 15, 2012 will be discarded.
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Attendance is compulsoryand you are responsible for all assigned HW, quizzes, and announcements. Attendance will be based on the quizzes you take in the beginning of each class, and on random attendance taken during the class. Refer to the affidavit sheetyou signed for full explanation and the sample memo needed for excuse.
In the event of an emergency, it may be necessary for USF to suspend normal operations. During this time, USF may opt to continue delivery of instruction through methods that include but are not limited to: Blackboard, Elluminate, Skype, and email messaging and/or an alternate schedule. It is the responsibility of the student to monitor Blackboard site for each class for course specific communication, and the main USF, College, and department websites, emails, and MoBull messages for important general information.
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Re-grading of a test, homework, or computer project should be requested within five working days of it being returned to you. Re-grading after the final grade has been assigned for the course will be allowed only in extreme circumstances. Mistakes in the grade book entries should be rectified as soon as possible to avoid any change of grade issues. You will need a copy of all your graded tests for verification. KEEP ALL YOUR GRADED PAPERS UNTIL YOU CONFIRM YOUR FINAL LETTER GRADE.
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Grades will be updated on the web ( after grading of each quiz/test.
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NO makeup tests will be given. However, in the event of a serious illness (physician's statement documenting severity of illness required), death in the family or other legitimate, documented, verifiable emergency resulting in the absence from a schedule test, each case will be evaluated separately. The decision of the instructor is final. An example of a make-up score is that if you miss a test, you may be given the same grade as the next test, and so on. Curving of make-up exam grades is at the discretion of the instructor.
Notification of absence must be given before the commencement of the scheduled examination or test to me. You need to type a professional memo (no e-mails will be accepted) about your absence addressed to me as soon as possible. Attach any documentation with it.
Do not presume that your reasons for missing an examination or test are acceptable unless authorization is given to you.
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Students who need to be absent under this rule must provide written notice of date(s) to me by the second-class meeting.
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Any student who feels he/she may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the Office for Student Disability Services at 813-974-4309 in SVC 1133 to coordinate reasonable accommodations for students with documented disabilities. The website is
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The following restates portions of USF Academic Policy from the USF Undergraduate Manual concerning the “incomplete” grade, academic dishonesty, and disruption of academic process. The faculty of the Department of Mechanical Engineering requests all students in the department to be informed of these policies.
Incomplete Grade Policy
“It may be awarded to an undergraduate student only when a small portion of the students work is incomplete and only when the student is otherwise earning a passing grade.”
Academic Dishonesty
“Each individual is expected to earn his/her degree on the basis of personal effort. Consequently, any form of cheating on examinations or plagiarism on assigned papers constitutes unacceptable deceit and dishonesty.”
Penalties for Academic Dishonesty
“Penalties for academic dishonesty will depend on the seriousness of the offense and may include assignment of an “F” or a numerical value of zero on the subject paper, lab report, etc., an “F” or an “FF” grade (the latter indicating academic dishonesty) in the course, suspension or expulsion from the University.” In this course, a FF is assigned for any cheating in the assigned HW,quizzes, and/or competency tests.
Disruption of Academic Process
“Disruption of the classroom or teaching environment is also unacceptable. This cannot be tolerated in the University community, and will be punishable, according to the seriousness of the offense.”
Punishment Guidelines for Disruption of Academic Process
“Punishment for disruption of academic process will depend on the seriousness of the disruption and will range from a private verbal reprimand to dismissal from class with a final grade of “W,” if the student is passing the course. If the student is not passing, a grade of “F” will be shown on the student record. Particularly serious instances of disruption of the academic process may result in suspension or permanent expulsion from the University.”
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In response to student requests and instructor observations, the following class rules will apply in this course:
  1. Put the cell phones on silent or vibrate. Cell phones should be out of sight and not answered inside the classroom.
  2. No checking of e-mail or internet surfing in the class or during the breaks. This rule applies as soon as you sit in your seat in the classroom.
  3. No food or drink.
  4. No talking during lecture (except for questions to instructor).
  5. No reading newspapers or magazines or solving crossword puzzles, etc during lecture.
  6. No working on other course work during lecture.
  7. No use of laptops.
  8. No use of portable electronic music devices (mp3 players, ipods, etc).
The purpose of these class rules is to eliminate activity that is disruptive to the academic process. Most students view these as a common courtesy to the instructor and fellow students. Failure to comply with a class rule will be viewed as a Disruption to the Academic Process. The penalty for such disruption is given in the syllabus.
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