1 - 1st 30 days (Called it The 30 Day Dynasty Foundation Series)

2 - 2nd 30 days (Called it Emerald to DIAMOND 30 Day Series)

3 - 3rd 30 days (Called it The 30 Day Dynasty Master Series)

Selected 10 people who have at least 4 coaches, but have never been diamond *and whom I know have the drive* for the Emerald to Diamond Series.

and 10 People for the Master Series who are either CLOSE to diamond (could legit get there in 30 days) or have been diamond before but fallen out and like I said, a couple that ARE diamond, but barely

Dream Team Duplication Program Emerald to Diamond+ (4 coaches at minimum)

Ask coach basics grads that are stuck at emerald that want to get to the next level.

Month goal is to find 3-5 coaches to be your first coach apprenticeship program, success club 5 and pushing for 10, emerald or higher.

Give new coaches the Diamond Team Document before it starts- How to lay out your steps to getting to diamond.

  1. Week 1: How to attract business building coaches (welcome video- Melanie)
  2. Make a list of 10 qualities of your ideal coach. I also want you to give yourself a rating from 1 to 5 of where you fall with these qualities.


MORNING COACHES! I can’t tell you HOW EXCITED I am to begin this series with you! Melanie and I have poured our heart and soul into this to make sure that YOU have every possible chance at becoming a SUCCESSFUL BEACHBODY COACH and have the ability to live your life by DESIGN!

When we thought about how we should start this series, we BOTH agreed that the first week should be focused on how to ATTRACT BUSINESS BUILDING COACHES!

Our first assignment is THIS: Make a list of the 10 QUALITIES your IDEAL COACH would have. (Take some time to think about this... What are the things you believe are needed in a TOP COACH? - List them on a sheet of paper or type them below)

Now, take a good look over your list and rate yourself from 1-5 in each quality. {This activity was a MAJOR wakeup call to me when I did it originally}

Post your list and scores below (If you did it on paper, feel free to post a picture of your list below!)

  1. Make a list of the small successes you have seen so far as a coach. Now take that and craft that into a post, including an eye catching imagine. Post in the group first so we can you feedback on your post before going live. (make word doc with examples) Document of small successes:

Here is my post: (DAY TWO!

Look - Just as your customers are attracted into your challenges through before and after results and stories of transformation, the SAME is true in your coaching business!!! However, we have seen that OFTEN TIMES people undermine their business achievements, as they feel they pale in comparison to some of the success stories from our team!

NOT TRUE! To be completely honest, if you think about your mindset when you just started… don't you think stories like mine are almost "UN-ACHIEVABLE" or hard to believe in the eyes of those who do not know me personally? I think it is WAY more inspiring and "achievable" in people's eyes when they see that someone signed up as a coach 5 months ago and was just able to pay their car payment with their Beachbody income… or a coach of mine posted this morning that she was able to pay her first month's law school loan payment with the income she has made with Beachbody!

Do not underestimate the DIFFERENCE an extra $500 a month could make for someone who is struggling to keep their lights on… or how motivating it is for someone to know that they could be surrounded by other like-minded, encouraging individuals just by joining this team!

Today's assignment is to make a list of the small successes you have seen so far as a coach. Now take that and craft that into a post, including an eye catching imagine. Post in the group first so we can you feedback on your post before going live.

Example Document of small successes:

Enrichment from Alyssa: I want to "SHARE" some good challenge group posts and coach posts that I have seen in my newsfeed.

Here's the group of links that highlights what makes a good post... I'll just say I think a good coach FB post leads with WHY you're doing something, not WHAT you're doing. To me, that's the common demoninator in all of these posts. Order of information makes a difference. Watch Simon Sinek's "start with why" video, better yet read his book - and you'll learn how to make GREAT posts.

  1. Ideas daily on different ways to advertise for coaches. Read this post and then craft your own and post below in your own words. (make a word doc with responses from Dynasty Wall)

Here is my post: (Today we are going post on coaching! There are so many successful ways that coaches have advertised for new individuals to join their teams. Lindsay and I compiled a list of the most successful posts from other coaches on our teams. So go through here and get some ideas and then your job is to re create a post and advertise today!!!

You can either post your status update here for feedback and then post on your wall or just respond done when you post it!!!

  1. Happy Thursday! We are 4 days into our Push to Diamond, we had a GREAT call yesterday and we have a clear focus of where we want to go!

The biggest determination of YOUR success is your ability to create a following, develop an influence, and just stay interesting!

How do you do that? You foster interaction on your social media sites through likes and shares! Today, is totally unrelated to Beachbody but just literally creating buzz!!!

We want to grow our network today by asking people to like or share our posts.

Watch this video and post below the post you are doing today targeting this assignment!

Expanding your market through likes and shares sites: viralviralvideos godfind.com

  1. What to say when someone asks you what a coach is? Step by step (Melanie Make a video with 2 different scenarios. One with a random person on facebook and the other that is a challenger.)

What do you say when someone asks you what a coach is? How do you not vomit information all over them!?

This week we have done some amazing posts, we aer stepping out of our comfort zone and we are gaining some serious traction. So now it's time to really feel comfortable with what we say when people ask!

Watch this video and tell me how many people are you going to talk to today about coaching?

How close are you to your goal of getting to Diamond? Remember that 2 out of every 10 people you talk to will sign up! How many people do you NEED to talk to??!!

  1. Week 2: Building your brand Reaching outside of your warm market, focus on your niche market. (Video by Lindsay)
  2. Personal Facebook page- WEEK TWO, --- DAY #1!

Welcome to WEEK TWO! This week we will be focusing on EVERYTHING that is :::SOCIAL MEDIA:::, (i.e.. Facebook person pages, Facebook LIKE Pages, YouTube, Blogging and Instagram) :)

As we begin this week, we want you to keep in mind that it is BETTER to be a master of FEW than average at MANY… You DO NOT need to run out and DO any and everything that you see other coaches succeeding at… It's ALL ABOUT finding your NICHE and continually sharpening your skills at 2 of these 5 rather than 5 of these 5 social media platforms!

Lindsay's two are: FACEBOOK PERSONAL PAGE & YOUTUBE, while Melanie's two are: HER BLOG & FACEBOOK PERSONAL PAGE.

You will notice that Shiva Latify focuses mainly on her Instagram, while Brigitte Linford has an amazing FB Like Page! Scottie Hobbs gets much of HIS traffic from YouTube… and Brittany LeGette, who is sharing with you today, has built a 5 STAR DIAMOND ELITE business almost entirely through her FB Personal Page!

{How to choose?} <---> I think it is ALL about going with the two you gravitate towards MOST! For me, I started my Beachbody journey by making a series of YouTube videos… so it made sense to continue my journey there, as that is where I first became inspired!!! ---> and then, as I had London, I very naturally gravitated to FB to share our story, and that is where I have stayed since!

It is EASY to see people succeeding at something and wonder if you should do it yourself… It's not a bad option to explore/research it to see if it FITS for you… but DO NOT feel like you HAVE TO force it! :)

Today's assignment is to post below ONE TIP from Brittany's video that stood out to you MOST! <3

  1. Like page training- Brigitte Lingford - CALL TO ACTION: Share 2 key take-aways)

Day 2 of week 2: Today we are talking about Like pages! A like page is a great way to expand outside of your personal friends and family members. A like page has come into play for many coaches if they do not want to post on their personal page and wish to keep their business separate from their personal life. I personally have a like page but I do the majority of my business through my personal page. I have quite a few coaches like Alyssa Schomaker and Brigitte Lingford who have very successful like pages that drive their business forward. There are a few things that can drive your business thru a like page and we have none other than the wonderful Brigitte Lingford to share that with us! Watch this webinar and give me 2 key take aways from this! Do you have a like page? If so, post the link below?

  1. Youtube training- today is all about YOUTUBE, the one platform that scares so many people. But it doesn’t have to be that way! Actually it is the one area the propels your business forward in an amazing way if you embrace it. So today you get to explore and MAKE a YOUTUBE VIDEO!! YES, you can't run and hide from this, it truly does make all the difference in the world when it comes to success with coaching.

Today your assignment is to make a video on the perks of having a coach!

Melanie’s Example:

  1. Blog training- Melanie’s Video

Blogging can either be like nails on a chalkboard or music to your ears! I know that creating a blog is NOT for everyone and it is totally ok to admit that. Just because it has worked for me doesn’t mean it will work for you. I am extremely passionate about what I write and I don’t look at my blog as a chore. But if you are the type that is writing a blog because you THINK you HAVE TO then it will not be as successful. Your personality, passion, love for writing will come through in your blog posts. It honestly doesn’t matter how aesthetically pleasing your blog is at first, what matters the most is that you have content that others want to read! So today, here is your introduction to beginning blogging! Take this information and decide if blogging is for you!

What are your top 2 take a ways and if you do have a blog post the link below.

  1. Instagram- Alyssa Schomaker, How to use instagram to build your business.


Alright LEADERS!!! I want to say THANK YOU for representing… for SHOWING UP and making it KNOWN to me that you are SERIOUS about building this business!!!

TODAY marks our HALF WAY POINT -- and although most of our assignments have been 5-15 minute videos, I want to share this one with you and take a bit more of your time -- Not only because it's one of my mentor's, Chalene Johnson,… Not only because it is about one of the FASTEST GROWING social media platforms, INSTAGRAM… but also because the concepts here can be applied to all areas of your business/social media platforms.

This is the final assignment of the week, so you will have until SUNDAY to complete it… HOWEVER… if on MONDAY it is not posted, I am going to assume you no longer wish to complete the training and will remove you. (YES, I am totally being a hard-ass with this series!) Why? Because I KNOW what it takes to succeed in this business… and half-ass is NOT going to get you there! As your coach, it's not my job to be your cheerleader… it's by job to share with you the RIGHT PLAYS to win the game… to point out both your STRENGTHS… and YOUR WEAKNESSES (& then help you make BOTH of them stronger!)

I want this for you guys SO DANG BAD!!! I really am PROUD OF WHAT YOU HAVE ACHIEVED THUS FAR --- But man, the real FRUITS of this business lie just outside your reach right now… So we've gotta keep stretching you until you GET THERE!!!

Please watch this video (start at 2:45 to skip the dancing and craziness, lol)

and then post below your THREE key takeaways and how you plan to apply them to your business!

Week 3:

Monday: Getting people to apply and getting them signed up. Intro video: Lindsay:

Applications have really simplified my life in so many ways. When someone is interested in coaching it's almost like, WHERE DO I START! There is already so much information to share but its hard to know what to say first. So, when someone says they are interested in coaching have them fill out your application. This way you know exactly what questions they have and what they are worried or nervous about. Then, from there you can provide them with exactly what they need to hear!

Plus I feel like it makes coaching on YOUR team a little MORE OFFICIAL!!!!

Create your first wufoo application and post the link below.

Lindsay’s Vid on Applications:

LINK to Lindsay's application:

Melanie’s Link to Application:

Call to ACTION: Complete your own application then create a post, status update, or other social media content advertising for individuals to join your team. Make sure to include an image as well!

Tuesday:Hey team, so now that we have created our application what do you do when you get a response?

First, I am sure you are busting out the happy dance and rightfully so! This is exciting! But the most important thing to do next is not to verbally vomit information all over them! Read the application, then craft a short but informative response sharing a little bit about what you offer to your new coaches that is unique to You. Here is an example of what I say, how I respondand most importantly how I make sure my response doesn’t go to their SPAM! Providing the right balance of just enough information takes time and practice but this guide should help you get started!


Call to Action: Post about coaching, something that has truly had an impact on your life pertaining to coaching. Then invite people to join your team, advertise that you only have 2-3 spots available in your next coach training program and you want to positively impact the lives of others the same way it has been impacted for you. Include application and image. Share with the group.

Wednesday: Video on the 3 options of types of coaching, discount coach, somewhere in the middle between wanting to get their own transformation first, and business building coach.

Options for new coaches:

When speaking to someone about the types of coaching there is out there its important to not assume everyone wants to be a rock star coach or jump right in and build a business.

Some people want to work on their transformation first, some just want the discount and others truly want to hit the ground running. But if we don’t articulate the options to people and that either option is acceptable most likely people will not jump on the opportunity.

So watch this video, then you get to create your own!!! FUN right! Stretching you out of your comfort zone once again, and making you grow of course!!!!

Post your video below!!!

I recently did a blog post about this too! Here is how I incorporated this into my business.

Thursday: Getting your new coaches started right: Melanie’s welcome email, getting started right interview, Lindsay do a video on how she starts new coaches and Melanie’s video on how she starts new coaches.

Melanie’s Welcome email:

Lindsay’s Welcome Email:

My video on getting a new coach started right

Friday: 10 points of a great leader

Week 4

4. How to run your own coach apprenticeship program. Welcome to week 4 of the emerald to diamond training. This week is all about running your own coach apprenticeship program. As a developing leader taking this step to running your own can be scary, but remember that you have been successful as a new coach and YOU absolutely can teach someone else to do the same! Just duplicate what you are doing now, teach them your tips, tricks and ways you have started challenge groups, made them your own, and invited people to become coaches. New coaches put their trust in our process, and you HAVE a good one! Never doubt that about yourself.