Dear Resident:

Because of severe subfreezing weather, water pipes in our apartment community may freeze and burst if all of us do not take immediate action. Please take the following precautions as soon as you read this notice.

1.  Please run both hot and cold water at a pencil-lead size stream on the following faucets in your apartment: kitchen sink, bathroom lavatories, bath tubs, showers, wet bar sinks, washer connections, etc. (Don’t forget to make sure drains are open and draining.)

2.  Please leave the faucets dripping until further notice from us. We will notify you when to stop the dripping by removing the FREEZE WARNING signs at the property entrances.

3.  Please do not turn your heat completely off when you leave for the day or for an extended period of time. Instead, leave the heat on, but turn the temperature down to the lowest setting you wish. Be sure to leave cabinet doors open under the kitchen sink and bathroom sinks to allow heat to the plumbing.

4.  If you are gone, the management may enter your apartment for the above purposes in order to avoid potential property damage from burst water pipes as authorized in your lease agreement.

5.  The foregoing applies to every apartment in the community. These precautions are essential in order to avoid the more drastic measure of temporarily cutting off the water to all units and draining the lines to prevent damage from bursting pipes.

The damage from frozen pipes can be substantial. If the pipes in your apartment freeze and burst, water may damage your clothes, furniture, stereos, TV and other property such as the carpet, walls and ceilings. You may be found liable to the resident below or adjacent to you if you have negligently failed to take proper precautions. This is especially important if you or your neighboring residents do not have insurance to cover such damage. The casualty insurance on the apartment owner’s building does not cover damages to other people’s property. You are encouraged to buy insurance (like homeowners do) to cover unexpected damage from water, fire, windstorm, etc. to your personal belongings.

Thank you for your prompt and continuous cooperation regarding this serious problem.


The Management


Apartment No.

______By: ______

Date hand delivered to resident or

posted on inside of main entry door

of dwelling unit. P.S. How is your automobile antifreeze?

SunRidge\Office\Admin\Freeze Warning1.doc